Fibromyalgia Vitamin Spotlight -- The Mighty & Powerful B-Complex

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Deirdre Rawlings
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Major
Joined: Dec 19 2009
Posts: 43
User offline. Last seen 13 years 10 weeks ago.

When you have been given a diagnosis that you suffer with fibromyalgia you want to ensure you take into your body those nutrients that will support a healthy immune system and help you to fight stress.  Vitamin B complex is that nutrient!  Here's a closer look at what this powerful and essential nutrient can do for you and your health:

Vitamin B complex comprises the essential B vitamins --including Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, plus the vitamins Biotin, Choline, Inositol, and Folate.  It is needed for the proper functioning of almost every process in the body and it particularly contributes to the health of the nervous system. It is beneficial for medication overuse, alcoholism or recovery from a serious illness. The Vitamin B complex assists in reducing the effects of stress and supports the adrenal glands. It aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and is essential for the health of your skin, hair, eyes, mouth and liver.

Here are the top five reasons you need vitamin B complex if you suffer with fibromyalgia. 

1. Energy production -- We all know that with fibromyalgia there is fatigue and lack of energy, and this is exactly what the B vitamins can help to create more of within your body.  The following B vitamins are needed at a cellular level to convert glucose into energy -- B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 and Biotin.  A lack in any of these vitamins can lead to decreased energy production, lethargy and fatigue.  Vitamin B1 is needed to help convert the carbohydrates we eat into glucose, which fuels our entire body starting with our brain.

2. Good Digestion -- The vitamin B complex is essential for correct digestion, production of HCI (Hydrochloric acid) and to assist in the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.  Especially vital for good digestion are vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.  A deficiency in any of these B vitamins can lead to impaired digestion and deficiency of essential nutrients.

3. Healthy Nervous System -- The vitamin B complex is essential for the healthy functioning of the nervous system.  Vitamin B5 is needed for the correct functioning of the adrenal gland and the production of some hormones and nerve regulating substances.  Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 are essential for the regulation and correct functioning of the entire nervous system including brain function.  Vitamin B9 is essential to prevent neural tube defects to the fetus during pregnancy.   A deficiency in any of the vitamin B complex vitamins can lead to feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed.

4. Healthy, Skin, Nails, and Hair -- The vitamin B complex is essential for correct RNA and DNA synthesis and cell production.  As our skin, hair and nails are constantly growing and renewing themselves we need the vitamin B complex to ensure the good health of these structures.  Deficiencies in any of the B complex vitamins can lead to dry, grey skin, dermatitis, premature wrinkles, acne, rashes, falling hair and weak, splitting nails.

5.  Synergy -- The B complex vitamins work so closely with one another that a deficiency in any one B vitamin can lead to poor functioning of any or all of the others even if they are in good supply.  Always take the B vitamins in a Complex and then top up with any individual Vitamin B, if needed.

Food sources --  B vitamins are found in all whole, unprocessed foods, which include green leafy vegetables, cereals and whole grains, wheat germ, nuts, dried beans, and mushrooms.   Processing, as with sugar and white flour, tends to significantly reduce B vitamin content.  B vitamins are particularly concentrated in meat and meat products such as liver, turkey, and tuna.  Other good sources for B vitamins are bananas, potatoes, lentils, chili peppers, tempeh, nutritional yeast, brewer's yeast, and molasses. 

Next week I will tell you about another powerful nutrient that can help you alleviate brain fog rapidly.



Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD advises clients in her local area of Atlanta, Georgia, USA in person as well as remotely, both individuals and groups/corporations.  While she has a focus on advising those with fibromyalgia or developing symptoms with a focus on nutrition as solution for wellness, her expertise is global and 'wholistic'.  Her complete information can be found at She is the author of "Foods that Help Win the Battle Against Fibromyalgia"; check out and Barnes and Nobel.

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