Rockin' Bubbie!

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Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 123
User offline. Last seen 11 years 48 weeks ago.

Hello my dawlinks!  I'm about to dislodge a mythe about alta kakers (old geezers).  We don't just sit around listening to old records on the victroller, knitting or darning socks while our men are out on the porch in their rocking chairs sipping lemon aide.  A good many of us are out and about causing a raucus and having a good time.  Just the other day I saw three police cars chasing an old couple in a chevy.  The driver wasn't going fast, mind you, he was just using the WHOLE road. Those yellow double lines in the middle of the road are meerly suggestions to some; much like the white parts of a STOP sign.

Anyway kindeleh, Ellen, Gary and Rubin were going down to Palm Beach to see a rock concert at the Kravitz Center and asked if Moishe and I wanted to go.  They had two extra tickets and they were second row orchestra seats, so how could we say, "no"?  I put on my best old Pink Floyd shirt and we piled into the car.  Yes, your Yenta knows who Pink Floyd is!  Oy vey!  And none of them is named Pink.  See?  Your Yenta knows.  I was afraid Rubin was going to be embarrassed to be with a.k's (alta kakers) but he was a mentsh (decent person) about having us with him and actually seemed to haldzn (embrace) the whole thing.  He took us to the gift shop, showed us where the bathrooms were... such a good boy!  And because Ellen bought the tickets that she did we all received special treatment which was a free glass of champaigne before the show in this little room.  None of us drink so we all had sparkling water.  Oy, such extravagence, you shouldn't know from it!

So we go and take our seats, I'm all excited in my Floyd shirt, surrounded by the elite of Palm Beach in their designer outfits and painful shoes and the band comes out.  They are not actually Pink Floyd but really big fans of the music.  So much so they formed their own band to play the music and I'm telling you kindeleh, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference.  The lighting was outstanding, the video graphics (according to Rubin) in the back were amazing and the individual talents of the men...dershtoynen (astounding)!

During the intermission I had gone outside for some fresh air and met up with a lovely couple.  They were talking about the "old" people next to them and how they were carrying on.  Bubbelehs, I couldn't help but smile and tell them, "we're old, not dead!"  This young couple, nicely dressed, painful shoes, perfect hair, stared at me.  

"Children, just because we grow old doesn't mean we grow quiet.  Doesn't mean we're not allowed to have fun and we're more than happy to show our appreciation for something enthusiastically if it deserves it.  You grow old when you stop enjoying life."  (Says the old lady in a Pink Floyd t-shirt).

So this week's lesson, is to enjoy!  Liblings, (darlings) I know you may be in pain, excruciating  "want-to-cry-your-eyes-out" pain. But you woke up this morning; therefore, it's a good day.  Perhaps the sun isn't shining as brightly as  you'd like, or not shining at all through the clouds - but your breathing, it's a good day. Life is meant to be enjoyed!  It Couldn't Hurt!






Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at and can also be found on facebook.

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