Glyphosate - How it Gets In Us, Why It's a Problem, What YOU Can Do

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
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Glyphosate. It's so simple, yet so complicated. 

With the next sip or bite you put in your mouth, or provide to others -- pets and livestock included -- you can be adding to your glyphosate intake OR NOT.  So you might decide to do as I have, and purchase organic coffees and teas and get water purification system components that 'do their jobs well' -- but is there still glyphosate in the water?  

What about the coffee beans? When I (or whomever) grind the beans, were there ever beans ground in the grinder which had glyphosate on them because someone wasn't grinding organic beans?  So now I can't grind at the store or have the shop grind for me, because not all their bean are organic, now I'm having to grind at home to increase the probability that I'm not getting glyphosate from the grinder. Which I've done for years, but honestly would often grind at the shop or have ground for me because -- I just don't like the noise, and I don't taste the difference of having it ground just before brewing.  But to reduce the glyphosate issue, I'll DIMyself.  

EVERY step along the way for an organic product will face this same consequence -- from where it grows to where it is packaged.  

In the valley I've called home since 2004, I now really see how the area's irrigation system works.  The Grand Valley of Western Colorado has an intricate watering system that was put in long, long ago -- before these chemicals existed which influence the micribiome of soils in many cases.  Certainly it predates glyphosate, DDT and the modern 'medicine' for plants we've provided in my lifetime.  It was planned and constructed long before people realized that the soils, just like our intestines, have an eloquent microbiome that is affected by chemicals.  Just as the gut microbiome is the known underlying cause of many, many symptoms and common illnesses, recognized by increasing waves of people today, we're waking up to the mess we've made of the lands for growign foods in increasing numbers. 

The irrigation system here, to me, is like an elaborate game of "mouse trap". Water from The Mighty Colorado River is pumped out up the Valley on both the north and south sides, one pump on each side of the river, I was told last year by a worker I encountered for the company.  Then the whole thing goes downhill from there, for dozens of miles.  Individual users have pumps but the overall system they subscribe to has just the two. 

The canals and irrigation ponds that dot the valley, typically each farm had it's own, or subdivision, and so on, then are watering the grass or crops with whatever is in the water.  I affectionately refer to them as algae ponds to remind dog owners in particular to think about what's in the water before their dog takes a dip or a drink.  I'd encounter the afore-mentioned worked last fall when walking O'Rio just as we walked over a bridge with a relatively small canal's water enticing O'Rio to quench his thirst.  The worker overheard me saying he'd get safe water at the car, he couldn't have that water.  Apparently they're finding increasing numbers of dead wildlife in the canals compared to the past and were unsure why.  At least one person that day thought I was smart, and said so.  (grins) I wasn't so popular with O'Rio at that point in time.  

These ponds and canals lead to places where mosquitos will hang out, so then there's the need for a whole mosquito organization that treats the areas of concern. With chemicals. Toxic? Not? There's a lot to think about, research, and decide about how you're going to act and interact.   

If a person or organization is up near the high point of all this, and wanting to not have glyphosate in their soils and crops, then they'll have a better time of it than if they're near the end of things, because --- "_ _ i t flows downhill", and water does too.  Hopefully you're getting pure water if you're wanting it and not added __it, such as glyphosate, from whomever was uphill and up canal from you. 

Therefore, I want to say that glyphosate is uniquitous.  I'm never quite sure if I'm using that word correctly -- it essentially means it's everywhere but you can't put your finger on it anywhere, and popularly is misused and perhaps I'm slacking and misusing it, too. 

Glyphosate's interplay with many things in the environment is likely a contributing factor to many changes in the environment, which in turn trickle down and affect organisms whose microbiome in the body depends upon organisms with a shikimate pathway. 

Human cells do not have a shikimate pathway, and that's said to be why the industry could get it approved -- however, only a fraction of the cells in a person's body are human cells, the rest are organisms which DO HAVE A SHIKIMATE PATHWAY, which gets affected / damaged by the glyphosate when it gets inside of us.  This applies to more than people, too -- dogs, cats, livestock, and wild animals and so on. 

We are living on Earth together, playing in a large and complex symphony.  Humans are simply the conductor.  We're affecting the percussion section, the woodwinds, the strings, and so on.  And mind you, there's a hidden board of controllers of the symphony we're not aware of unless we have done the work to figure out about the globalists that have forever, seemingly, had control of things in the modern world. 

So I wanted to provide some resources about glyphosate.  Here's a starting point: 

Is Glyphosate Safe for Human Consumption?
Fact:  Glyphosate disables the Shikimate pathway.
Human cells lack the Shikimate pathway, which is found in plants and bacteria.
Biotech industry: knocking out the Shikimate pathway therefore is not of consequence to human health
Fact: The human microbiome contains trillions of bacteria which play crucial roles in maintaining our ecology.
Fact: The human microbiome is severely impacted by use of glyphosate and its adjuvants.
Source: The Shikimate Pathway, The Microbiome, and Disease: Health Effects of GMOs on Humans by Jeanne D'Brant, DACBN, DC, CTN, RH (AHG), Associate Professor of Biology and Allied Health, State University of New York (SUNY)

Links to other topics about glyphosate at Lumigrate:  where you'll find this about glyphosate on a really great topic I suggest people go to and utilize (it's been the resource chosen by rope worm dot com, too, on one topic I found searching about rope worm, as I got interested in it more recently than glyphosate ....)(love it when Lumigrate comes up as a resource when I'm looking for learning more!)

Dr. Christine Schaffner spoke on Glyphosate and GMO foods.

According to some, glyphosate should not impact humans as we do not have a Shikimate pathway which is its mechanism of action. Unfortunately, the bacteria in our gut do have this pathway.

Glyphosate chelates calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, and zinc. GMO foods do not have these minerals in a bioavailable form. According to Dr. Don Huber, you may have the mineral, but if it is chelated with glyphosate, it is not available to you. There have been sharp increases in GMO ready corn, soy, cotton, and canola.

Lyme disease grows fantastically under the influence of glyphosate while the beneficial organism are reduced.  The epitome of Lyme could be entirely related to glyphosate. Glyphosate is linked with autism, allergies, cancer, Parkinson's, MS, infertility, cardiovascular disease, GI disease, obesity, depression, Alzheimer's, and kidney failure.

She cites as a resource someone we've recently covered on Lumigrate about the interplay of glyphosate and aluminum in the role of disease: Stephanie Seneff has suggested glyphosate as a cause of autism.

Gut bacteria attempt to get rid of glyphosate by producing ammonia which can lead to brain inflammation. Zeolites such as BioPure ZeoBind may be one of the best options for reducing ammonia.

Glyphosate cannot be washed off. They give the link to a lab that can detect glyphosate in water or urine.

Best options are to avoid GMO foods and to replete minerals and amino acids. Besides incorporating minerals,  D3 and several other things that may help support the cytochrome P450 enzymes are mentioned specifically .... at the source... 

Detoxification may be approached with neural therapy, liver and gallbladder flushes, colonics, coffee enemas, castor oil, sweating and Epsom salt baths. Other things for detoxification are shown .. at the source... 

In Summary : Glyphosate could be a common denominator in the rise of chronic illness.


And last but not least (because you, too, can Search at the Lumigrate search bar, same as me, you might get different results, same as we'll get different results from our general Internet searches based on our browsers, typically)....  -- a highlight you'll find there is: 

A large part of the increase of the increased use of glyphosate is the "roundup ready" concept on the GMO crops, so then you have the toxic chemicals with the GMO food product combined. Also, 24D is a derivative of Agent Orange that is coming up into more use, and she talks about that too.  The weed is smart and evolves to be resistant, so they have to then add more chemicals, so 24D and glyphosate is now mixed.  "I cannot imagine what it's going to be like in 10 or 15 years" she said.  

She gives the list of products 'Roundup ready' that are affected currently and it included corn, soy and all those products, sugar beets, canola, tobacco, cotton, alfalfa.   Also, the patent for Roundup was up long ago, she thought about 1990, so it's being produced as a chemical by others, mostly China she said, and it made it cheaper and so more used.  Do you see the Catch 22 going on?

Naturally, these topics I'm linking you to here link you on to other topics on Lumigrate as well, so you can keep following the trail that I think is a good one for learning OR hop of and find your own way.  I simply try to increase the odds of someone finding helpful information, while teaching some tips along the way about how I go about doing my research and processing.

Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better! ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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