Sinus Infections "Treated" since 1995, "Solved" in 2004 and "Managed" Since

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.

I thought it would be helpful to have a topic about my sinuses.  Not that it's the most 'entertaining' and 'pleasant' thing to write about, but it is something that comes up a lot with people.  Since many reading this might not know anything about me, I'll do an overall summary. 

I was born in 1960 and raised in the dry mountain air of Colorado.  My mother and grandmother smoked in our very small house and I had no seeming effects from it, thought I know I did not like it.  (Later,  heavy metals testing initially in 2005 showed cadmium (as well as very high mercury), which an MD environmental medicine specialist has said is likely from the papers of the cigarettes.)  It took years of toxins to my body, mind and spirit before my health 'slid' from being on the 'chronic wellness' end of the teeter totter of life, to 'chronic illness' in my 20s.  

The air in Colorado may be dry, but the way the mountains were developed, the roads were put through by the streams. Then the people settled along that, wanting to not have the difficulty of long roads that came along later with subdivisions that were built after the mid 20th century. The telephone wires then came through there too, and then the power lines. And were upgraded to meet the demands of the growth, which in Colorado was explosive during my lifetime.  My parents bought a place five years before I was born that was just the trifects of problems once you learn about environmental illness.  And my mother didn't have fertility problems in England before they moved to Colorado, but there was a long gap before I was the last pregnancy and last child born; she miscarried in between, a boy.  When you get into some of the environmental illness information then these details become of value and interest. So I mention it here. 

I was 'delusional' about my health status because the body has such a capacity to handle insults that there were not outward signs of my having anything lying ahead that would devastate my health and life for a while.  I didn't miss one day of junior high from illness! I had some colds but nothing aside from a few really bad and embarrassing coughing attacks -- that wouldn't keep me from going to school; my family was kind of 'old school' with their work/school ethic. Little did I know that some of the symptoms I was experiencing were related to 'adrenal fatigue'.  What do the adrenal glands have to do with the sinuses?  Read on.  

In high school I had several occurrences of strep throat, or what my MD thought on looking was strep thoat and and would give me a painful penicillin shot in my butt.  When I was 16, I had an episode and drove the 12 miles to the doctor alone, where my temperature was 103.5 and he was sure it was strep and wanted to give me a shot.  I couldn't imagine driving home with my butt hurting that badly, so I asked if he could give me pills and I'd come back for a shot if the culture revealed it was in fact strep.  He agreed.  It was not strep.  Score one for the rookie 16 year old.  

Once I got to college and was sexually active with my boyfriend from high school, I started having UTIs. But this was over a year into our relationship, why did it start when I went to college? (I'd suspect change of diet and I do not recall if I had any vaccines upon entering college.)  Even more lack of sleep due to the challenges for me as an undiagnosed learned disabled student trying to keep up with college material not the easier high school material.  It's not just 'one thing' is a point I hope to remind people of; environmental illness requires us to put on our thinking caps for divergent thinking.  Many things cause many things, not one thing causes an outcome, in other words. 

Over and over, but no problem, antibiotics cleared them up.  Or so it appeared at first and second and third.  In order to get married in 1981, the state of Colorado required women be tested for German Measles/rebella and I had low immunity titers so had to get an immunization if I wanted to have a marriage certificate.  I don't regret having the ceremony and marrying him, I do regret that I was damaged significantly from a vaccine in order to have a piece of paper that society made me believe was important.  The next month (or two at the most) I was in the ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist's office due to having a 'reverb'/echo after sharp noises.  "And so it began ...." 

Somewhere in this timeframe, I had a UTI and an ear infection which just would NOT go away; I was getting my medical care at the University Health Center and they referred me out to a specialist for the ear infection, who told me 'you're healthy, you're young. and you don't smoke, you don't need antibiotics for an ear infection, you just need to clear your tubes by backpressuring them at least 10 times a day'.  

I remember leaving his office actually angry about NOT getting a pill solution -- going to a doctor and coming out without a piece of paper or a product was just not something that had ever happened to me before! You just gave me advise and nothing more?  Oh, man have I changed as a consumer today! This was a turning point in my life and a I didn't realize it at the time. I maybe only realized it by writing this now. 

"You want me to clear my ears as many times a day as I can think of it and THAT is going to cure this infection that antibiotics cannot?  Yeah RIGHT" I thought to myself.  Well, it worked!  Score one for the smart doctor who was using clinical reasoning and thinking long-term, not short-term solutions.  However, unfortunately, he didn't know what I now know this was a symptom of, and in my opinion, the opportunity to 'nip my health problems' in the bud at that time, was missed. The results of that missed opportunity was VERY expensive to me; the doctor likely never knew he had only PARTLY helped me that day.  

When it came to the UTI ongoing problem, the health center transferred me to their medical director, whose speciality was gynecology, and she catheterized me for a sample as they were trying to figure out why taking the usual antibiotics for the usual problems they saw with young women wasn't working for me.  Yes, there was bacteria in me, it wasn't that I was just bad at following instructions on doing a clean catch sample.  Like the ENT, above, they just weren't aware of what was going on.  They wanted my husband to come in and pee in a cup and have that analyzed to see if he was with the same thing and giving it back to me. He had a phobia of doctors and clinics and so refused. That was among the 'straws' that eventually added up and 'broke the back/marriage'.  

This was occuring in the early 1980s, the 'bibles' about the medical condition I had but was unaware of and undiagnosed with, adrenal fatigue, weren't yet written and on the bookshelves as they have been since the 1990s.  Part of the 'package' of coming down with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia includes frequent infections.  However, things didn't deteriorate enough to be 'CFS' until 1989 --  SEVEN YEARS of missed opportunities to do 'early intervention'.  

If you're reading this and hear yourself in some of the things I experienced early on, PLEASE consider making this a highest priority to learn about and intervene so you don't go down the path to CFS and FM, it's very difficult to reverse and recover from.  Very few will say they believe it is 'curable', most with knowledge about it agree it can be reversed and managed. In the past five years I have managed to temporarily reverse it so much that I felt like it was most accurate to say 'I've had fibromyalgia and it's in remission right now'; then more stressors came along and I slid backwards again.  But definitely, I am in the 'reversible' belief camp!

Much of the immune system is in your gut -- 50-75% are the figures that the writers at Lumigrate's forum or in video have said. I will post links, below, to guide you to a few of the main places on Lumigrate I suggest you look at and study if you're wanting more information about these things. Today, there is much awareness about restoring the flora of the gut which is stripped out with antibiotics and other things in our diet and water which impact the health balance our bodies will have ideally, when we're 'chronically well'.  

There's even a yogurt which advertises heavily that, if you eat three of them a day, are shown to 'regulate' people's GI systems.  It's not organic, but it did more for making people aware of probiotic and digestion than anything I've ever seen. And from there, people can perhaps go to better means of getting probiotics and getting their gut health ideal.

I used to eat yoghurt with live cultures, but I found out at age 35 I was as allergic as you can be to dairy -- not to the 'lactose', people get those things mixed up a lot so to be clear it was not the lactose.   Remember all the antibiotics I was given for my first and second symptoms related to infections (throat, urinary tract, ears)?  Back then, I hadn't yet learned, nor had the allopathic medical community, about the flora of the gut. So I'd take the many pills that kill the bacteria in the body including the good ones, and then I'd not be doing anything to balance that and restore the gut health.

Today, you'd have to be under a rock to not have heard about that theory, and it might not be a theory that everyone wishes to subscribe to, which is fine; everyone has their reality and path, I'm simply sharing mine if it will help others.    

You'll notice I'm up to age 22 in this story and have not yet gotten to the sinus part.  Well, that's because I didn't have my first documented/diagnosed sinus infection until I was 34!  Another TWELVE years!  I was feeling worn out working full time and going to school part time and had discovered occupational therapy and wanted to pursue that full time, so I decided to stop taking college classes ('drop out' to use the dreaded expression) and get a full time job with benefits for myself and my husband. He hadn't wanted to follow the health center's request for him to come in to also be tested for UTI in case it was something getting passed back to me. For whatever reasons, he refused. It is possible he was thinking they'd look for something ELSE in the urine. At any rate, my health was not the priority, clearly, and there is always something you can put your finger on and say 'this is when I started to leave the relationship' and that was the point; we were divorced when we were mid 20s, he was almost graduated and went on his way to have a successful career, family, and I went on to have all the different experiences I had as well. It's all good/ as it was meant to be in my mind and belief system.   

I would get SO tired in the afternoons -- I remember having a Bronco game on TV when we were married one guy came over a lot because we had a good time together and it was nice that someone single would hang around the couple.  I thought it was nice to make a nice meal for someone who was not living in a home where it's like we had it growing up --- people cooking and eating together every night.

I remember the guys YELLING with the big plays, and I'd wake up from my place on the floor in front of the TV and see what was going on and zonk back out.  I normally cannot sleep in a car, on a plane, with people around ... I could barely sleep at all! During the workweek I couldn't take a nap at my desk typing statistical documents and doing data entry and office reception for the consulting company I worked for, so I'd reach for coffee.  I started having problems with my sinuses related to headaches from the cigarette smokers whose break room was right off of my work area. There was also a photocopier machine and I'd get that taste in my mouth and smell the ozone from it.  But it never occurred to me these things were perpetuating the problems.  I was also for the first time working around a lot of electronics as we'd hit the age of computers and printers and all that stuff you'd have in an office, not just an IBM Selectric as I'd had in the past, with corded phones, no cellulars, etc.   

On weekends I started wanting to take naps; naps were something I'd occasionally taken when I was growing up, sometimes this incredible fatigue would come over me. But my dad, it turns out, had chronic fatigue when he was in college in the 1930s, and later had an undiagnosed case of fibromyalgia, I believe. (100% sure of that).  I wanted to do things instead of sleep the day away, it was sheer determinism on my part to do all the things I wanted or 'needed' to do.  I was a pretty active person with work, family, friends, outdoor activities.   

Somewhere along the lines my headaches turned into migraines and I didn't know that was the case because my dad had to go to bed and would sometimes be sick to his stomach from them and mine weren't doing that to me; I could motor my way through my work day or whatever I had to get done that day.  That was in my mid 20s. I had gotten a very good job for what go on to become a world-renowned air quality project; the work I was the key administrative staff member for lead to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.  Needless to say, we pulled out all the stops and worked incredibly hard for a long time to bring the funding, study and results to fruition.  

The research group had grown to require a new building and since it was at a Colorado State research campus, the construction was cheaply done to save money.  Much formaldehyde and other toxins outgassed; I had almost daily migraines and one early summer day not long after I'd turned 29 years old, I couldn't walk from my car and up the stairs to my office without stopping on the landing midway up the one flight of stairs.  I couldn't walk a block, I couldn't stand at the stove long enough to stir whatever I was trying to cook; my blood pressure was dropping, I now realize.  Again, doctors didn't know what any of this was at the time so we weren't aware of what was causing what.  I just knew I wasn't well.  I fortunately had a good Primary Care physician who knew who to refer me to in Fort Collins, and I had outstanding allopathic advise.  I wish I would have known more about complementary/alternative medicine interventions at that time but at least eventually I did.  

I did go to a doctor of chiropractics which helped me a lot overall, but the eating plan he suggested to all his patients, I now realize, was contraindicated for 'adrenal fatigue'.  But in the short term it made me feel amazing and I used to say "I made a 110% recovery!"  Well, that extra 10% was an indicator that something was not 'right'.  One of the phases of adrenal fatigue is to get a really high energy level -- man I was in shape! 13% body fat because I was working out so much! I felt good, I looked good, I was having a good time .... what's to worry about!?  

In my mid 30s I was accepted to OT school and had just met a man who, at 39, said 'you're the one!'; he'd bought a house big enough for the two of us and our stuff/cars and life seemed golden! My last summer before the OT program started, I took the required cadaver anatomy class, which in the summer means TWICE as long per day hanging over fumes; the professor had not told me of the proper masks to filter out the type of toxins in the embalming fluids.  The second day of class I got a horrible headache, and it continued until I researched what I needed and drove to Denver and bought the $100 mask from an occupational safety warehouse that 3M told me about when I called their 800 #.  But this dose of toxins, along with the stressors of that semester and the next (which is the 'weed out the weeds' that medical programs are famous for), tripped me into what turned out to be diagnosed as 'fibromyalgia', yet that would go missed or misdiagnosed for a few years.  

We loved to ski, and between Christmas and New Years were staying around Ouray, soaking in hot springs and skiing in the day, despite having colds, and then coughing SO badly in the night I was afraid we were keeping the whole building awake.  I called and there was ONE appointment with our doctor, so we took it and left in time to do the long drive back to Fort Collins.  I said 'SURPRISE, doctor, you have two patients with the same cold, I think he has a sinus infection so if you can only see one of us, see him'.  Well, the joke was on ME -- turns out I had a sinus infection!  Me?  I've never had a sinus infection ....... that I knew of....... Gosh, maybe I've had sinus infections all along when I had these colds with all the coughing.  

From that point on, whenever someone had a cold in my OT program, I got it, and half the time I got REALLY sick and had to go to the doctor for bronchitis/sinus infection.  I'd take the antibiotics and not restore my gut, just as the doctor would educate and prescribe for me to do.  I was miserable.  I DREADED winter because of the bugs! It's not like you can call in sick to OT school, internships, etc... the 'show must go on!'.  

This went on for years.  Several times I was so sick 'just from a cold that went into bronchitis', that I could barely function.  I had good insurance, so I'd go to the doctor and do what they said and prescribed.  Finally, in 2004, I again was staying in Telluride, this time in the fall for the Telluride Blues and Brews festival.  My room in the condo I was sharing with friends overlooked the hot tub I'd been in the day before and I was so sick I didn't think I could make it back up the stairs to my room if I want, and the day before I'd been FINE (or I thought... my body was doing it's excellent job of seeming fine/well as our bodies will do. They 'hold it together' for survival until they get REALLY overwhelmed.)

Fortunately the ER doc in ER (where I had a $400 fee), knew about 'prednisone blasting' and she talked me into taking prednisone in this 'different' way -- your body doesn't have it long enough to have the side effects which I had always wanted to avoid in my years of saying 'no' to prednisone for fibromyalgia treatment from my well-meaning providers.  Not only did the sinus infection go away, my asthma, which was going more into COPD-ish symptoms, went away too!  

Different than the way allopathic medicine thinks, in CAM, the lungs and the sinuses have a 'connection', as the brain and the gut do.  If someone's gut is out of balance, the brain will be as well.  So now you'll see why writing about sinuses required me to start talking about medications given to me in my teen years for a throat/lung infection, and then how that might have related to what went on with my overall difficulty in fighting infections.  I went through many years of kidney infections as well, which were cured and managed with a simple sugar known as d-Mannose, which affects the bacteria so it doesn't imbed itself into the walls of the urinary tract (from kidney all the way 'out').  

In December I stopped off at ITC Pharmacy in Castle Rock, which has patients in all 50 states of the US and provides content to Lumigrate related to subjects they have expertise in (supplementing nutrition and biologically identical hormones). Co-president Allan Jolley, RPh, ND was there and came out to help me pick out something for my friend's son who had a stye on his eye when I dropped him off at a friends to 'hang out' while I went to say hello and show my face to ITC since I was in the area.  He showed me a product that was a homeoopathic of colloidal silver, which was really cool and interesting and then I said 'would this work when I get sinus infections trying to break through?' and he said 'yes, but if you have a sinus issue, you HAVE to look at what's going on in the gut.'  

There's much to that, and I'll give you links to read more about that if you're interested.  In the mean time, know that M-F you can call ITC Pharmacy, or email them, and Allan or his partner Gary or other pharmacists who are working the laboratory will be able to answer your question.  They have a LOT of experience in this because about 70% or more of their customers/patients have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.  

When you read Jacob Teitelbaum's Beat Sugar Addiction Blues book, which I would say is REQUIRED #1 top of the list reading if your interests are piqued here, you'll see that ITC is one of two pharmacies in the US he suggests people route to for getting their thyroid or other hormone prescriptions filled.  I've used them for just over a year now and they have consistently delivered correct orders and with incredible promptness, sometimes less than 24 hours later my doorbell rings! At most it was three business days, that was over a weekend.   

I know this was a lot of words with this 'tale'; Allan's educational pieces are very segmented and streamlined, so I hope this is a good way to string the two together.  Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better!! ~ Mardy

 There is MUCH that will help people learn in the gut forum at Lumigrate --- you'll see topics started by Alan Jolly, who I referred to, above.  Here's the link to the forum -

I'm finally getting back to this topic thread, after 750 or so people had read it. I edited it (mid December 2014) and was wanting to be sure people saw this article about molds and mycotoxins and wellness/ illness --- related to water damaged buildings. Even years after a person was no longer in the building, they showed evidence in urine testing and the researchers were showing one place the stuff is hanging out is in the sinues and nasal cavities. People who have not lived in water damaged buildings do not have the evidence found in their urine --- that's just the very short overview, please go and read at the link:


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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