Tapping/EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique - The Solution, Summits or Otherwise, The Expert, Nick Ortner (and Sister Jessica)

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Nick Ortner states in the half hour video segment I watched with him and his sister, Jessica Ortner, at TheTappingSolution (thetappingsolution.com/2013VideoSeries/), that he hopes "tapping", or "Emotional Freedom Technique" becomes as well-known as "meditation" is today. From my vantage point, it will likely happen that EFT / Tapping becomes that well known. I saw elements of it which touched upon (pun not necessarily intended) Educational Kinesiology, aka 'Brain Gym', which I learned in 1998 when starting a new job at an innovative driving program, as the first director of rehabilitative driving programs.

It was mind boggling how effective EK/BG was; this was three years after I had started to find solutions to what turned out to be fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome 'stuff' by doing food allergy testing that was 'outside the box' of what conventional medicine (and insurance) believed in (or paid for). Conventional rehabilitation units were using meditation and deep breathing in groups we'd lead and bill insurance for related to relaxation, so little by little, these things seep in and become accepted. This will be the same, I believe. It'll be frowned on by some, embraced by others. Which will it be for YOU? 

EFT / Tapping is VERY easy to learn, and takes only moments of TIME for people to 'tap into' picking an issue troubling their mind/body wellness, all the while simply 'tapping' in eight places between the top of the head to the area under the armpit. TIME is such a factor for people, and naturally, weeding out the things which are distracting you from using your time in order to accomplish what you wish to accomplish in it. 

ENERGY is another factor for people -- mental energy as much as anything.  "My brain is full" is a feeling that so many people have and express; this is easy to learn and if you chose "my brain feels too full to learn anything" as what you 'tap about', you can alleviate that issue!

MONEY is the other factor for people, and what I like about this program was that there is a similarity (in a way) to how we go about things at Lumigrate: they wanted people to be able to access the FULL information core for $0.  They are going about it differently than Lumigrate does, and are giving people 24 hours to listen each day to the new information for FREE during their 5th annual 'Summit', which runs 10 days, beginning yesterday, February 4. Then they have bundles of things you get for a variety of price points, and there is a new book coming out from Nick Ortner in April, published by Hay House books. 

At the website, there are three videos, each of substantial length to 'drop into the subject and the experts involved', in order to encourage people to 'get into tapping'.  From left to right across the tabs, which is the order I watched them in, were Louise Hay, Mark Hyman, MD, and Nick and Jessica Ortner. I enjoyed watching them in that order and think it would be the way I would have arranged them if I were putting their website together: Louise Hay impressed me by revealing that at age 86 she is still integrating new techniques into what she does in her daily practice.

His conversation with the two he interviewed appeared very spontaneous and non-scripted, and I liked the example that Ms. Hay set for showing her vulnerabilities as well as SPECIFICALLY 1) When am I going to do this each day (in the morning for her, Nick reveals his morning routine is not filled with setting his day up, he focuses on tapping at the end of the day/bedtime for his routine maintenance with it.

She also revealed her childhood trauma history and how that still had lingering impacts on her body, she believes.  She also said that at one point in her past she felt like she didn't want to keep fixing herself/working on things and finally realized that it simply was needing to be part of her ongoing daily routine, to always be working on thing that are getting in the way of being your best that day. 

His interview with Mark Hyman was very interesting as well; I started doing a series on Dr Hyman's UltraMind Solution book, which is all about healing your mind after healing your body; he is a functional medicine specialist and I found the book to be the most comprehensive yet simplified 'mix' for MOST PEOPLE to pick up and start using on a daily basis.  These are books I refer to as 'bibles' -- Every day, practice what you find in the book, and over time your life will have a solid foundation about the body/mind/spirit. 

I did not know prior to this interview that Dr Hyman got 'into' functional medicine when he became ill with the 'terrible disease' (his words) of chronic fatigue syndrome. He visibly, to me, had some emotional 'residue' about that which showed -- I don't know if it was just thinking about that period of his life, or if he has not been revealing that publicly, I can't imagine why he wouldn't have made that part of his story from the very beginning, so I suspected it was simply the body's 'response' on camera to his talking about having had CFS.

The silver lining to Mark Hyman getting CFS / chronic fatigue syndrome was that he started thinking 'functionally' about what was causing the symptoms, and that changed the direction of his career in medicine, and we not all can benefit from that with his best-selling books and participation in collaborations such as this one related to Emotional Freedom Technique.

He revealed that in college, before medical school, he was also influenced by a trip to China, where he learned the Eastern approach to the body and acupuncture/acupressure meridians were part of that. Tapping/EFT is utilizing the meridian system. Apparently, Nick heard a lot about it over a decade ago, and finally tried it, though was rather a skeptic. He was impressed with the results, and 'got into it', obviously.

Due to the increasing interest in it, money was provided for research, which apparently found that it was working on the amygdala of the brain. Now keep in mind, western medicine has 'raised us' to be looking for A CAUSE and AN EFFECT, and often this 'reduces things' overall. But it become a 'necessary evil' in a way, because the people who most can benefit from the information won't grab onto something new if it's not 'proven to them' in an acceptable manner.  So I'll simply suggest a cautionary thought: Does it matter to YOU 'why' it works, or can it simply matter to you 'that' it works.  

I think it's great the research was done, but it also then tends to constrain the truth sometimes. I recall a really well done study about fibromyalgia and upper versus lower spine disk hernation rates. It found over 10x as many people with cervical herniations had FM and then the conclusion was that somehow that was causing symtpoms. My thought all along after reading that study was 'whatever caused the cervical disk problem perhaps had other impacts/effects on other places in the body (such as the brain)'.  

All the things we've heard in the past about 'fright/flight system' were mentioned related to Tapping / EFT. If you're interest is piqued about this, please take the opportunity with the link I've set up and drop over to their website and continue your journey. All that is required of you is that you provide a name and the best email address for you. 

OVERALL WORDS OF WISDOM: The Internet has allowed there to be a MASSIVE amount of shifting going on which makes things more available to 'everyday people', and to people every day. It is literally 'progressing' how people access health care and the providers they seek and utilize.  I work at Lumigrate.com to provide valid sources -- ethical, doing good business practices and of the more 'solid' of the 'cutting edge' techniques. I find this group to be that.  

The APA (American Psychological Association) does not support this technique, and often these big, established (meaning older) organizations do not take kindly to new ways. They might look at Nick's background and say 'what credentials does he have?'  I thought this as well, as I went about learning about this website, this Summit, etc. In the interview with Nick and his sister, and I enjoyed both of them and found them to be, like Louise Hays, who said she wrote the book about healing your life because she simply wanted to get what worked in workshops with individuals and groups to more people.  The book was a means to that end and has sold an unbelievable number of MILLIONS of copies. But I was concerned that it was a little bit of a passing comment that 'don't hit yourself in the eye and if you find a real resistance in yourself to something, work with a professional.'  It WAS FUNNY when they said "so no 'drunk tapping'", referring to 'drunk dialing' and 'drunk Tweeting', etc.

These are just different times today, 2013, where there are SO MANY PEOPLE who need help with their well-being, and I believe I can be of service to all of them by 'filtering' from my perspective and with my background and abilities, and bring what I am able to via Lumigrate.com. 

Many established medical providers and groups/organizations will frown upon the type of information overall provided at Lumigrate.com, but you have to ask 'why ... what's their motivation to have that opinion?'  There often is $ at stake, it's going to affect them negatively financially, or lessen the demand which gets back to money.  Everyone has to make a living, and people should be provided a fair return on their investment of time, energy, and money.

The providers, and the consumers. For $0 and giving a name and e-mail address, I find this something 'worth looking into and considering doing'.  I tried it, I liked it. It's similar to a technique I had done with me that was a little more complicated but about as fast, about five years ago. I think it is one thing that can be helpful for 'cleaning up the layers of stuff that gets deposited by life'.  



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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