Allopathy Gone Awry

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DeeDee Shaw
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Frequently
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I am writing a series of articles that I will eventually post on a website. While they are in phase one of editing, I am posting them as notes on Facebook.!/note.php?note_id=394546698848&comments

Mardy suggested that I post this one in the forums here, and this one seemed like the logical choice for this topic.  The series of articles I am writing is titled "The ABCs of Better Health." Most of the articles focus on a particular condition, discuss the cause, and some natural solutions. However, looking at our broken model is foundational, so I felt compelled to address allopathy first.

Allopathy Gone Awry -ABC's of Better Health
I think we can all agree that our health care system is broken. In the year 2000 (the last published scorecard from the WHO), the US was ranked 37th in Health Care Performance. A quick look around the web (or in the local doctor's office), and it is easy to see that it has gotten much worse in the past 10 years. When the JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) openly reports that our medical system is one of the leading causes of death, you know it has to be pretty bad! There is a huge national buzz about needing change, but no real change has been suggested, just government funding for more of the same. Will it help? Of course! But that really isn't the question to ask. We should be asking who will it help?

I'm providing the link to a short and very funny cartoon video on YouTube by Dr Mercola's team titled The Town of Allopath ( I hope you enjoy it and find it thought-provoking. Until the problem is exposed, not many people will look for a real solution. We as a generation have grown up doing things the way we do them just because it has always been done that way. We are so far removed from Plato & Aristotle that asking the question “why” doesn't occur to us. “Why?” Because we have been taught not to question. "It Is Because It Is ...that's why!" We find ourselves in the era of improvement, not discovery. Without common sense questions, this is a scary place to be. “Why?” Because when we improve upon a method that is already faulty...all we get is faultier.

The model of allopathy is a case in point. It is a system of treating symptoms, not looking for causes. In a most simplistic sense, it appears reasonable. In order to expose the flaw, let's create a hypothetical example. When you have a headache, a plausible solution would be to take an OTC pain reliever, right? So....what if you have reoccurring headaches? Doesn't it make sense to try and figure out what is causing the headaches?

So, at some point you come to the conclusion that it is time to see a doctor to determine the problem. In most cases that requires a battery of tests which are designed to discover the cause. So far, this model seems like a good method. But what happens if there isn't a blatant explanation like a tumor? Or what happens if during the examination it is discovered that you have high blood pressure which is 'causing' the headaches? The doctor writes a prescription for a blood pressure medication, and pats you on the back telling you it will get better.

You are also told that you'll be taking this med for the rest of your life. On occasion you might get some instructions to exercise more and lose a few pounds along with a print out of one of the “low diets” (low fat, low carb, or low calorie). Oh, and don't forget to schedule your next appointment so you can get your prescription renewed.

There are actually a few allopathic doctors that have a little training in nutrition, but not many. In medical school, the education is focused on pharmacology and diagnosis. In this case the 'diagnosis' was high blood pressure. But the real “why” was never uncovered. High blood pressure is a symptom. You might say, “But the doctor told me it was because I am overweight.” Being overweight can contribute to high blood pressure, but it isn't the cause, otherwise everyone who is overweight would have high blood pressure. There are lots of skinny people that have high blood pressure. Even many who consider themselves "holistic" in their approach will treat allopathically with herbs instead of drugs. Though this is a better approach, it still only addresses the symptom most of the time.

It is my opinion, the best method is to apply common sense in a truly holistic way, much the same way that James Lind approached scurvy. A good first question to ask is “What is missing?” In the case of the Navy it was fresh fruits and vegetables. Deeper digging uncovered that citrus fruits was key.

In the world of wellness, we do see this approach more broadly used. We even see it to a small degree in the development of the RDA. A great article to read on the misnomers of the RDA can be found @ . As we progress, we are learning more about what nutrients are vital for good health. In recent years we have learned more about the importance of Omega fats, even though they aren't on the RDA list. Antioxidants have taken the front row as the baby boomers start to feel their age, because there is convincing research that antioxidants are essential to slow the aging process.

One reason that allopathy might not use this approach is because it requires more patient compliance, and in general it takes longer to arrive at an acceptable resolution. For some people, even when they make changes to include everything necessary to promote good health, there are residual effects of prior bad choices. Toxin buildup needs to be addressed, and often parasites play a key role in preventing a wellness approach from working optimally.

Sadly, we live in a world where people prefer to take a pill than to put forth the effort to take care of themselves properly. Other influencing factors are the ever-present drug representatives and ads promoting the latest and greatest pharmaceuticals on the market. Our society has evolved into a “fast food nation” that demands instant gratification. Logic isn't taught anymore, so we think more in terms of the here and now, than pondering the cause-effect relationship which forces one to ask the question, “What will be the long term result of following this protocol?” Common sense allopathy is an oxymoron. There must be a paradigm shift if we are going to make the changes necessary to improve our health score card which is inherently connected to the treatment model being used.

Sharing Hope,

Dee Dee


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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Health Management: Progressive Paradigms in Video on Lumigrate

This is a wonderful write up by DeeDee, I believe.  THANK YOU so much, DeeDee! 

I love to see new information on, particularly when readable (fast for people, as time is a resource, just like energy and money).  And then I like to remind people at key opportunities about what the original content of Lumigrate included -- because clearly DeeDee and I and 'my homies from Grand Junction, Colorado' are on the SAME PAGE... Chris Young, PhD's video on Health Management covers these concepts as well as how patients get the run around being out of the loop with allopathic medicine.   The solution is the You model that is also on the home page of the website -- but his full explanation is really quite empowering and entertaining. 

It takes an hour to watch but downloading's a snap and it's FREE -- it covers 'the law of the lamp post' and 'law of the hammer' and really has broad applications for today's health care and has really helped me to understand things better in terms of fibromyalgia for myself and then other conditions such as diabetes -- it's not 'just one thing' that is the cause or the cure with holistic medicine.  With integrative medicine, you treat body, mind and spirit and don't just prescribe a pill and say 'go exercise and lose weight'.  It was prepared by him, as the psychologist initially with the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado.  He specializes in chronic pain and work-related behavioral wellness, providing services to many industries and law enforcement organizations in western Colorado.  The video is on the website Videos area... the link is:

And I LOVE the YouTube video DeeDee provides to the link to, above.  What a creative and FUN way of presenting the history and current reality of allopathy and the pharmaceutical industry.  It's from Dr. Mercola, who is even being embraced now by Dr Oz on his popular television show.  All of these things are adding up to help shift the huge 'system' of people, consumers and providers.  The consumers are the ones who have the most impact, I believe; hence I made Lumigrate be a tool for the consumers who hopefully will feel empowered to Print/Email and call/talk to their providers about information they wish their providers had in front of them.  

Thanks to all who contribute.  Thanks, DeeDee, you're a treasure, not just a treasure chest of information and I know you have a very full plate with your family of human and non-humans! 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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