Fibromyalgia. New Insights, New Hopes by Patrick Wood, MD; How I Scrutinize Information Providers

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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If you'd like to watch an interesting video series (3 parts about 15 minutes each), I suggesting taking the time and energy to watch Patrick Wood, MD's presentation titled "Fibromyalgia. New Insights, New Hopes.". At the time of the video, Dr Wood was with Pacific Rheumatology Associates as well as being Chief Medical Officer for Angler Biomedical Technologies.  The video is provided by 

You will see that Dr Wood thanks 'you guys' (speaking to medical consumers), saying something I related to: He essentially expresses that the patients/consumers taught where to go looking for more answers about what causes fibromyalgia. A family medicine doctor, not a psychiatrist/specialists, he relates that he initially thought he would go into academia but he ended up becoming a family practice provider, and with his interest in psychiatry, he figured he'd become the provider in the clinic that specialized in working with the patients with the more complex mental/behavioral health issues. He had patients sent his way with two things, mostly: borderline personality disorder and fibromyaliga. Saying that he didn't really take an interest in the PD, he was intrigued by the patients with fibromyalgia. 

I particularly liked that he called fibromyalgia 'the F word of the medical world' and related what I have found to be the case when around physicians and the word fibromyalgia comes up -- it truly is not a well-liked diagnosis, to put it simply. And he relates information that is what I have experienced, as well, related to the 'battles' that appear over different aspect of fibromyalgia -- what is it, what to do about it. 

So I'm going to set you up here with the link to get started watching the video, and then also provide the other links I found when Searching on the name of the company he list as being Chief Medical Officer.  

Part of what I want to teach people through my topics at Lumigrate, particularly about fibromyaliga, is how to come upon a medical provider talking on the Internet and figure out "what they're all about."  A good rule of thumb is "follow the money", and look at what the motivations are by people and businesses, and the relationships the people and organizations have with each other, and what that means related to money. I remember going to one nonprofit organization about fibromyalgia without knowing anything about their funding and noticed their education about what the symptoms were ONLY talked about things that a newly-marketed prescription medication addressed.

And then sure enough, there was information showing that the manufacturer of that medication was indeed providing financial support to the organization which had needed money and so went that route. Having created Lumigrate with my private funds with the intention that I was investing in a way for me to reach more people and continue my professional work with medical consumers who had good outcomes from my intervention, I understand what a challenge it is to do the business of helping people, particularly those with complex and draining medical conditions. ("Draining of all the resources; time, energy, money".)  

Hopefully today you will find that our information is not influenced by anything aside from my abilities and opinions, including the other providers I invite to be included as our expert team, and what their opinions are. So as I set up this video, I want to say that overall I have been very pleased to see this information, as Dr Wood talks about things that the local providers I was networked with for the years surrounding the launch of Lumigrate were saying about what the causes are.

I had researched and found a fascinating article at PubMed related to the incidence of people having fibromyalgia in conjunction with cervical versus lumbar disk herniations (those with cervical were over 10x more likely to have fibromyalgia). I felt that the conclusion of that article was short-sighted and only looked at the spinal cord area and wasn't including 'what caused the disks to be herniated'. Is there more related to injuries to the brain's tissues when there was forceful trauma that caused the herniation?

I know in my years working in driving rehabilitation there were so many people who came to work with me/us who had symptoms consistent with CFS/FMS and who had a lot of force with their vehicle crash but there was never any talk by the providers about brain trauma as "if you can't measure it, it doesn't exist", and CT scan and MRI didn't pick up the more minor injuries. But that didn't mean that it didn't wreak havoc with the brain; look at the bony prominences at the top of the spinal cord that the brain rests on and knowing the consistency of the brain (like oatmeal, I have been told).

Suffice it to say that I always felt there was much more to the causes of fibromyalgia than 'we were being told' and perhaps it was more than 'we knew' but if a little group of us could figure it out in Grand Junction, Colorado -- or highly suspect it -- wouldn't it seem it would have been studied? Is it possible that things proving that it was brain injury and things such as progesterone therapy and things that aren't as lucrative as a new expensive medications are kind of getting buried?

I do not know the answer to that, and I am not typically someone to believe in 'conspiracies', but increasingly in my life I have seen more and more incidents of people whose motivations are selfish, and those who have money and power, influencing what gets buried and what gets promoted. Irregardless of exactly the answers to the scrutiny of 'who, what, where, why, how', the information presented here about causes is enlightening and a step forward, in my opinion. What do YOU think?


Part 1 - Fibromyalgia: New Insights, New Hopes - YouTube
Jan 24, 2011 - Uploaded by OFFERUtah

... New Hopes - Patrick W. Wood MD, Pacific Rheumatology Associates, Chief Medical Officer Angler ...


More videos for angler biomedical technologies »


Basically, in looking around really quickly at the following items in addition to the video, above, I learned at that he had gotten married and relocated to Mississippi and was no longer part of Pacific Rheumatology Associates, where he'd been a visiting researcher for two years. There was interesting information at this clinic's website, they are in Renton, WA (USA) and see patients in the middle of the week and reserve Monday and Friday typically for research. 

Angler Biomedical's home office is around Austin Texas and also shows up in Rockville, Maryland (USA), and has on it's board a Duell Wood and a Storme Wood. 

An inspired viewer of the video had taken notes and typed up the notes, which is a nice overview to look at and decide if watching the video is worth the effort/resources. 

 Dr. Wood's Provider Presentation at OFFER 2010 -- My detailed ...
3 posts - 3 authors - Nov 12, 2010

... in Theory and Practice" Patrick Wood, MD Pacific Rheumatology Associates, Chief Medical Officer for Angler Biomedical Technologies ...

In order to give you an idea of what is at the video, and to give the added reading benefit to this person with fibromyalgia who took the time to take notes and transcribe and provide to others (at the phoenix rising website, please go and check them out!): 

"Thanks to Cort's report on the 2010 OFFER Conference, I watched Dr. Woods OFFER 2010 presentation for medical doctors (providers) on fibromyalgia research and treatment and was so taken by his presentation that I took notes in order to give them to my primary care physician - my only medical doctor -- in order to encourage them to maybe watch the video also. (I downloaded the video and put it into a format that he could watch even on a TV - trying hard to encourage him!). After I got done, I thought, "why don't I just post this at PR?, maybe it will help somebody else, or entice somebody else to watch his presentation. I am one of those ME w/FMS patients (don't you love the term, “comorbid”!!), so I followed the fibromyalgia/pain information out there. His presentation was by far the most enlightening presentation I have seen in a very long while. So for anybody that's interested -- here are my notes…………….Be warned -- I have to use voice dictation -- and although I spend quite a bit of time rereading my dictation -- a lot of times garbled words get spit out and I miss them.

Notes on Dr. Wood’s FMS presentation at OFFER conference October 2010:

Fibromyalgia: Advances in Theory and Practice"
Patrick Wood, MD Pacific Rheumatology Associates, Chief Medical Officer for Angler Biomedical Technologies

Dr. Wood has a sense a humor. This is my sense of humor also. A couple examples from his presentation... 
I sometimes tell my patients that did doctors can do four things:
1. talk to you
2. refer you
3. cut you
4. poison you
he then tells them, "I am a poisoner"……….

this is how he refers to drug reps (pharmaceutical representatives that haunt doctors offices):

"those pretty people who come into your office” 


Simple Clinical Tests he performs:
o secondary pain/windup pain test. Space space puts his thumb on the dorsal forearm with a steady gentle pressure and keeps it there for a minute or two. Many patients will not be able to stand this as the pain winds up.
o He will very likely run his hands up and down a person's arms and shoulders etc. with a light stroke or touch -- and that drives some people crazy with pain symptoms.

Sleep information:
o FMS patients do not go into Delta sleep. Delta sleep is where growth hormone is produced and memories are made.
o In fibromyalgia there are alpha wave bursts throughout the night. These are arousal waves -- so FMS patients are kept on a high alert pattern, instead of falling into deep sleep.

Neurotransmitter/Dopamine information:
o the drug companies have pushed the fact that there are is a serotonin and and norepinephrine deficiency in fibromyalgia, but if you look at the actual studies you will see that there is a more significant dopamine deficiency. 
o Fibromyalgia patients are making very high levels of endorphins, and thus the mu-opiod receptors are engaged and not available for imaging (why there are reports of mu-opioid receptor deficiencies). The dopamine synthesis system and dopamine delivery system needs to be functional in order for opioids to work, thus the native (endogenous) opioids are not working correctly and patients commonly need very high levels of exogenous (pharmaceutical) opioids for pain reduction. Many times even high levels of pharmaceutical opioids will not have much effect in pain reduction in fibromyalgia patients because of this dopamine dysfunction. These patients are not "drug seeking addicts”, they just have this dysfunction. 

FMS Androgen system:
o mild cortisol deficiency
o low growth hormone levels (due to sleep disturbances)

FMS Functional MRI/brain picture information:
o pictures show dysfunctions in the areas of the brain that control cognitive thinking (cortex -- brain fog)
o pictures show dysfunctions in the areas that control dopamine synthesis (the hypothalamus)
o pictures show high activity in the areas of the brain that control pain perception

Cervical Spine Compression FMS Subgroup:
o his partner, Dr. Andrew Holman, and some associates in Washington have come up with a subgroup of fibromyalgia patients whose symptoms seem to be caused by cervical compression of the spinal cord. They have come up with standards for MRI imaging and measurement that will indicate that this compression occurs upon extension of the patient's neck. Reduction of this compression via ??? Causes in the fibromyalgia symptoms to be reduced?? Eliminated??
o He showed studies that show cervical spine compression causes autonomic arousal -- and sleep disturbances.
o When they look at the cervical spine compression they are not looking at/for any disc degenerative effects.

Abnormal Iron (FE) Metabolism:
o Dr. Wood/Holman have recently done studies looking at serum ferritin levels in fibromyalgia patients separated into two subgroups -- those with cervical compression and those without cervical compression.
o FMS patients with no cervical compression show a very very strong correlation of symptoms with abnormal (increased?) Serum ferritin (FE) levels. This is new information to the medical profession. He did not indicate what he thinks it means -- but he and Dr. Holman R. going to publish on this somewhere in the next six months.
o FMS patients with cervical compression do not show any increase serum ferritin (FE) levels.
o Definitely -- two subgroups -- producing very similar symptoms.

o he has a rule of 30s -- for a drug to make it to FDA approval it needs to make 30% of the patients feel 30% better. 30% of the other patients will feel no effects, and 30% of the other patients will dislike the side effects??
o Gabapentin -- takes 12 weeks to have affect, and the pain score lowers from 7.5 to 5.5. Dr. Wood states -- "how many of you would like to spend your day with the pain level of 5.5?". He thinks this drug is relatively ineffective. Remember there will be responders and nonresponders.
o Duloxetine (Cymbalta) -- the effects occur quickly, once again a reduction from a pain level of about 7.5 down to obtain level of about five in two weeks, but then the effects wear off. He wonders how the drug ever received approval.
o Milnacipran (Savella). Once again the 30% rule applies… 7.5 down to 5 or so. -effects level off... 

Pharmaceuticals That Dr. Wood Finds Useful:
Pramipexole -- generic. Dr. Wood/Holman?? Have done a study where they titrate up to 4.5 mg of Pramipexole (this is a huge amount of Pramipexole he says if you didn't titrate that it would cause hallucinations). 
o They do not use this drug on patients with cervical compression.
o Symptom reduction over a multi-month period shows reductions from 7.5 down to 4.5, and the graph shows a continual reduction over the whole time period and continues to trend downwards at the end…. 

Sodium Oxybate -- date rape drug. Super physiological dosages. Schedule 3 substance. ???FDA just recently denied approval for….???. taken twice a day -- once at bedtime and once 3 to 4 hours later. Very effective drug. Downside -- the cost is $2400 a month. Insurance companies are very reluctant to cover the cost, even though it's a very effective drug.
o Increases delta wave sleep
o increases dopamine synthesis and production
o increases growth hormone production

Pyridostigmine (Mestinon). 60mg b.i.d . Currently, the pharmaceutical he most commonly prescribes, 
o increases growth hormone production via somatostatin reduction..
o increased vagal tone (the level of activity in the parasympathetic nervous system)
o decreased anxiety
o increase sleep
o he says this drug is a good indication of how studies mix together responders and nonresponders due to improperly chosen cohorts, and then the results are mixed and hard to understand. He thinks in many of his patients this drug has significantly improved their lives, even though the medical research "studies" do not support a decrease in pain levels, etc, "


At this resource, Dr Wood had read and commented on something presented in a professional neuroscience journal.  

Full Text - The Journal of Neuroscience
by MN Baliki - Related articles
Feb 11, 2008 – Angler Biomedical Technologies, LLC. Rockville, MD 20852. I have read with great interest the report by Baliki and colleagues describing ...

Here is something written by Dr Wood that is at PubMed; likely over the heads of a lot of us but you can see that there's a lot of 'big science' in what he's writing up!

Role of central dopamine in pain and analgesia.

by PB Wood - 2008 - Cited by 74 - Related articles
Wood PB. Angler Biomedical Technologies, LLC, 18401 Reed Parks Road, Jonestown, TX 78645, USA. Recent insights have ...

Inmedix is one of the more interesting websites that came up: They're researching and developing related to pharmaceutical interventions related to fibromyalgia and connected with Angler Biomedical Technologies, which Dr Wood and other Wood people are at the helm of.

Inmedix | Innovative Medical Discovery

Watch online clips of Fibromyalgia: Show Me Where It Hurts, by Angler Biomedical Technologies. "a front row seat on some of the cutting edge research and ...

And here is some other information about Angler, notice the names of the active officers which are pointed out right up front by corporation wiki. I actually have not yet visited this site, I was forming my own conclusions FIRST. (Remember, I'm hoping to help teach YOU how to be the best medical consumer YOU can be! 

Angler Biomedical Technologies, LLC - › Texas › Jonestown
Mar 13, 2013 – Angler Biomedical Technologies, LLC has a location in Jonestown, TX. Active officers include Duell E. Wood and Storme M. Wood.

And way back in 2007, this from NFA and FMAware, related to the Angler-produced video "Show Me Where it Hurts"

National Fibromyalgia Association: "Show Me Where It Hurts" Wins ...

Oct 17, 2007 – The video was produced by Angler Biomedical Technologies, whose primary focus is the improvement of the understanding and treatment of ...


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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