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weight loss
Question: Dr Spurlock, I have recently had conversations with people who had been on HCG in the injectable form or were considering it and either didn't like the idea of shots or had found it didn't 'reset' the metabolism as they'd been lead to believe and they were thinking it was the calories and not the HCG that had lead to the weight loss.
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Take action? Take no action?
What will you choose today?
How can you make it easy to make healthy choices on a daily basis? The only secret is to turn your ideas into action steps. Think ahead, plan for healthy choices and track your actions on a daily basis. read more »
NEW YORK, DECEMBER, 2011—The Beat Sugar Addiction Now! Cookbook (Fair Winds Press) by board certified internist and renowned energy expert Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, and holistic nutritionist and healthy cooking coach, Dr. Deirdre Rawlings, provides a delicious and information-rich roadmap to balancing your blood sugar, losing weight and feeling great—the companion to his earlier blockbuster, Beat Sugar Addiction NOW!
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This blog was originally posted at Besides the side-effect of weight loss, eating a diet that keeps your blood sugar balanced is important to keep inflammation low. There have been other studies, as well as individual cases (friends and colleagues of mine) that show the significance that low-glycemic diets have in reducing pain. I invite you to read more... read more »
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At year's end, I must say that I'm hopeful.
Yes, we have an obesity and diabetes epidemic. Yes, we have a generation of children who are less healthy than their parents were as children.
But as I read all new books and magazine articles emerging on healthy eating, I see that there's an awareness growing that being mindful is the necessary backdrop for any kind of personal transformation, including weight loss and becoming healthier.
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For most people losing weight is a trying experience. Trying every diet that comes along, trying what each and every weight loss expert says you should do, trying to stay away from the “bad” foods, trying to exercise, trying to eat the ‘right” foods, trying to stick to the plans and goals you’ve set for yourself, trying again to lose the weight you regained after the last time you tried to lose it. read more »
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