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I've seen many people who share the link to Dr Jeffrey Schaber's speech when accepting the 2006 Thomas Szasz Award comment "Best speech about mental health ever". There is also a thought-provoking video of Dr. Szasz, who was the co-founder of the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights which I felt greatly helped understand what this organization is about. read more »
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I saw this on facebook, posted by Marianne Williamson, and thought it would be an interesting topic of discussion:
"Suffering doesn't make us weak; only an avoidance of suffering makes us weak. Sometimes the only way to get around it is to burn through it." -- Marianne Williamson
She also posted a quote by one of the long-time ago leaders in the world of mental health:
"All neurosis is a substitute for legitimate suffering." -- Carl Jung read more »
I thought I'd start an area here for people to Comment or just read ... and in a year and a quarter, over 1,000 people read this topic! No comments, so that lets us know this is an area of interest to people. I'll then work on providers who would have insight about this to get more information and resources. read more »
As you may or may not have read, I am an occupational therapist by training. It is a lovely, historical history of how some smart 'reconstruction aids' in WW-I got the idea to work with what motivated the guys that basically didn't want to 'do' what the PTs were asking them to do for their rehabilitation and figured out that if you 'engage the mind, the body will follow". They used a lot of gardening, woodworking, painting, crafts ..... read more »
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