Look at the Science~

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Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 2
User offline. Last seen 14 years 51 weeks ago.

I have been a skeptic all my life because I had 4 brothers who never told me anything that was true. When a friend (a Respiratory Therapist) introduced me to what I credit for making me healthy, I was skeptical.  However, having just gone through a health scare I knew that I had nothing to lose.  As a health care provider, I had spent much of my life caring for others and my health scare was indeed a message to care for myself.   I read the literature and listened to some tapes where various health care providers, talked about how they used Juiceplus in their practice.   It just made sense to give it a try.  

A week after I started eating Juice Plus I felt different but could not describe how.  I feared it was all in my head but at the end of week two, I knew I was doiing the smartest thing I had ever done for me and my family.  The research is published in medical and nutritional journals and NIH is actually doing one now.  They were done all over the world and I could see them....any time.  And they were gold standard research studies!! Other companies said they had research but it was proprietary so I couldn't see it.  Or worse, they only did one research on one item of many in their product.  

Well, in no time I felt better than I had in years... and at almost 50 then.... that was amazing.  It feels good to feel great!! I just had to share with others...I was so excited. My family was surely annoyed as I spoke of it so often, but many of them also now will never be without Juice Plus. I have been on it now for about NINE years and have sponsored many kids in the Childrens Research Study, where they can get healthy at no cost to their families.  It is amazing to at last be making a difference in the lives of others in a way that Nursing never allowed me to do.  It is also amazing to have so many incredible and positive health changes in my life and know I am practicing disease prevention in a world where we are the most unhealthy nation in the entire world. 

Thank you Juice Plus and thank you Pam for thinking of me when you were sharing it.

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