Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcasts

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No Out There
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
Joined: Nov 23 2009
Posts: 1
User offline. Last seen 15 years 1 week ago.

Hi, my name is Llenar

Mardy Ross began IMing me in the FB Chat tonight and invited me to post something here under the Spirituality Forum.  She and I have IMed in the past and here's how the conversation went tonight misspellings and all:

I'm still here, Mardy and thank you for the offer. I don't like to write. I have a blog, yet what I post there is about my Talkshow. That's usually it unless I feel really inspired. That's whay I have the talkshow - it's easier for me to talk.! I went to the website to the Forum area. I see where the Spirituality topic is, honestly, I don't know WHAT to put there. I'd like to take a raincheck though.


Well, all you'd have to write is : I don't like to write, but I have a blog about (X, Y, Z and a, b, c, 1-2-3) (that's a michael Jackson joke)




and then just link out to your blog. You can put your photo in too, and there is a really talented blogger


OK. I can do that! Thank you!


over in the fibromyalgia pages named Aimee who is a great example to look at.



OK. I will do that. There are some AMAXING guests that have been on the show and some of them have talked about HEALTH!

So I don't like to write.  I have a blog - No Out There where I post about the topic and guest for the upcoming show.  You can read about me and some of the guests I've had on the show.  You can even listen to past shows right there.  Here's the link:  No Out There

In case you'd like to know a little about No Out There, it's an idea, a concept, a particular point of view and PHILOSOPHY from which I live my life, which says there's NOBODY out there DOING IT TO ME.  No person, place or thing outside of me is doing it to me.  No One's at Fault. No One's to Blame, NOT EVEN ME for what is going on in my life, showing up in my life, has been in my life, etc.   Read more . . .

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