Grain Brain and Dementia, Movement Disorders, and "Behavioral Wellness" and Mental Health. It's All Connected

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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St. Patrick's Day was yesterday and I had to chuckle at the information I was watching on television from the author of the current bestselling book Grain Brain, David Perlmutter, MD. His message strongly reinforces everything we've had for the five years since Lumigrate launched in March of 2009, and carries it orders of magnitude further in terms of focusing on things related to the brain and grains that have gluten in them. AND things that drive the blood sugar up and down and around. Ever heard of 'glycemic index'? He uses it, we actually preferred the similar 'glycemic load' from our formative years, which factors in the fiber in foods which changes things a great deal for some foods, such as carrots and apples. But he has really GRATE information, in my opinion! 

As I watched the show (recorded from Sunday), I wondered "How many people in the world are consuming beer with gluten in it?" (Hopefully they've gotten the memo now about artificial colorings and have nixed the traditional green beer and turning the rivers green as well, or at least made progress in that direction with less of it so someday it will be no more.) At least the traditional corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes are gluten free. However, white potatos and the effects on blood sugar will not be the be-all, end-all either.

Anymore, in the US this is another commercialized 'holiday' and I like to remind whenever possible to keep in mind about 'following the money', and following your heart and what YOU think. I'll say the same about the funding for PBS. I'm going to include, below, the information about the sponsors of the program because it's important for us to be aware of how these things 'work'. 

Sometimes I enjoy almost a 'harmonic convergence' of things that 'coincide' on my proverbial "radar screen", practically colliding in a way that makes me think of the expression "you couldn't write this stuff!" And this has just occurred. One thing was an email request from someone I provided health information concierge services to in recent years, returning with a different dilemma: In the past the issue ("case" some would say) was a person diagnosed with Lewy Body Disease (LBD), a very common but very underdiagnosed neurologic disorder, but when I got into the information provided by the person's 'team' contact/advocate (see YOU model we use at Lumigrate as our foundation concept), I suspected a misdiagnosis or a missed diagnosis. Or both. 

I've been professionally immersed in health care since 1992 and have had hundreds if not thousands of cases I've been involved with at some level or another, and this previous case was the top of the list of 'difficult' ones, and also for the book someday that will be my version of 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat'. I suspect a best seller could come from fictionalizing the whole story of this one interesting case and much could come out of it in terms of readers becoming more educated about a wide variety of things from blood sugar and diabetes to personality disorders and neurologic disorders, amidst the ashes of the 'systems' that become intertwined -- legal and medical -- causing such trauma and drama in people's lives sometimes. Very unfortunate for all involved, particularly when everyone involved was a good person, essentially. Perhaps you're hearing something in my words that resonates for you -- I hope so, keep reading and then learning. And perhaps the Lumigrate YOU model added in here will be a good visual. 

 And our hope 

                                                                              that Lumigrate is Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being

The team had a good first impression of me because not only had I heard of Lewy Body Disease, which is rare among medical providers they said, but my father had recently died of it after being missed diagnosed until he was literally almost dead. The difficulties he experienced even with a medical expert on his team (me) was nothing short of staggering and likely could be another fictionalized novel some day which would offer much for readers to learn from. There was no way that what went on was 'oversight', there appeared to be clear resistance to the medical teams in the west Denver area we were dealing with NOT finding the underlying cause of his neurologic problems.

The model of his health care team by the time the 'trigger person' came along was incredible --- but thankfully a nurse said 'he looks like he has Parkinsons to me' six weeks or so into all the misdiagnosing and mistreatment (which was literally 'torturous' to the point he asked to die, yet when I asked for a hospice consult as a result of those words, I was literally treated by a room full of his team-mates as if I had not been heard. My father had resisted taking my advise about not eating wheat from the time I learned of my intolderance in 1995, but in about 2000 had severe problems come upon him and he then took someone else's advise when they said the same thing I had. I relate this mostly because I hope to underscore the importance of EACH person on the team, and how it can make all the difference to get THE RIGHT ONE added to the mix that can tip the whole thing in the 'right' direction. 

I find I am often the 'seed planter' and someone else comes along and waters it or cultivates the idea, which is great, as sometimes I'm the cultivator of someone else's seed they planted. What ultimately matters is that the people who are having problems or want to prevent problems get the information and become proactive in using the information! And it has a great deal to do with the overall team, or system surrounding a person, being 'on the same page' with 'the program', whatever that program is going to be. THAT is where the difficulty often lies and the breakdowns occur, so getting the whole team educated and on that same page is a key. 

The person / 'challenging case' I have been referring to here whose team member 'got it' what I was providing for education better than most others on the team, I thought at the time, ended up having a significant drug/alcohol history that was initially a concern and information they provided but within moments of my being in contact with the person clearly was a key clue. And due to the various factors that come along with people who abuse substances and have likely not been able to be honest about it always, I suspect nobody will ever know all the details, even if you put the whole team together, including the now deceased.

Why would I say that? Lack of insight, believing in the untrue story which was so convincingly related it was difficult to tell if the person was aware it wasn't the truth -- were they really delusional?  There were things in the mix that would be defined by conventional medicine within the personality disorders, though I was never aware of any of that type of assessment and diagnosing being made. In a magic wand world, I would have loved to have had a crysal ball or magic curtain to get behind and see what could have occurred had that complex middle aged person gone to a treatment center like the one now available in Loveland Colorado that takes a functional medicine and integrative medicine approach to alcohol and other drug addiction.

More about that at another topic titled "Addiction Recovery and Biochemical Restoration ....." which you can find in this same forum (The Head/Brain (body/mind) Psychology, neuropsychology, etc.) or for those reading this online if it's easier for you to find it, here's the link:

It wasn't a surprise to the professional who referred this team my way, nor to me, that things were as they were for this middle aged professional person, who unfortunately died/passed because of the ineffective 'gaps' and setup of 'the system' or systems currently. It is always frustrating at some level, which one can't dwell on, when you see these things occur despite each person's best attempts working within 'the systems' at hand. So it's refreshing to think there's now a member of that team remembering how I work with directing or concierging / teaching getting to valid and outside the box / cutting edge medical information as well as the conventional that works.  

They're inquiring because of someone they're inquiring about that's stemming from more their personal life than their professional / work life, they'd gotten thrown into being a medical and legal guardian / professional advocacy situation previously. This time, it's a young person, and in recent weeks and months I've heard a unanimous call to action by middle aged people or older saying 'I'm concerned and am being proactive as an 'activist' because of the children and young adults today who are inheriting the Earth from us. So, from that perspective I was very pleased to see this professional person get a hold of me for this new purpose. I wish them all the best and appreciate the enthusiasm for Lumigrate and what I offer here. 

The outward concern the adults have, apparently, has to do with substance abuse. So were they surprised when I sent them looking at information about diet and the brain? I didn't have this topic nor Dr Perlmutter and Grain Brain to refer them to, but Lumigrate has a good stock of information that should be convincing in and of itself, just with some more work to make the leaps of logic to so speak.

I also hadn't created a topic about the innovative inpatient and outpatient treatment center in the Front Range/Loveland, Colorado area because last time I'd looked at their website, it didn't have the great scoop it has now for helping people get going in the direction of how to DIY where they live in the event, like the vast majority of Lumigrate YOUsers, they're not going to be able to utilize that particular group of experts. But as you see, I have now created a topic about that (link above). Just as a person has a life and we're all works in progress, Lumigrate is as well, and often it's what I'll call 'The One' that creates the needs and then the resources to fill those needs for Lumigrate and the YOUsers.

If they've had me as an advisor before they likely aren't so surprised but they're now going to be the conduit to this young person and the family and others on his/her team.... And I have no way of knowing how familiar those people are with these kinds of concepts. Food and the brain. Food and behaviors. Food and alcohol or other drug use and abuse and possible 'addictions'. 

I'm getting some information onto Lumigrate for our YOUsers ASAP.  It's about the information now being run to the top of "the information flagpole" by those who read and read about books, who watch and support PBS, and etc. --- THIS TIME, the book is Grain Brain, and the expert author and speaker/teacher is Dr. David Perlmutter, a Florida-based neurologist. I'm setting you up here with information from and getting you to his website as well. 

I saw his show come on PBS and someone who had it presented in their area before mine had told me about it -- couldn't tell me the name of the guy but it wasn't Amen and it wasn't Hyman so I wasn't sure who he was talking about. So I suspected it was Perlmutter and went out of my way to 'tune in' on my television when PBS ran the show yesterday. (You can see at Dr Ps website a listing of when his show airs around the US on PBS stations.) 

I became aware of Grain Brain by seeing the book cover at the health food store, Natural Grocers (formerly Vitamin Cottage, they rebranded about five years ago). Why I didn't buy a copy of the book before now is anyone's guess --- if I recall correctly I was still working on purchasing and reading and considering incorporating information about further books from other experts I'd had on Lumigrate: Daniel Amen and Mark Hyman's The Amen Solution that was spearheaded by Pastor Rick Warren, for instance.  
And perhaps I'm getting fatigued with all this health stuff getting thrown at us so fast, it's one new book after another and much of it is repackaging of other materials. I  remember seeing Grain Brain for the first time when I had my hands full checking out at the health food store and thinking 'hmmmm..... copycat, riding on the shoulders of Wheat Belly'.  The covers seem awfully similar, the titles .. Wheat Belly / Grain Brain ...  Does anyone remember the lawsuit with the two women who created similar books about how to sneak vegetables into foods without children knowing it? That kind of stuff is perhaps making me jaded. Dealing on a few occasions with experts I've invited in the past to be the current go-to experts for conversations we'd create in the forums or in the initial videos who ended up being disengenuous -- granted, they've been few and far between but three of them were significant disappointments and costly to me in one way or another. So --- I'm human, I'm normal, but I believe now that I misjudged and hope to learn that I had closed my mind and thankfully opened it last night to explore what was said on PBS. First impressions of a person speaking rather than reading the words in a book are perhaps a good way of 'judging the book by it's author not it's cover', I will say. 
I'm well aware of the marketing of things, of keeping the 'news cycle' going and it seems like there's some sort of a planned rollout of experts and their book deals and appearances on PBS and I feel rather 'handled' or 'groomed' I suppose. At any rate, in the past I've always purchased a book and actually read it (or significant portions of it) before suggesting YOUsers of Lumigrate put their energies and time into learning about it here. So today, thanks to the fabulous people, such as the experts at UW and who Dr Perlmutter's used to put his website together, I'm going to go about this differently. 
I see from his various places for people to comment that there's a demand for people who don't have the PBS show in their area. I hope this will help fill that gap for our YOUsers who are interested, and I will do an overview of the PBS show as I did push the 'record' button rather early on in the show as it started out with such a great FIRST IMPRESSION. 
So, the various things I wish to provide for YOUsers to learn about this information:
The noteworthy sponsors: - There's a very short and very informative video at Cyrex Labs' home page. Shown on a graphic are these words on the screen: This program was made possible by a generous educational grant from: Cyrex Laboratories - Expanding the World of Gluten Testing.  The website given is not for CyrexLabs dot com but rather -- when I went there and clicked on a tab about what experts are saying about this test, guess what I found? Dr P and an endorsement statement, with the explanation after that he's the author of bestselling book Grain Brain.
CereScan - Pioneering the New Era of Brain Science & Diagnostic Imaging
where you'll find they have imaging centers in Colorado (my home state) and Florida (Dr P's state): 

Welcome to CereScan!

Our goal is to help improve your quality of life through better science. We specialize in state of the art functional brain imaging utilizing a proprietary process including the latest generation high resolution gamma camera, the industry's leading brain image reconstruction software, specially trained board-certified physicians and research-based knowledge to provide unparalleled diagnostic medical reports.  This superior process, combined with our warm, patient centered focus of care enables CereScan to provide patients and professionals with the highest level of neuroimaging in the country.

Xymogen, exclusive professional formulas.
Following the link, this is what the About has to say: 

We are passionate about helping individuals achieve their best possible health. As a family-owned health sciences company, we create innovative dietary supplements in answer to individual feedback from our licensed healthcare practitioners and customers. A quarter century of experience has proved to us the value of our personal attention to every detail and customer, and this is one of the reasons for our success.

Our company is respected and fast-growing because of our scientific approach to formula quality and purity, our “People First” culture, and our commitment to excellence. We invite you to explore our website and see firsthand how 21st century nutrition can be easily integrated into your lifestyle!

Just a guess, but is this the brand of supplements that you find when you click at Dr P's website to purchase supplements? Not complainin', just sayin'.... (and this is what I'm finding many YOUsers appreciate is learning how to look into these things if they're not already aware of doing this 'detective work' following the money and connections and basically "conspiring" individuals and organizations. Nothing wrong with collaborating and consiring, that's what happens even with two parents raising children from our 'day one'. ....

Grain Brain with Dr. David Perlmutter (Podcast #230) via Underground Wellness (UW) (I was the 34,318th to view this video on 3/18/14. If you go, what number are YOU? -- just fun to see how much company YOU have). This is one hour, 16 minutes and 28 seconds WELL worth the trip via the link....  You'll see that UW has provided nice notes in the description at YouTube, but they input easy to view and visually interesting / helpful graphics that go along with what Dr Perlmutter said in the interview.

Published on Nov 7, 2013
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Grain Brain with Dr. David Perlmutter (Podcast #230)

Heart healthy.

Lowers cholesterol.

These familiar labels are stamped across products up and down the supermarket shelves.

They're the lines that you hear repeatedly during commercial breaks.

And for those who don't know any better, thy are what people look for when making their food choices.

But here's the thing -- cholesterol is VITAL for life. If we didn't have cholesterol, we'd be dead.

And the war against cholesterol needs to end now.

Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain, was recently a guest on UW Radio and discussed the role of cholesterol for many essential life functions.

For example...

Did you know that 25% of the cholesterol in your body is found in the brain, where it is an antioxidant, helps build neuronal membranes, and is the precursor that allows your brain to make vitamin D? (Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol, too.)

With that in mind, why would we want to lower cholesterol, hence inhibiting those functions that are vital for life?

Dr. Perlmutter also shared the shocking results of a study observing the correlation between cholesterol levels and cognitive brain function. But you're going to have to listen to the show to find out the results...

Bottom line is, cholesterol is your friend helping you live a long, healthy life. Not your enemy.

Click the player at the bottom of this post to listen to the entire interview.

Here are my notes:

5:06 -- The impact Dr. Perlmutter had on Dr. Oz.

9:10 -- Why you shouldn't let the government tell you what to eat.

14:42 -- LDL vs oxidized LDL -- know the difference!

17:10 -- 4 vital functions that require cholesterol in the brain.

20:20 -- Why cholesterol should be your BFF, not your worst enemy.

23:43 -- Is whole-grain wheat bread more toxic than a Snickers bar?

29:07 -- Your brain on gluten.

32:20 -- Heard of leaky gut? There's even leaky brain.

34:15 -- Do your kids a favor -- put them on a gluten-free diet.

36:15 -- Dr. Perlmutter's opinion on quinoa.

38:40 -- The antioxidant hoax. And why Sean was right about Protandim.

40:52 -- 5 foods that prevent oxidative stress.

42:00 -- Caller Q: Can gluten-free products still affect the brain?

44:26 -- Caller Q: Is brain fog the result of a gluten sensitivity?

46:47 -- Caller Q: How effective is liposomal glutathione?

49:10 -- Caller Q: If you're on a gluten-free diet, do you only eat protein and vegetables?

51:06 -- Caller Q: Are there other harmful elements in grains beyond gluten?

55:45 -- Caller Q: Is there a difference between the diet Dr. Perlmutter recommends and the paleo diet?

57:30 -- Caller Q: What is Dr. Perlmutter's opinion on the supplement KetoForce?

1:01:24 -- Caller Q: Can you fully recover from damage caused by gluten?

1:03:10 -- Why MS is a gut-related disease

1:09:41 -- Suffering from blood sugar issues? Here's a marker you should test for.

1:15:35 -- How to lower triglycerides.

1:16:33 -- Report your gluten-free success stories to Dr. Perlmutter!

1:17:56 -- The Grain Brain breakdown.
Again, please go view this at YouTube at this link (And connect with UW's YouTube channel, and links to otherwise connect Internet-wise:

From Dr Perlmutter's dot com website: a few highlights here, below (


David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N., is a board-certified neurologist and fellow of the American College of Nutrition, author, and dedicated family man.

In his new book, Grain Brain, Dr. Perlmutter aims to expose the surprising truth about wheat, carbs, and sugar – your brain’s silent killers.

As the empowering neurologist, Dr. Perlmutter’s mission is to uncover the food, the facts, the science to control your genetic destiny.


David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM – Board-Certified Neurologist

David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM is a Board-Certified Neurologist and Fellow of the American College of Nutrition who received his M.D. degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine where he was awarded the Leonard G. Rowntree Research Award. After completing residency training in Neurology, also at the University of Miami, Dr. Perlmutter entered private practice in Naples, Florida where he serves as Medical Director of the Perlmutter Health Center and the Perlmutter Hyperbaric Center.

Dr. Perlmutter serves as Adjunct Instructor at the Institute for Functional Medicine in Gig Harbor, Washington. He is recognized internationally as a leader in the field of nutritional influences in neurological disorders.


Dr. Perlmutter has contributed extensively to the world medical literature with publications appearing in such journals as The Journal of Neurosurgery, The Southern Medical Journal, Journal of Applied Nutrition, and Archives of Neurology. He is the author of: Powerful Therapy for Challenging Brain Disorders, The Better Brain Book (Putnam Publishers),  Raise a Smarter Child By Kindergarten (Morgan Road Books), and Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment (Hay House Publishers).

Media Appearances

Dr. Perlmutter has been interviewed on many nationally syndicated radio and television programs including 20/20, The Faith Daniels Program, Larry King Live, CNN, Fox News, Fox and Friends, The Today Show, The Oprah Show, The Dr Oz Show  and The CBS Early Show.


Dr. Perlmutter was awarded the 2002 Linus Pauling Award for his pioneering work in innovative approaches to neurological disorders. In addition, he received the 2002 Denham Harmon Award from the American College for the Advancement in Medicine for his work in advancing the understanding of free radical biochemistry in neurological diseases and is the recipient of the 2006 National Nutritional Foods Association Clinician of the Year Award. He received the 2010 Humanitarian of The Year from the American College of Nutrition.

Areas of Expertise

Preventive Medicine and Neurology

  • Alzheimer’s Prevention
  • Dementia Prevention
  • Parkinson’s Prevention
  • Multiple Sclerosis Prevention
  • Epilepsy treatment
  • ADHD treatment
  • Gluten Allergy
  • Gluten Sensitivity
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Brain Fog
Then the link specifically about Grain Brain, has information such as this:

Grain Brain by David Perlmutter, MD

Renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, blows the lid off a topic that’s been buried in medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. And not just unhealthy carbs, but even healthy ones like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more. Dr. Perlmutter explains what happens when the brain encounters common ingredients in your daily bread and fruit bowls, why your brain thrives on fat and cholesterol, and how you can spur the growth of new brain cells at any age. He offers an in-depth look at how we can take control of our “smart genes” through specific dietary choices and lifestyle habits, demonstrating how to remedy our most feared maladies without drugs.

So, please follow out to his website and see ALL there is there, these are just a few highlights to pique YOUsers interests and provide the overview information to glean from in order to streamline the time and energy for seekers of this type of information. If it grabs you, go to it! (Just please remember to come back to Lumigrate whenever you're wanting us to help get you into more information streams as a good health information concierge service would!)  


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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