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Mid-day e-newsletter from Dr. Teitelbaum
As many of you know, Dr. Teitelbaum and I both were invited to a conference this past July in Berkeley, California. (We were both invited by a documentary filmmaker doing a series on chronic pain/illness). He was on the Dr. Oz show's initial October airing of a show about 'exhaustion' where they introduced him as being an expert and having written books about 'chronic fatigue' but the focused on the word 'exhaustion'. Dr. Teitelbaum and I both apparently were made aware of an unbelievably noxious uprising in the fibromyalgia community that was filled with anger, hatred, and in my direction, outright lying. Some people apparently are unhappy about his being the medical director of a large, private-pay clinic in the United States which is not known for giving out information. Apparently since has 5 $20 videos among it's massive amount of free information and I 'know' Dr. Teitelbaum, people somehow thought Lumigrate was somehow in the same 'pod'. I'll simply say that it's the United States and we have free enterprise and government systems and we all operate within those boundaries. In order to help people understand why people had made such outragious and quite franky slanderous and legally precarious statements about me, I posted a piece in the Forum / Psychology about how when something bad happens to a person they can be in a cycle of unhappiness that is quite unproductive and how to move that forward to 'letting go'. Any of our followers know that our Forum area for fibromyalgia is set up to not only provide education for people (for no cost), it is designed to acknowledge the emotions involved with a frustrating chronic illness -- venting, crying, laughing, etc. So I wanted to bring this up first.
So: for the record, I have no association with Dr. Teitelbaum aside from that I have the second edition of his book, have done much of what he suggested and found it beneficial over the years, and we know each other loosely and communicated in May in order for his to be invited to the conference after I was. In my opinion, it was of tremendous benefit to the conference and hence the chronic pain population who will greatly benefit from the documentary series when it comes to fruition. He is a 'celebrity' in the chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia 'world' and it is a great thing that he also was asked to be part of Dr. Oz's show. Wouldn't you agree? I hope this has resolved any leftover questions about any of this and I suggest we simply put this aside and move forward with the people who want to be supportive of Lumigrate and our mission and let others who don't feel they want to be a part of what Lumigrate is doing find their own route. It's a free country, and we have MANY options.
But that has appeared to me to be much of the problem for people finding good information about chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia at least. So once again, I suggest people take the FREE symptom analyzer on Dr. T's website. I'll set you up below with a link to the previous blog about him at that conference, AND to his website with the following so that there can be no mistaking this time as there was last time, about where I got my information from. You then will get the email from his website such as the one I am attaching below and in the future if someone takes my blog and edits it down and republishes it claiming that it is how I had written it, you might know to come check your trusted sources and not get involved in something unknowingly. There is a lot of trickery out there, we all know. So 'chose your friends wisely' perhaps comes to mind.
Related to Dr T's appearance on the Dr Oz show and website: What I'd like to suggest to people is to think about if you were a business and a group of providers and businesses (such as Dr. Oz, his company or companies, Dr. T and his company/ companies), is how you would organize your shows, sponsors, investments and other resources. (Resources = time, energy, money). In what appears to me to be an organized and well 'thought-out' plan to bring this big and important topic out to the public in a way that is most advantageous to the public AND the people putting their resources into the show and on a show that does 15 minutes segments instead of hour-long as Oprah does, they are doing a great job.
I found the first Dr. Oz with Dr. T to have good highlights of what 'exhaustion' is. They diffused it by calling it 'exhaustion' and not 'fatigue'. They suggested good advise from my standpoint and it was clear it was the tip of the iceberg. In that it is on ABC and ABC had brought a new study to light two weeks earlier about a 'new' retrovirus discovered which is present with CFS, I figured they would get around to talking about that study and sure enough there is a test kit you can order to see if you have it, per the show yesterday. I feel they were trying to make people a bit hysterical about if they had the virus and didn't know it; today on the same show they discussed how we all have cancer cells that our bodies keep at bay. So I feel the show yesterday stopped short of discussing progressive nutritional concepts to keep your immune system up. Simple stuff like overall healthy lifestyle -- 'The Four Pillars' -- sleep, exercise, nutrition, water. But they only had fifteen minutes on this installment. I'm sure there will be MUCH MORE about this important and popular topic.
I appreciate they are trying to minimize 'The F Word' as I call it, because personally once that word was put in my medical chart, my life changed. I was 'uninsurable' so in order to have insurance I worked for companies that were risky at best and was as intollerant of their bad behavior as you might see I was in the opening paragraph about unethical and illegal behavior that involved me with Lumigrate and my name. I continued and continue to work as an occupational therapist in health care in order to work and invoke change on PEOPLE's lives FIRST and foremost. Lumigrate is about the occupation of health care and I'm working very hard to bring this honestly and simply to people without strings attached to the information that can be presented at Right now we are advertiser-free and nobody is making any money anywhere from any products for 'endorsements'. That will likely change over time but ethics and honesty are my foundation.
I adore the Dr. Oz show overall -- they hit such GREAT information and I've been studying this stuff for years and years. But yesterday's show was a disappointment to me. I know they will roll out more shows and have Dr. T and others on -- they're asking for people's stories at the show as you might know. But yesterday appeared to me to be 'cause some hysteria, someone's selling a test kit, and there's not much you can do except sleep hygiene and eat a balance diet and as the woman MD expert said, get more research dollars and projects and development of more drugs.' Well, that's all true and great, but goodness there is so much GOOD NESS people can do for their health and MUCH information is right here at
The videos are ALL geared in an overall plan to provide information about supplements, nutrition, detoxifying our troubled bodies and lives, food allergies (which are a HUGE contributor to chronic illness and most people do NOT KNOW they have them), and even a video about resisting change in your life. Think about it, if you're going to make all the lifestyle things happen that will take you to higher health than the average American or person in your country around the world .. and we've all made changes and then slipped backwards.... isn't it a great tool to give people to have a simple guided imagery exercise and hour-long video by a national expert about performance enhancement?
I suggest we all hang in here together and keep reading, writing (comment area below or in the Forum areas and on facebook for fast communications that get people involved and looking here at the website) and talking, as this rodeo isn't over. I'm figuring they'll continue to have more on Dr. Oz and then Oprah and it's going to expand into all the topics I have outlined above that are right here on They have many topics to focus on with those shows and many components to producing what they produce, which includes products that they have investments in more than likely. Again, it's America. They are television shows. Just be realistic.
And please keep looking here at the blog because I have written to the doctor from 20 years ago who told me then that a retrovirus was involved, and he knew this via National Jewish Hospital and research program in Denver. But for today, I'll leave this here with you. And look forward to what YOU think. ~~ Mardy
3 LINKS BELOW: (and please explore the areas of Lumigrate -- Products routes you to the kinds of things we use and take and suggest to patients such as Dr. Rollins and Lepisto do, Blog and Forums are packed with info.
Link to Dr. T's website and post about the Dr. Oz show yesterday --
Link to blog about the conference re: Documentary Series on Pain where Dr. T and I and others were in July:
Link to Video portion of where you might find solutions that are more progressive than what Dr. Oz's show said yesterday related to chronic fatigue and pain:
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
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