Groom., et al. in "Retrovirology" Professional Journal, 2010: Quality Analysis in Scientific Studies on XMRV

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Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 8
User offline. Last seen 14 years 45 weeks ago.

There is a new blog entry at which objectively looks at the recent XMRV research in the UK. Take care all ek

(Mardy's Note: I'm adding the link for that, Emma-Kate, for people's convenience.  I know that you've not been feeling your normal 'energy conserving self', and I really appreciate your spending your time and energy coming to Lumigrate to help our followers spend THEIR limited energy (and time) staying on top of the best information YOU route us to, and write, etc.  Take Care Emma-Kate -- Mardy)

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