Thanksgiving Foods for Fibro Newsletter I SHARE mine with you, my "FRAMILY"

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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I received my newsletter from Foods for Fibromyalgia / Deirdre Rawlings the other night in my email and wanted to at least post up what it says in order to encourage you to join her website and receive this directly.  They keep continuing to evolve into a wonderfully diverse and helpful tool, covering body, mind and spirit, I believe.  I asked "Dr Dee" if people can obtain these from the website if they are finding it in the future, and she responded "A new visitor can obtain a FREE copy of my newsletter under the Newsletter archives section -- under FREE stuff! If they would like to receive future copies sent directly to their inbox they simply opt-in by placing their name and email address in the opt-in box."

So here's my block and copy/paste of the enewsletter, the interesting pictures and fonts that make it visually special don't transfer, but you'll be able to experience the real deal if you do as above and find the archives on her website about FREE Stuff.  "Live and Learn, Learn and Live Better when you Know Better" ~~ Mardy

Hi Mardy,

Your Thanksgiving edition of Foods For Fibromyalgia Newsletter is ready for your enjoyment.  In this issue, we discuss several powerful and important healing philosophies that serve you in improving your health when you make some subtle but powerful shifts in your outlook and the way you think about situations -- try them out and watch what happens!  Plus I share two healing recipes and a nourishing nutrient that I personally use every day that will help you reduce pain, fatigue, and fight fibromyalgia symptoms.  Enjoy!

Foods For Fibromyalgia Newsletter

November 22, 2010                                                                        Volume Two: Issue 6

A Personal Note from Dr. Dee
Tele-Classes and Events
Featured Article - How Practicing An Attitude of Gratitude is Healing!
Featured Recipe
Energizing Nutrients -- PaleoMeal
Health Success Story
About Dr. Dee
A Final Word of Gratitude

Hi Mardy,

Call me sentimental, but Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year that definitely does trigger that automatic response mechanism within me: "What am I thankful for this year?"  And what am I always thankful for?  And who do I feel I would like to thank?    

When I think of this Thanksgiving, my thoughts turn to the people in my life and first on my list this year are my friends and family.  The older I get the more I value the delicate and very precious gift of life and there's no better way to spend your time than being around those you love and who love you.  We invest our precious time into building and nurturing our relationships and these richen our lives and shape our characters.

We may not always have the 'picture perfect' family, and I'm yet to meet anyone who does, as some of us are dealing with difficult families that provide us with many trials and tribulations that can even wound us deeply or hurt us on an emotional level.  However, sometimes it's the most difficult of family circumstances that stretch us beyond what we know is possible and teach us to be strong and inspire us to head in new life direction, and never to be defeated by those same elements again.  Gratitude can and often does come from handling one's circumstances as they are rather than fighting them.  And that's something for which one can truly be thankful.

Families come in all varieties.  We are, by design, tribal creatures.  We are a species that seeks out tribes or communities wherever we go, whether family or not.  Therefore, we can weave together a blend of family and friends into a wonderful tapestry of exquisite human beings from all over the world that you end up calling, "my family".  And they are just that -- your family. 

In my case, my family has been extended to include both family and friends, which I like to call, "framily" -- a hybrid word blending "friend" and "family".  They are spread all over the world from Australians, Brits, Americans and people from all over the country who have become extremely dear to me. 

So all in all, I would say that this Thanksgiving has a theme of deep appreciation for family and friends.

Here are my suggestions:
1.  Contact several dear friends or family members you have not been in touch with and let them know they are an important part of your life.  Stop waiting until a crisis happens before you wake up the "real" values of life.

2.  Host a lovely Thanksgiving dinner.  It doesn't have to be big, but take the time to make it special, even if it's only for three people.  Do it because you enjoy it and you're worth it!

3.   Reflect on the gift of time, because "time" is your most precious commodity -- the time we are given for this life.  We can't afford to not fill the time we are given as consciously as we can. Said differently, spend your time wisely and do not squander the gift of time.  Your life and your time are valuable and we must choose to spend it in ways that uplift, expand, and evolve us as best we know how to do.

4.  Be thankful for the small things and the large, for the space that is filled in your life and for the space that is empty. I saw a program on astronomy in which these brilliant astronomers were discussing how "full" space really was.  It is an illusion that space in between the planets and stars and you and me is empty. It's full and crowded and alive. What a wild and delicious thought. Seen from above, it's filled with grace and creative potential.  Live in that truth.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  May God bless all of you this Thanksgiving and always.

Health, Love, and Support,

Dr. Dee

P.S. To all my new subscribers, WELCOME and thanks for joining the Foods for Fibromyalgia community!  We hope you find our newsletters valuable, informative, and helpful.  Feel free to send us your questions or comments -- we'd love to hear from you!

FREE Tele-Seminar - Reduce Fibromyalgia symptoms by Restoring Hormone Balance with Dr. Scott Rollins, MD. 

How to Restore Hormone Balance & Reduce Fibro Symptoms -
7 Simple Steps
 Are your hormones out of balance and making your miserable?  Do you life feel like a song played badly out of tune?
If so, the problem may have to do with imbalanced in your hormones, which are wreaking havoc on your body and mind and triggering fibromyalgia symptoms.

Join Dr. Dee and Dr. Scott Rollins, MD and learn 7 Simple Effective Strategies you can take that will balance your hormones and improve your health without delay to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms.
Date:   Jan. 20th, 2011

Time:  8PM Eastern / 5PM Pacific Time

Cost:  FREE

Register (at Foods for Fibromyalgia website)

Take the Eat to Beat Fibromyalgia Challenge - transformational System for Rebuilding Your Health & Recovering Your Strength and Energy.

We've extended the length of the Eat to Beat Fibromyalgia Challenge system to include an additional 2 extra sessions for you!  You also receive a bonus 45 minute personalized session with Dr. Dee along with some additional bonuses.  The Eat to Beat Fibromyalgia Challenge is a powerful transformational system that will help you reduce debilitating symptoms, improve your health and nutrition and  get your life back on track. Click here to learn more.
Enjoy this informative Tele/Web-seminar with Dr. Rodger Murphree  about How Drinking Water can Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms!
Every day Kangen Water® is radically changing the lives of so many around the world. With its incredible alkalizing, anti-oxidant, and super-hydrating properties, this water is cleansing the bodies of those who seek a healthier lifestyle.
You can listen to the call here. And to view the Kangen Water Demo go here and you can receive a Free E-book about Acid/ Alkaline Balancing here.
Thanks to all of you who registered for the call and for being such an amazing group of people who are dedicated to taking charge of your health.

Practicing An Attitude of Gratitude is Healing!

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude's effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from surgery.
But while we may acknowledge gratitude's many benefits, it still can be difficult to sustain. So many of us are trained to notice what is broken, undone or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential in our lives, it needs to become more than just a Thanksgiving word. We have to learn a new way of looking at things, a new habit. And that can take some time.
Make a habit of finding the hidden blessing in a challenging situation.  Living with fibromyalgia, or any other chronic condition or symptoms for that matter, is never easy, however there is always a silver lining somewhere in your situation and a lesson to be learned that can be empowering if you look for it, you will find it.  For example, did you get sick and suddenly find yourself in a job that no longer works for you, or perhaps you are in a relationship that no longer serves you and it's time for a change.  Sometimes, we are given the most challenging circumstances to deal with in order to alert us that it's time to make some shifts in our thinking or changes to our lives in ways that will serve our highest wishes and desires and we simply must follow where that leads us.  Change is not always easy but it can be easier when we embrace it and go with what uplifts and heals us.
Click here to read more

 Sage Sweet Potatoes


3 pounds sweet potatoes
3 Tbsp. organic butter
10 sage leaves
5 scallions, chopped
salt and pepper, to taste

Cook the sweet potatoes in boiling water until soft (approximately 10 minutes).  Drain, mash, and transfer to a serving bowl.
In a skillet, brown the butter and add the sage leaves.  Sautee until crisp and then transfer to a plate.
In the same skillet, sauté the chopped scallions and season with salt and pepper.
Stir this mixture into the sweet potatoes and top with the sage.

Coconut-Cardamom Sweet Potatoes
Adapted from Clean Eating Magazine

4 pounds medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
3/4 cup light coconut milk
2 tsp. ground cardamom
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. sea salt
dash of black pepper
dash of cayenne pepper
1/3 cup pecan halves, chopped
Preheat oven to 325.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add the sweet potatoes and cook until soft (approx. 10 minutes).
Drain the water and transfer the potatoes to a large bowl.
Add the coconut milk, cardamom, vanilla, sea salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper.
With an electric mixer, mix on medium until smooth.
Transfer to a 9x9-inch baking dish.   Sprinkle pecans evenly over the sweet potato mixture.
Bake for 45 minutes, or until the edges are slightly brown.
Remove from oven and let stand for 10 minutes before serving.

2 Trout or salmon fillets (4 ounce each)
1 teaspoon butter
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
4 organic eggs
2 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
4 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
4-6 Romaine lettuce leaves

   See Foods for Fibromyalgia website for more recipes ideas

PaleoMeal - A Nourishing Powder Drink Mix That will Provide You with Energy throughout the Day
Available in Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry
This is one of the best protein drinks on the market because it contains not only 17 gms of protein per scoop but all of the essential vitamins and minerals with each serving. People with Fibromyalgia often suffer wi th faulty digestion and protein deficiency. But PaleoMeal Powder makes it easy for your system to absorb all the essential vitamins and minerals in the nourishing drink mix.
PaleoMeal is made with exceptional quality whey protein, which comes from herds that graze on pesticide-free, chemical-free natural grass pastures. These milking cows are never given bovine growth hormone or any other hormones. Contains omega 3's, digestive enzymes, lecithin, phosphatidyl choline, immunoglobulins and lactoferrin whey protein concentrate plus a full array of vitamins and minerals.
Visit our store

"I am proof positive that healthful living works. I have had fibro for years and struggled like crazy tried a variety of meds and struggled with the myriad of side effects. Finally, last year, I got the missing piece of help I needed and assistance with eating healthful foods, supplements, exercise (as you are able) has dramatically made a difference in my life. I am now off of all meds and while I still experience pain and symptoms, I can tell I haven't been on top of my diet and/or supplements/exercise. Oh! I went from being bed ridden for two years to graduating with a BS in summer. Thanks Deirdre for your insights and attempting to help those who have an open mind and heart."

-- Gail Forrester

Want to share your story for inclusion in our newsletter?
Email Deirdre
Deirdre shares cutting edge information about using the healing powers of food and nutrition and specializes in conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, auto-immune disorders, and weight loss. She is the author of Foods that Help Win the Battle against Fibromyalgia, which shares cutting edge nutrition information and 100 healing recipes to help with fibromyalgia.

Deirdre is a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy (AANM), Master Herbalist, Certified Nutrition Counselor, Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN), and a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, (Wellcoaches).  She holds a PhD in Holistic Nutrition and touches many lives with her message of empowerment and optimum health.
Deirdre's services include comprehensive personalized health assessments, private lifestyle and food counseling sessions, group programs, workshops, speaking engagements, and health retreats starting in 2011.    

Enjoy these 7 Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving... Without giving up all the good stuff!

While it's easy to go overboard on Thanksgiving Day, you don't have to.  With the following tips, you can enjoy the day, all the delicious food AND still feel good the next morning!

Don't go to your Thanksgiving meal hungry!  Make sure you eat a balanced breakfast in the morning and a wholesome snack before you head off to the big meal.  This will help ensure that you won't overeat.  Try an egg and whole grain toast in the morning and an apple with a small handful of nuts for a snack later in the day.

Eat slowly and stop when you're full.  It takes your brain 20 minutes to catch up with your stomach.  So, chew your food well and savor each bite.  And when your body tells you that you are full, listen to it, and stop eating.

Stay hydrated.  Make sure you drink plenty of water.  This will help to control your appetite and help you to digest your food.  If you are drinking alcohol, make sure you drink extra water.  A good rule of thumb is to drink at least one glass of water with each alcoholic beverage.

Go easy on the alcohol.  Alcohol is extremely dehydrating, it is a depressant, and it contains a lot of calories.  While it's ok to enjoy a glass or two of wine with your meal, it is best to practice moderation.

Don't deprive yourself, yet practice portion control.  While your Thanksgiving table might be full of candied yams, pumpkin pies and apple cakes, you don't need to have a full portion of each one.  It's ok to allow yourself to try each dish.  Enjoy the food, yet be careful of your portion sizes and don't go back for seconds.

Take a walk after your meal.  Not only is this a great way to burn calories, it's also a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors and the company of your family and friends.

Above all, remember what this day is really about.  Be thankful, celebrate life and enjoy the simple pleasures of the day.  I encourage you to think about what you are thankful for and share that with your loved ones.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of YOU,

Deirdre Rawlings, PhD, ND, MH, CNC,

Food That Helps Win the Battle Against Fibromyalgia
 A book by Deirdre Rawlings, PhD, ND, MH, CN
 Foreword by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
 Using the HealingPower of Food and Nutrition to Ease Everyday Pain and Fight Fatigue

Want to use any of these articles in your ezine, blog or website?
You're welcome to share this article. When you do, please include this complete blurb with it:

"Would you like to learn about the many ways to use the healing powers of food and nutrition to help you to win the battle against fibromyalgia? Check out my website, ,  for freearticles, resources and to sign up for your free E-book copy of  "Seven Simple Strategies to Help You Combat Fibromyalgia!"

Board certified naturopathic doctor, Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD, is a certified holistic nutritionist, certified sports nutritionist, a master herbalist, certified health and wellness coach, and author of Food that Helps Win the Battle against Fibromyalgia. 

Nutri-Living Corporation, 156 Peachtree E. Shopping Center, #108, Peachtree City, GA 30269, USA


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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