Information in Interview re: Naturopathic Medicine/ Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Applies Here Too!

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Dr Christopher Lepisto ND's picture
Dr Christopher ...
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: Jul 16 2010
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User offline. Last seen 13 years 12 weeks ago.

Hello forum members,

Mardy, thank you for asking me to post the link here to the full hour podcast on Naturopathic Medicine, CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome which I did with Cinda Crawford recently.  To listen, click here

Cinda Crawford Interviews Dr. Christopher Lepisto on Naturopathic Medicine for CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome.

In this interview, I elaborate on the "full barrel" of history, exposures and experiences that play a part in the whole picture of CFS and fibromyalgia syndrome, which have overlapping information with autoimmune disorders so might be worth a listen for people looking in this forum for solutions.  I hope many find it helpful to their health.

Dr. Christopher


Christopher Lepisto, ND was one of the professionals in Lumigrate's inspirational and formative times, and has video information on on the Videos tab. He can be found for consultation both in person and through technology in his new location which you can find at his website:

Mardy's Note - in many cases items on Lumigrate get mirrored in more than one spot in order to catch people looking in various forum areas.  This is one of those cases.  In 2014 I embellished one of the versions of this to have the interview basically transcribed so you-sers can look it over or refer back to it and know where in the interview to go and get details they're wanting and etc.  Some people can't hear digital media, or they might have hearing impairments or process better visually. SO I have tried to whittle away and transcribing some of the more pertinent content.

And four years after Dr Lepisto had done this interview and provided the topic at Lumigrate about it, I thought it was still very relevant and worthy of putting some time and energy into.  I also link to things to embellish upon and help people be guided to information to support things he mentions but didn't go into detail with nor give references about, so that you-sers can make the best use of their time and energy in learning IF liking the kind of information I select and pull together and include, that is. 

Here's the link :  It is in the forum I created to have mirrored copies of some of the top things I'd wany any you-ser researching about chronic fatigue / pain conditions (umbrella term 'fibromyalgia') to find.  

I show not only his full barrel syndrome model, but also the load theory / elevator model that the MD we had on Lumigrate at the time of this topic being provided by Dr Lepisto used, as they're similar and getting at the same thing, but with different analogies.  That being Dr Spurlock (MD).  So it's a REALLY good place to start for anyone really, and in particular people who have the awareness of having pain and fatigue symptoms and what that might be from and what they might do to remediate the symptoms and underlying causes.  


Christopher Lepisto, ND was one of the professionals in Lumigrate's inspirational and formative times, and has video information on on the Videos tab. He can be found for consultation both in person locally at his new downtown solo practice and remotely through technology at with all the answers to who, how, rates etc. at:

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