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The Billie Green Collaborative Care Project - There is a Village Raising Her from a Crack into "The Groove"
On January 1 of this year (2013), Billie Green unwittingly stepped into a new role, as her "YOU!" of the Lumigrate collaborative care model. As a resident of the Grand Valley of western Colorado, moving here after completing the rehabilitation provided by her employer through worker's compensation insurance, with very limiting restrictions at the end of that process which left her looking for work but definitely NOT looking good on an application to employers. She became an active/proactive patient.
I became aware of Billie through Facebook in the summer of 2012, when I posted something on my personal Facebook page about pain. I'd noticed things she'd shared since we'd become Facebook friends, however that happened, I don't recall specifically, but I'm glad it did! Like thousands of other Facebook friends who I hope will follow me, and then see to find their way -- the path, so to speak -- to in order to learn about solutions to their health issues, or learn how to maintain their wellness. And Contact Us/me either through the website or at Facebook or at my email or call me, if they have an issue they're 'stuck on'. And Billie was stuck, she'd basically fallen through a crack. More about THAT, if you follow the link, below, to the forum topic about her, where we'll be adding ALL the information about her. Billie's story in her own words is there already, as well as a contribution by the first provider to work with her on a complementary bases after I started with her, as she let me know loud and clear she wanted chiropractic care!
We are using her real name and images of her in photographs, with her permission, as she wants to team with us to help educate people about her situation and what caused it, and what she, with the help of all the people surrounding her in her "YOU! team", are doing to address her goals. Her ultimate goal is to return to having her life be as it would be if she had not had the injury at work in May of 2009, including income which allows her to meet her needs for living a life like she had before.
If you've been following the blogs at, you know that in the fall of 2012 we featured similarly Lumigrate's "Amazing Alice of Alabama", related to breast cancer on top of pre-existing fibromyalgia. However, we were really limited in what we could do for Alice in Mobile, Alabama beyond my offering to give complimentary 1:1 advise along the way to her.
When she 'stepped into her YOU model' with my help at the beginning of this year, we started looking at who she had for health care. Having been injured at work in 2009 and completed workers compensation with an "FCE" or functional capacity examination that resulted in the list of restrictions which has lead to all job applications she has submitted not turning into employment, Billie came to Grand Junction where her son had moved in the past lived. She was fortunate for that, because in Grand Junction we have The Marillac Clinic. The Marillac Clinic has been part of since our launch on the Internet in March of 2009, as Dr Chris Young's video about models of health care, like the collaborative care model used at, is also used by the Marillac Clinic, studied and has been found to increase outcomes and reduce costs.
Billie's preferred primary means of health care prior to her incident AND SINCE was chiropractic and having an injury that worker's compensation took care of using only conventional, 'Western Medicine" interventions made Billie even more committed to her preference for having chiropractic care be one BIG part of her health care team, as well as the conventional/Western.
Marillac is a fairly progessive clinic obviously, as they're using a form of collaborative care model, as I said, but they also also included chiropractic care, as well as dentistry as services in their clinic . However, there was a small copay, the usual amount someone with Medicaid would pay at any clinic, which Billie simply could not afford as she had not been able to return to work due to the lifting restrictions concerning prospective employers, and Medicare declining her applications (plural!) to be declared 'disabled' and receive Social Security Disability.
By the time I'd helped her iron that out, they were no longer providing chiropractic care because the clinic policy was going to require immunizations for influenza for all service providers, or that they wear a mask, I have heard from two different people involved in working at Marillac. (I hope to talk with their management in the near future to make them aware of what the rest of our Village of Grand Valley is doing through the Grate Groove of the Grand Valley.)
Since she WAS at the top of the list, I made arrangements for her to see one of the chiropractors who had been volunteering to see the patients who qualified for a referral to chiropractic services at Marillac, as he had joined Lumigrate's Grate Groove of the Grand Valley in 2012 when he was relatively new to Grand Junction and wanting to network and find the type of patients he can best help.
I figured if he was freed up from being at Marillac he might just do what he did at Marillac but at his clinic, not theirs. He agreed; that was Dr Jeff McCloskey of the Neurological Relief Center of Western Colorado. Rapid progress was made and we decided to write about it at on a topic that I'm providing the link to, below. Billie writes HERstory too! And we'll be posting updates as she goes to other providers and progresses along. You can literally feel her joy through her written words, and I thank her and Dr Jeff and the other providers who are chipping in on Project Billie Green Collaboration.
It has been warming to see the progress reports Billie sends me on Facebook, and since The LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley had our first community outreach event this past weekend at the Sweet Heart Run and Health Expo in Fruita, Colorado, toward the west end of the Grand Valley of Western Colorad, we have started a gift basket for Billie for Valentine's Day. (I tried to hint real hard about Crossroads Fine Foods adding in a chocolate bar, which they did. They have very high quality dark chocolate, the kind many health experts suggest people eat if they like chocolate or want a little something of a sweet treat, and that IS what they provided, as well as a gift certificate! How nice is THAT!
Co-owner Eleni Sica also agreed to provide a practice interview whenever Billie is getting ready to start interviewing for jobs with her 'new, improved, body. That will be after we obtain a new, updated, FCE.
So NOW, Billie's YOU model has MD and DDS/dentist (through Marillac Clinic), DC (Dr Jeff McCloskey), movement therapy (Analii Cunningham and Kohava Howard), psychology/health/life coach (Dr Paula King), life coach and PT (Gwen Pettit), and health information/provider concierge (with 15 years OT/health education experience) (Mardy Ross/me).
And we've not even asked more of the Grate Groove providers because 'her dance card is full' with those just mentioned ... Pun intended, this week she is 'off' to YogaDance! and getting appointments with the others listed above that are appropriate at this time. And the best part of herStory of late? She has been able to do a couple of jumping jacks and jog a few steps and her friend took her to learn some rock climbing! Seems like she might be, literally, with a full dance card soon!
The link where we will be updating and providing photos and giving you the complete story about Billie's fall (literally) and rising again (so far so GRATE!) ....
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
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