A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies, by Brownstein et al.

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Mardy Ross
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A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies

by  Brownstein, D, R Ng, R Rowen, J-D Drummond, T Eason, H Brownstein and J Brownstein.

Published in 2020 (July) in Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 2:4-22.

Mardy's note: Immediately below, at the bottom of this block, is the link to the clinical and translational research area at Public Health Policy Journal .  You will find, when you go, the abstract below two links.  The first link is to the editorial, the second is to the full paper, which is available for no charge and without any "signing up" required.  Please consider looking around the website and taking the time, spending the energy and money, if you have these resources to give, and donating to the organization providing this information

I'm providing here the abstract and key information provided, with encouragement to GO on the link and get the full experience. I am also providing photographs of the key people -- they do not appear in the original source as it is a publication modeled in the mold of mainstream scientific / medical publications. Lumigrate's striving to provide quality information with validity, in a way that's appealing to the majority of sophisticated consumers and professionals looking for the same, but appreciating more curb appeal.  This, is David Brownstein's photo, from his website. 

Due to the number of people seeking information that Lumigrate reaches who have brain dysfunction and cognitive difficulties, but with a keen interest in learning, what I provide here is edited in the way I have found it is of benefit; you will find the paper itself and the abstract at the journal website edited the way the research world edits.  

If you value the time, energy and money I put forth to bring this information to you via Lumigrate since 2008, please take the time to express your thanks, and donate if you are able.  I'm providing here my PayPal link, or you may contact me (See the About tab).  Thank you for being here, thank you for being involved.  We're all in this together, and if those who can help with funds took the time to help, we'd get farther at a faster pace. My PayPal: www.paypal.me/MardyRoss




Objective: This report is a case series of consecutive patients diagnosed with COVID-19 treated with a nutritional and oxidative medical approach. We describe the treatment program and report the response of the 107 COVID-19 patients.

Study Design: Observational case series consecutive.

Setting: A family practice office in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

Patients: All patients seen in the office from February through May 2020 diagnosed with COVID-19 were included in the study. COVID-19 was either diagnosed via PCR or antibody testing as well as those not tested diagnosed via symptomology.

Interventions: Oral Vitamins A, C, D, and iodine were given to 107 subjects (99%). Intravenous solutions of hydrogen peroxide and Vitamin C were given to 32 (30%) and 37 (35%) subjects. Thirty-seven (35%) of the cohort was treated with intramuscular ozone. A dilute, nebulized hydrogen peroxide/ saline mixture, with Lugol’s iodine, was used by 91 (85%).

Main Outcome Measures: History and physical exam were reviewed for COVID-19 symptoms including cough, fever, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal complaints. Laboratory reports were examined for SARS-CoV-2 results. Symptomatic improvement after treatment was reported for each patient consisting of first improvement, mostly better, and completely better. 

Results: There were a total of 107 patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Thirty-four were tested for SARS-CoV-2(32%) and twenty-seven (25%) tested positive. Three were hospitalized (3%) with two of the three hospitalized before instituting treatment and only one requiring hospitalization after beginning treatment. There were no deaths. 

The most common symptoms in the cohort were fever (81%), shortness of breath (68%), URI which included cough (69%), and gastrointestinal distress symptoms (27%). For the entire cohort, first improvement was noted in 2.4 days. The cohort reported symptoms mostly better after 4.4 days and completely better 6.9 days after starting the program.

For the SARS-CoV-2 test positive patients, fever was present in 25 (93%), shortness of breath in 20 (74%) and upper respiratory symptoms including cough in 21 (78%) while gastrointestinal symptoms were present in 9 (33%). The time to improvement in the SARS-CoV-2 test positive group was slightly longer than the entire cohort.

Conclusion: At present, there is no published cure, treatment, or preventive for COVID-19 except for a recent report on dexamethasone for seriously ill patients. A novel treatment program combining nutritional and oxidative therapies was shown to successfully treat the signs and symptoms of 100% of 107 patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

Each patient was treated with an individualized plan consisting of a combination of oral, IV, IM, and nebulized nutritional and oxidative therapies which resulted in zero deaths and recovery from COVID-19.

SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, ozone therapy, hydrogen peroxie therapy, Vitamin A, iodine, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, immune system, antiviral.

Cite As: Brownstein, D, R Ng, R Rowen, J-D Drummond, T Eason, H Brownstein and J Brownstein. 2020. A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 2:4-22.


How I learned of this to provide at Lumigrate for our YOUsers to find. 

(IF you're reading this, you are a YOUser).  I became aware of Dr. James Lyons-Weiler in early 2018, and became his Facebook friend and follower.  I saw him priming the pumps on Facebook on 7/7/2020, saying there was big news coming today/Thursday (July 9, 2020).  Thankfully Facebook had this, below, in my feed when I got underway with my day online "doing my part" to forward the ball about health and well-being.

"ZERO DEATHS IN COVID19 THERAPY STUDY, VERY LOW HOSPITALIZATION RATE - We are very pleased to announce the publication of a cohort case series study of therapies on patients with COVID-19 in the journal "Science, Public Health Policy & the Law". 

This study, by Brownstein et al, was peer reviewed and had zero deaths in over 100 patients, and only one hospitalization among those treated with the core protocol.  The patients ages varied over a range, and many had co-morbidities usually associated with serious or critical illness, and death.

You may access the study free of charge, and the accompanying Editorial by Dr. Lyons-Weiler, in the new Clinical and Translational Research section of the journal.  By sending this study to your physicians, policy makers, family, and friends,  you can help bring about an end to the madness around COVID19."

So, please consider 1) finding his Facebook places (IPAK, James Lyons-Weiler are two).

2) Donating.  It's very easy to find buttons for giving at the IPAK website, and I've provided mine in the blockquote near the top of this thread. We aren't doing this work just for ourselves, we're doing it for our larger community of humanity on Earth.  Increasingly, people are understanding the value of independent providers such as Jack (Dr. Jack aka Dr. James Lyons-Weiler) and myself. THANK YOU.


From https://cf5e727d-d02d-4d71-89ff-9fe2d3ad957f.filesusr.com/ug...

New Clinical and Translational Research Section of “Science, Public Health Policy & The Law”

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph. D.            

Abstract: This editorial announces a new section focused on Clinical and Translational Research.

The first paper to be published in this section is a case series of consecutive patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who were treated with nutritional and oxidative medical therapies. It places the study in the context of clinical and translational research on SARS-CoV-2 research and invites studies and articles focused on studies that fill the void of critical missing research studies.

Copyright © The Author - Published Under the Creative Commons License ShareAlike (See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/)

Highlights of Dr. James Lyons-Weiler's editorial:

(selected by me/Mardy Ross, and edited for ease and increased comprehension by those with perceptual / cognitive difficulties but who are seeking select information). (Please take the link and at least glance over the full editorial, references, and appreciate the professional level of the website.)  


For far too long, evidence-based medicine has under-valued and side-lined real-world clinical evidence which is rich in detail that can and should inform decisions at the individual doctor-patient level.

In keeping with the mission of objective science in this journal, we have expanded to include a new section in which we will publish case studies, case series reports, observational studies and prospective clinical trials. We will also publish meta-analyses.

Because of the relative vacuum of objectivity in allopathic-centric medicine (with respect, of course, to all publication outlets that have not been compromised by profit influences) we are expanding the scope of the journal, beginning with the case series by Brownstein et al.

This contribution is important clinically and is truly history-making: past searches for efficacious clinical treatments and interventions for coronaviruses, including SARS & MERS, are devoid of translational successes. What little research had historically been conducted on antivirals prior to 2019 were pharmacologically based and have failed to yield a standard protocol.

One drug, hydroxychloroquone, (HCQ), did show promise, yet during the current COVID crisis,[1][2] we’ve witnessed a flabbergast move by the US FDA to strip HCQ of its emergency use authorization using a letter that incongruously cited more studies that support HCQ as a safe and effective early intervention than it did against it, especially for mild COVID-19 illness.

No systematic review of treatment studies of SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2-induced coronavirus disease is yet available, but patients must have care now, and practitioners are using their experienced judgement to address the infection and its symptoms for PCR-confirmed and symptom-basedCOVID-19 cases.

Brownstein et al. employed a novel protocol for respiratory flu-like illnesses. As practitioners of medicine, Brownstein et al. found it appropriate to treat COVID-19 patients with specific protocols with the expectation that the relative success of the interventions used in addressing similar symptoms from other respiratory infections and conditions in the past would translate to recovery for COVID-19 patients.

Their educated, experience-based treatment choices have led to a cohort with far lower serious (0.18%) and critical (0.0%) illness and death (0.0%) is lower than reported to date anywhere, including lower than the rates reported in studies of hydroxychloroquine.

Given the age distribution of their particular cohort, with only 7% of patients being younger than 25, and 69% being over the age of 51, the number of deaths from, or even with, COVID under this novel protocol is clearly significantly lower than that expected given national and international trends under other protocols.

Brownstein et. al. (2020) also provide detailed evidence of likely specific molecular mechanisms of action. Here I speculate on additional direct mechanisms that might be in play. Via their case series, Brownstein et al. show that their low-cost support of the immune system with appropriate nutrients, individualized to each patient and stage of disease progression, may be highly effective and relatively inexpensive in treating COVID-19.

The efficacy of their protocol suggests that they may have been successful in supporting the immune system to the endpoint of reducing viremia, thus providing relief to viremia-induced symptoms. We know that serious and critical cases of COVID-19 are typified by Th2-skewed responses with elevated proinflammatory IL-1 and IL-6 cytokines [3]. It is presumed that this type of response fails to reduce viral load, as would be expected in immune systems in Th1/Th2 balance.

Given the absence of serious and critical cases in the Brownstein et al. cohort, it seems likely that his patient population is in Th1/Th2 balance. Although direct measurements of viral load are not available, there is also reason to be hopeful that the suspected reduced viremia induced by their protocol would aid in the reduction of transmission. This, and the fact that vaccines nudge human immunity toward Th2-skew, draws into question why a vaccine is considered the central strategy for controlling transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

A second potential mechanism of action of their protocol is the reduction of systemic inflammation, including a reduction in the production of alpha defensin and coagulopathy. The patients who form fatal systemic clotting have an increased level of alpha defensin protein in their blood, as explained by Higazi (2020). [4]

For patients under more traditional, and more deadly treatment protocols, colchicine might be an effective emergency intervention. Vitamin D itself has significant backing in the scientific literature as having a positive effect on health outcomes in thrombosis. It and other naturally occurring compounds have been independently found to be likely candidates as effective therapeutics against COVID-19.

Evidence reviewed by Grant et al. [5][?] supports the rationality of the Brownstein protocol. A third potential mechanism of action of their protocol is the net effect on whole-body health. Sleep provides a critically important aspect of fighting infections; proper balance of nutrients is related to sleep quality (St-Onge et al. [6]; Peuhkuri et al., [7]), and melatonin appears to reduce the severity of COVID-19 related hemoglobinopathies, refractory hypoxemia and myocardial injury [8].

While Brownstein et al. did not use melatonin in the study, individuals with chronic cough and chest pain lack adequate sleep, and thus in reducing the severity of symptoms, the protocol used likely helped patients obtain adequate rest. And finally, another potential mechanism of action may include the absence of pharmaceutical antipyretics. It is well-established that the use of antipyretics with influenza and other fever-inducing infections can increase severity and duration of illness due to the immune-suppressing effects of such products, and the important role fever plays in reducing viral replication.

One study showed that use of aspirin and acetaminophen by those with rhinovirus was associated with suppression of serum neutralizing antibody response, increased nasal symptoms, a rise in circulating monocytes, and longer duration of virus shedding. The reduction of viremia via the innate and cellular immune responses leading to fever is underappreciated in public health policy.

The use of medicines to reduce fever in people with mild illness will prevent the reduction of viremia and increase the likelihood of community transmission. Acetaminophen also depletes glutathione, which is critically needed during times of viral infection, and so the absence of the use of such products may also contribute to the success of Brownstein et al. patient outcomes[9].

The study by Brownstein et al. was reviewed by three practicing physicians and one citizen reviewer, consistent with the aims of improving public health policies via science. The consensus among all of the reviewers was that the study was among the most important published to date on COVID-19 treatment efficacy.

The evidence presented by Brownstein et al. is sufficient grounds for future randomized prospective clinical trials of mild and seriously ill patients distributed across many clinical performance sites. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law looks forward to providing a rigorously reviewed outlet for such studies.

The Backstory

I'm as interested in backstory as I am about the front story.  I've already let James Lyons-Weiler know I'd be interviewing him about that, and he had said he was deferring all interviews to David Brownstein. 

Having been part of starting a clinic that was about a decade behind his,  I could well imagine what his schedule would be like in light of his publishing about what they found helped with COVID-19, and the resultant controversy.  Seeing that his website was void of content related to COVID-19, and a reference to questions raised by government authorities, my interest was piqued!  

So I waited for them to forward the ball.  And that happened on 22 July 2020, when I was in Facebook and saw an icon saying James was live on video with David.  I dropped what I was doing and tuned in.  Then came back to provide, below.  (Adding on 23July2020).  Here's the link:


The July 22, 2020 discussion / interview provided by Dr. Jack/ James Lyons-Weiler, Ph. D. with David Brownstein, M.D.   It takes just under 53 minutes to view, and I highly encourage the use of the time if you have it and the data / broadband, so you can get all the nuances and details.  Here's a link to view it:


For those who don't/can't access the video now, or prefer to glance and read first, here are the highlights, from my standpoint (and from my keyboard.  Again, please refer to my requests for financial contributions for the time it takes me to provide information to help you and everyone -- the herd. 

0:00 Welcome to viewers/users of the video and live stream (at the time), intro by James/Jack

0:49 Welcome to David, Jack/James saying David Brownstein has been doing a lot of interviews lately, so luckily he's once again on Unbreaking Science; Jack asks how it's going, and David says it's "crickets" from conventional, but being embraced by others who become aware of what he's done. "I can't undertand the pushback and negativity I get ... for providing information to try and help people get healthier immune systems." 

1:50 Jack asks David if he's heard back from a government agency yet (the FTC, David explains, Federal Trade Commission). David got a warning letter from them about a month and a half ago saying his interviews of patients they treated with COVID (he/David was the interviewer), where he asked how they felt before treatment, what did they do for treatment outside of his suggestions/care (such as if they were hospitalized) were not case histories, they were not interviews.  They seemed them as advertisements for his practice, so they sent the warning letter (4 pages, small print, bulleted, giving 48 hours to remove them from the website, "or else", as he said). 

David Brownstein said they complied, removing everything about COVID from their website. He'd been doing COVID posts every other day because he was excited about what he was seeing with their patients at the clinic.  He was hoping it would give people hope, because in March and April there was not much out there; COVID was ravaging his local area (Detroit, Michigan) and areas of the country at that time. (Later he refers to the substantial drop in fatalities seen in May, so was underscoring this was tracking back to the time period everyone in the trenches was really scrambling.) 

Hospitalized patients that were ventilated were dying in droves, and he was trying to give other doctors a way to approach their patients for the benefit of both patients and providers.  He was also trying to explain it in a simple enough way that consumers "could sort of do it on their own."  (I really related to this aspect, because that's what I've always wanted Lumigrate to do -- be used by consumers who are proactive and have the ability to learn the information, and be appealing to providers as well.)  

The FTC saw that as an "advertisement" and gave 48 hours to remove it, which they did. 

3:43 They've been in communication with the FTC. He had been cataloging the patients as they were getting better, and he explains that Jack/James Lyons-Weiler sent him a private email saying "if they want a study, why don't we give them a study, because in the FTC notice they said there's no preventive treatment for COVID, therefore any mention thereof falls in violation of FTC regulation number "whatever", and until there's a clinical human study which confirms what you say is true, you can't advertise that." 

So David completed the study and submitted it to the journal (which Jack started in recent years). 

4:30 Jack clarified in his words: "I see that something's happened, someone's asking you for a study, I have a journal, let's see what you can do with a study." "You had not conducted nor started a study until you had the 107 patients, so that's a "retrospective study"." 

David responds about how it was a clinical case study, a retrospective study, as he'd been cataloging them and tracking their progress. No one was exclused from the study. If someone was diagnosed with COVID they were included in the study. (5:30) He never anywhere said  "we cured COVID".  What he had said was, "for the last 25 years we have been supporting people's immune systems during the flu season and seeing our patients not develop pneumonia, not get hospitalized, not die in any significant numbers."

He admits to having failures in his clinical practice over the years, like anyone else out there, but their patients, compared to the norm, were way lower. 

6:00 His clinic has been using this therapy over the winter months when viruses are at their highest, with little tweeks as they'd learn new things. When COVID was coming, he related how the whole staff was on edge, and he said at a meeting"I think we're going to have this covered, this should be no different than any of the influenza-like illnesses, we've treated ....."

Dr. Brownstein assumed that since coronavirus has been around for thousands of years and their patients in his practice for 25 years got better, the patients with the new coronavirus, COVID-19, would as well.  "We'll see", he said, having noted that they'd not culture tested everyone, initially it was only the most ill at hospitals that were allowed to be tested, with his patients getting to (once more testing was available, I'm interjecting). 

They started going out to the parking lot to see the patients, so as to not have ill people come into the clinic.  In Michigan, in the spring, there was a lot of undesirable weather they worked through.  David Brownstein stated his concerns: "I'm the worst patient to get sick with COVID" due to pre-existing conditions, including scoliosis with lung involvement.  " We took it seriousely.  I was scared.  We were all on edge."  

He thought it appropriate to report on it, he said.  "Hospitals were overflowing.  We were getting good outcomes".  But due to the FTC ruling, he can't post the article about his study,  nor talk about it on his website.  He can talk about it elsewhere because it's in the public domain.  And therefore I can provide information about it as well. 

Backstory from me: I was an OTR when I started Lumigrate. I wasn't allowed as an OTR to discuss with patients things such as diet's effect on the system, and how that might relate to their symptoms.  It was confusing to providers -- not the public, I didn't have any trouble from consumers -- that I was doing health information navigation assistance and providing a website with health information, and I was threatened with being turned into the State's governing agency.  I opted to "just become an ordinary citizen, who happens to know what I know, have the experience I have, and require compensation for individual help."  I'm very proud that Lumigrate and I are here to provide this information to anyone who wishes to use it. It's getting about 200 reads a week so far.     

Since the government said they want a randomized controlled trial, per a letter that arrived the day before this interview, which was news to James Lyons-Weiler / Dr Jack, it was fun to see them start to kick the can around about how that could be done.  I'll leave that for you to watch if you're so inclined. 

At this point the discussion becomes a bit difficult to follow, and from my standpoint it's a matter of David Brownstein being hurt and scared at some level, it appears to me, while James / Jack is thrilled to get more science and "do his thing".  Dr. Brownstein clearly is most insterested in treating patients and not doing scientific studies going forward. I can't say I blame him. 

I used to work in research and it's a lot to add to your process, it costs money (and perhaps funds would be available but you have to pay someone to get the funds for you -- that's part of what I did as a secretary to the researcher, from age 24 to 32 at Colorado State University with funding coming from mostly Federal agencies, then going through to other universities or the private sector for the portions they were specialized). 

James asked David to let him know if he could help, underscored his journal is a safe journal, there is wisdom in not putting your papers to a journal where it'll get caught up and not go forward.  They'll be going for PubMed listing next year, but they aren't presently.   

This is a great teaching opportunity for the public right now.  Jack encourages other providers seeing good results now to contact him.  He suggested perhaps another doctor could bring Dr. Brownstein's protocol into their clinic and do a study on it.  

It's good news the dialogue with the FTC has been professional and reasonable, they might not be in agreement but they're acting in a reasonable way.  

"If you don't mind, I'll try to make some connections with these other doctors" Jack said. David responded:

"The problem is, COVID's lethality fell off a cliff in the third week of May.  I've seen a few patients since then, and we sit outside in the grass so we don't bring sick people in the building, but the ones that were getting it weren't as sick.  When I talked to doctors around the country and the world, they're seeing the same thing." (Mardy's note, see below, there's a possible explanation for this that I found from another doctor friend on Facebook, "Dr. Doug".)

Dr. Jack states: "I'm going to mark this as a win, they're asking for more science." He goes on:

I am the editor in chief.  I made sure it was a blinded review, Dr Brownstein did not have any idea who the reviewers were.  It took a while, the process, as I wanted to protect the reputation of my journal as well.  I remember asking you to lay out the details in great detail. It's open access.

Send it to other doctors in Michigan if you're in Michigan.  The treatment pretty much costs under $200, a few people needed more IVs and it was a little higher.  

I'm not quite sure why nobody is talking about the immune system. The vaccine's not going to work if the immune system doesn't work.  The hope they come up with a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19 was verbalized.  

David Brownstein went on to refer to a doctor in Florida whom he had just interacted with, and they were using similar outdoor housing to what was used in Haiti.  

This is a wake up call for Americans.  There are no excuses for this. 

Maybe  patients already going to Dr Brownstein were healthier going into the illness because of what they had learned and done prior.  

Everyone is so busy with the vaccines being developed, and billions of dollars. But the patients' TH2 immune systems are key, and are skewed in many cases. Because ....

Aluminum hydroxide (in food and vaccines), so there's something askew, those that did worse might have had the flu or gotten the vaccine.  Dr Brownstein goes on... 

You only got a test in March if you were dying and in the hospital.  They relaxed it so the CDC put out a bulletin giving criteria.  We got the test in Michigan in middle of April.  Patients were referred to us from other doctors, and those were some of the people that had the positive test results. 

The tests have 30% false positive, nearly 30% false negative, you might as well keep testing until you get the results you want, David Brownstein said, adding that wth influenza, it's similar.  

Molecular diagnostics is a mess, he simply said. 

Everyone who passes/ dies should have cadaver tested for it and other diseases, maybe they had several things. (per Jack).

Going forward, there's a serious problem with doing studies.   When there's an emergency and you have to do something now, you have to work with the situation, and Jack commends David Brownstein on his efforts.  

The politics stinks:  Hydroxychloriquine for example.  The drug was used for autoimmune disorders by Dr Brownstein and many others.  

Why aren't they talking about the immune systems? 

What has happened that caused so many to get so ill and die, why not put money into looking into that?, Dr Brownstein said, and continues, facitiously ... "Who am I, I only have 25 years experience." Jack points out he's written 15 books.  

Brownstein says (highlights of): It's frustrating.  I feel a little muzzled. I have more time to sail, there's no more rain and sleet and snow.  I don't feel good about what's happening as it unfolds again in other states.  

The Florida data coming out shows 100% of the tests come back positive.  The hospitals are full.  

Now I think with the new studies coming out showing there's more immunity than we have thought.  

Why did Michigan get hit so hard?  Why is Florida getting it now? Hopefully we're getting that herd immunity.  We have 50k a year reported to die from flu every year.  We need better immune systems, let's not shut down again.  

Jack thinks 50k as flu disease are reported, and that includes COVID. 

They're cooking the data, that's why Trump has said you have to report to HSS not CDC.  

Influenza-like illnesses.  

How long have they been working on an influenza A vaccine?  Why do they think they'll get this one for COVID right? 

Measles: reported outbreaks and vaccinated as a factor was stated by Dr Jack.

Now they're going to get this vaccine out there and there'll be COVID RNA all over the place.  If they put attenuated virus in there.  So this should not persist in the body, but we're being told a vaccine is the solution.

An active infection doesn't equal disease. 

You have viruses in your body all the time, and you'll test positive for them. We need symptom diagnosis not molecular diagnosis.  

The man who developed the PCR test said this ... above.

The data sucks, the testing sucks, I can't believe we're in 2020 in America and this is what has happened.  We're sheeple.  

Jack proposes who can become director of agencies and hopes David would get the job of assistant director because they need active physicians.  The fact that Fauci has been at this for so long. 

We need people who see normal patients in a normal state.  

In those kinds of systems if you pop your head up, you get it cut off.  We can't have these untouchable golden boys. 

He changed the paper each time it went through a review, David brownstein said.  It was constructive criticism.  He said he can tell when going to lectures almost immediately who is in the trenches and who isn't. 

Don't represent this as a randomized clinical style, but please get ahold of the people running programs that are helping people, and send this study.  Directors of ICU, medical directors.  Lay people can do 80 to 90 percent of it on your own.  

Dr. Brownstein just had a daughter virutally graduate from medical school.  The address said to report your findings so others can learn from you, and that's the greatest thing you can offer medicine.  "Except when it's COVID, you can't report on that." 

The family doctor in New York that was reporting on hydroxychloriquin working in his patients, then we had the reports of  people ventilated and very sick hospitalized patients, at a high dose. 

Brownstein said he'd used low loses of a drug like hydroxychloriquone

You support the immune system with things like zinc and melatonin. let me tell you, the vast majority of people, over 97% are deficient in iodine.  The only ones who weren't were my patients taking iodine.  

Let's spend some money getting people's immune systems working better.  

One last question from Jack.  107 patients you had, how many came back to you saying they had gotten sick again.  They've had nobody come back, two are functional and back to work but aren't feeling completely well yet.  

Doing a follow up study on the patients was suggested by Jack, for 6, 12, 18 months after. 

Dr Brownstein and his partner would go after work almost every day unless very inclement weather and play tennis.  One day he said "this was an honor to do this with you".  On our death beds, whoever dies first  -- they were talking like that and how this was the highlight of his medical career. " And the next day I get the letter from the FTC telling me to stop talking about it."  

It's going to take the population to rise up and say enough. We'll give Pfizer the money, we won't talk about the immune system.

Your government is giving companies billions of dollars on a chance they might be able to beat natural herd imunity to the punch, said Jack. 

It's a highlight of my academic career to have played the role I did in bringing the study to publication. Jack said.

You could probably do any publicly funded study you want now. Jack said to David. He responded:

I'm a family doctor.  I want to help patients and make a difference.  I've been practicing medicine for 25 years for this!  I'm in contention with the FTC over this.... 

We know what it takes to recover.  A proper response from the immune system.  That's what we need to be focusing our time on. 

If you do think deeply about getting some sites around the country to try your protocol -- the offer is there from Jack to help him.

Brownstein got messages from people all over the world.  Doctors saying the patients read what he was blogging about and they presented to them, and they got better, and it was a great therapy -- this is for the immune system, not specifically for COVID. 

Let's keep the conversation going, Jack said. 

if you have questions, email ask dr jack at unbreaking science .com or

info at brownstein dot com, but he's getting trouble getting things out now since they've been closed down in terms of putting information out, but he is reading the messages as they come in. "I told my mother I'm the first in the family to get a federal agency after me."  

We've already won, the patients are doing well. 

It was an honor to treat the patients and have the staff that stuck with me.  It was a rough ride when we didn't know who was going to live and die, including us.  The body is a wonderful thing, if you give it what it needs.  

Good luck to you, sir, I'll talk to you soon.  Thanks. 

Dr. Doug posted this in his Facebook group, which I only recently learned of, joined, and then connected with him on Facebook. As I did with Dr. Jack when I learned of him. I encourage you to do the same, and follow the link to sign up to get his emails.                                    
Very key for information consumers today with censorship going on is to not be trapped with our contacts in the control of others by not being with the direct connection control to the providers you find helpful!
As above, so below, as always, I edit content snippets I put on Lumigrate for those who benefit from shorter paragraphs, bolding, etc., but I changed nothing of content.
Enzymes in Humans are Mutating the Virus in an Accelerated Fashion to Make it Less Harmful.
(Please Invite People to this Group to Read this Article and Future Articles)
This is great news, and probably something that most people failed to recognize the significance of. This is a bit long, but keep reading. You’re going to love the punchline.
Viruses normally mutate over time due to random processes that result in their viral genetics being unfaithfully replicated. All viruses change over time, with coronaviruses demonstrating an intermediate mutation rate compared to other viruses. They’re not the fastest, and they’re not the slowest.
This process is normally thought to be completely random and not directed in any way, with certain mutations being selected preferentially over others as the virus competes against other variants in the pool.
This process, when compounded over time, normally results in the mortality and health impact of the virus being  “attenuated”, meaning that the virus moves towards becoming more benign. This is because the variants which don’t cause humans to self-isolate due to sickness are the variants that survive by preferentially spreading through the population.
The variants which are more harmful tend to fizzle out, and the benign variants spread form person to person because these “healthy” people are out and about.
Viral attenuation is the reason why a virus may exhibit a high mortality/sickness rate when it is first introduced into a naive population, and why the subsequent passage of that virus throughout the population results in the mortality rate declining with higher portion of the population being asymptomatic.
That process of viral attenuation can take time, and the rate at which this occurs depends on the mutation rate of the virus, among other factors.
Now for the good news. This latest research published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution demonstrates that the interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with humans is acceratling the attenuation process above the natural mutation rate exhibited by the virus itself.
The authors hypothesize, and I think rightfully so, that a human enzyme called APOBEC is responsible for this process.
They studied the genetic sequence obtained from 15,000 different virus samples taken from patients with SARS-CoV-2. They tracked the mutations that occur along this sequence over time, and catalogued the frequency and probability of certain mutations at each site in the sequence.
They found that there was an abnormally high rate of mutation causing the nucleotide “C” to mutate to the nucleotide “U” in the viral RNA. This preferred mutation resulted in a high % of U’s throughout the genetic sequence, much more than what would be predicted by random variation.
They also found hallmarks in the genetic sequence suggesting that the virus was “fighting back”, meaning that the process of selection was removing a certain percentage of these U’s; however, even though there was selective pressure against U’s, the percentage of U’s appearing throughout the genetic sequence of the virus was much higher than normal. This means that the virus is losing the battle.
What do these extra U’s in the sequence do? They make the virus less fit and slow down its replication in our body. This is because of three different effects.
First, a higher percentage of U’s make the viral RNA less stable and more prone to degradation in our cells.
Second, these U’s at certain locations along the genome reduce the translation rate of RNA into viral protein.
Third, these extra U’s increase the immunogenicity of the viral RNA, meaning that our immune system can recognize and fight the virus WITHOUT THE ADAPTIVE ANTIBODY RESPONSE!!!
What’s causing this high level of conversion of C’s to U’s in the viral RNA? Right now, the leading hypothesis is a family of enzymes called APOBEC. Humans express these proteins in cells to defend against both DNA and RNA viruses, and these enzymes make up part of our innate immune response. This enzyme can mutate a C to a U by “deaminating” the C. Essentially, this enzyme chemically modifies the C over to a U in viral RNA.
As the virus has passed from human to human, a larger portion of those C’s have been converted over to U’s, and the virus has attempted to slow this transformation of the viral genome down, but the net effect is the virus can’t keep up with this level of transformation. The virus is effectively being attenuated at a rate much greater than normal because of an active defense system that’s already present in our cells.
In fact, senior author Professor Laurence Hurst, Director of the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath, said: “I have looked at mutational profiles for many organisms and they all show some sort of bias, but I’ve never seen one as strong and strange as this.”
In other words, humans are altering this novel coronavirus at a rate much higher than normal, and this alteration is making the virus more benign. This will translate to the death rate going down in rapid fashion, and a larger portion of the population exhibiting no symptoms.
This, my friends, is very good news.
(If you’d like to stay up to date when I publish new blog articles, add your email to my distribution list at —> http://eepurl.com/g-Hd8j)
Dr. Doug
Alan M Rice, Atahualpa Castillo Morales, Alexander T Ho, Christine Mordstein, Stefanie Mühlhausen, Samir Watson, Laura Cano, Bethan Young, Grzegorz Kudla, Laurence D Hurst, Evidence for strong mutation bias towards, and selection against, U content in SARS-CoV-2: implications for vaccine design, Molecular Biology and Evolution, July, 2020.
Link: (Provided by one of Dr. Doug's group members, thank you, good group mates who "grab oars" makes it better for everyone, as we are in this together!
More about "Dr. Doug" (as I looked upon finding him, and was impressed:
Studied Solid State Physics and Materials Science at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Class of 1997
Studied Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at
ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Class of 2005
Studied Electrical engineering at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Also studied Solid-state physics and BS Engineering Physics·Class of 1995


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Photo of Mardy and O'Rio Grande in the back seat, summer 2019, four years after she became the caretaker of the then-ten year old dog, who had very similar symptoms to hers in middle age.  He'd end up saving her life, by inspiring further study leading to root causes, and she offered to become his official human in 2017.  






Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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