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I belong to a lot of Facebook groups, and I'm selective and look for where the high level learners and doers are. Today, they were rapidly finding this a wonderful article in a group focused on the aspect of 'mold'. A really nice comment was how she loved her vagus nerve, and someone replied how just saying that was helping it. read more »
I was one of the first people Dr. John Cantanzaro added to his new group, which appears to have been created on May 3, 2016. As of my creating this topic on Memorial Day 2016, the end of May, there are 2,849 other people, or profiles I should say, in the group. I'm going to take this topic in a direction of revealing how I go about 'looking into someone'.
Naturally, there's their website. This is what is said at his: read more »
I keep finding books as time goes on that are out NEW and I think are fabulous. I hear about them because of the publicity stunts they do to get people hearing about the book and people buying them. The Mood Cure is far from new, but I was surprised after looking through it to see how long ago it was written; 2002! How I found this book might be of interest and I think is a rather fun little 'story'. I don't think of myself as having a mood problem, similarly I didn't think of myself as having a sugar addiction .... read more »
- 5317 reads
When YOU hear the words "behavioral health" (or 'problem'), "mental health" (or 'problem'), "psychiatric", "psychological", or any of the 'labels' that go along with it from organized medicine (ADD, ADHD, depression, mood disorder, personality disorder, etc.) what is your presumption about what has contributed to the lack of wellness in that individual or group of people? And -- is it accurate today? Are you holding onto a pre-conceived notion, past learning, and have not replaced old information with new? read more »
- 8338 reads
Emotions and copper; people who are violent have copper 'issues' at work (think verbal and emotionally violent and not just physical, perhaps). This is one of the key things presented at NourishingPlot. read more »
I am pleased to see that there are a few innovative treatment facilities in the United States looking at the body, not just mind and spirit, when it comes to what causes addictions, and how to address them from a functional medicine perspective, looking for the underlying reasons and root causes and treating at 'that level'. It makes sense that there are physiological causes -- what those are might suprise you, as well as how many people are affected, who might not be identified as 'addicts'. read more »
- 19655 reads
St. Patrick's Day was yesterday and I had to chuckle at the information I was watching on television from the author of the current bestselling book Grain Brain, David Perlmutter, MD. His message strongly reinforces everything we've had for the five years since Lumigrate launched in March of 2009, and carries it orders of magnitude further in terms of focusing on things related to the brain and grains that have gluten in them. AND things that drive the blood sugar up and down and around. Ever heard of 'glycemic index'? read more »
Going 'round the Internet, I saw via social media, is an article titled "Is Roundup the Cause of 'Gluten Intolerance'? read more »
- 3318 reads
Healthy and "happy" things in your head are always good and desirable, right? I'd say so! I'm not really sure why the pineal gland was not a bigger topic in my formal education (occupational therapy, mid 1990s, Colorado State University and before that K-12 in the biggest school district in Colorado. The curriculum came in big boxes to the teachers and they were teaching what was mostly set up for them to educate us about.) I started hearing about it when I started talking to other medical professionals about fluoride and the effects fluoride has on the body. read more »
I have never heard/read so many people having troubles "dealing with" what is going around them; there are a lot of 'crazy' things going on and it seems to have seeped into every crack in the complex framework of America (and beyond). I've gotten good reaction so far in my half-joking suggestion that I create an area of my business that's for people who want to just throw in the towel and eat, drink, and be as merry as possible for as short a time as possible because it's so difficult to be on planet Earth right now. read more »