Fascia - A Key System Within the Body and Beyond

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.

The myofascia system is a wonderful example of how my health issues, and my way of going about things, lead me to be "aware", at least, and perhaps somewhat "educated" about some things a while ago that I'm thrilled to see currently being focused upon by a big website such as Mercola dot com.  (See below, from September 1, 2018.)

I had a health lapse (the second or third main downturn in my life to that point) in the mid 1990s, in my mid 30's.  I was just beginning my studies in the occupational therapy program at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado at the time.  (I believe it was like cumulative trauma, but cumulative exposures via cadaver anatomy, required vaccines my genetics are not suited for and lack of a team member on my health team by then who could teach me about risks / benefits of opting out via the allowed means.  Something I now regret on one hand, yet realize on another I learned, (and learned) which lead to creating Lumigrate. I'm here now with the hard-knocks lessons and doing this to help YOU! (The Lumigrate YOU! Model, below). 


The neurologist gave me the option of neurosurgery for disk issues in my cervical spine area, or physical therapy.  I opted for PT, and they handed me a list and suggested I contact one from the three listed up top.  I took the list to my primary OT instructor, and she said "oh, this one, Deb, is who taught me about myofascia release"; she'd been talking about it here and there since early on in the class she taught, which was one we'd all take the first semester in the program. It wasn't "written into the curriculum", but sprinkled by her ad-lib, if I recall correctly. She'd been the primary person to be overhauling the curriculum, and ours was the first class with the new program.  

It was frightening the things the previous students had been educated about which were skipped in the new.  We protested, effectively and in a civil, mature way.  We got results but they were really weak 'patches'.  Suffice it to say the OT program was psychologically stressful more than usual at that time, and starting out learning in the field was as well.  

Body (such as fascia), mind (such as psychological stress) and spirit is the platform I basically utilize for information I provide at Lumigrate, learned the hard way.  I'd say that fascia may possibly be one thing that somehow has something to do with all three.  It may be what connects more than is even presented in this video, which I hope you spend the 45 minutes to view.  Peeling the onion! (2012, Lumigrate)

I'd initially gone to acupuncture, and not see any results despite doing all the herbs and needles, AND believing in how those worked.  However, it was not a "waste" of time, energy and money because the L.Ac. gal did identify a key issue with diet in the initial exam. I took her advise of what to go about with it, and as I said, saw no results at all, but something about that one thing stuck in my mind later, and would come up after pursuing what mainstream doctors via my insurance benefits find.  

Which was basically bafflement as to what was causing my progressive neurological-type symptoms; I luckily had symptoms improve from the PT intervention (greatly) and then pursued an MD the acupuncturist knew of who was doing "integrative medicine".  He tested for IgG food allergies, identifying what my body was reacting to more or less, and I then simply eliminated the ones that were significant.  (I was eating gluten / wheat and cassein / dairy free in the mid 1990s!)(egg was the third).

He also, thankfully, said to me "as you go forward from here, you're going to meet people who say this is psychosomatic.  It's not.  You're proactive, you're not wanting this, you're doing everything you can figure to change it, and this is not in your head."  I'd somehow never had a provider say that, though I did experience the typical family of origin not really caring to figure it out, not helping me (typically), which most with complex chronic conditions such as mine share. That was a great MD, and I really appreciate what I got from those two appointments I had 20-25 years ago.  

Today, and for seven years, I've been helped, increasingly, by the input of Dr. Claus-Peter Kessler, an American-trained MD and German auricular medicine practitioner (and teacher to us on Facebook).  He gets credit for posting the link, below, with the following comment:

Caused by disturbing fields influencing the viscosity of the intervertebral joint fluid, irritating the nerve roots, leading to contractions of muscle tissue, vasoconstriction, decreasing lymph flow, and influencing the fascia.  (underscore added by me, ~Mardy)


As I find it helpful to encourage people to know what awaits them at links I suggest, here's the highlights provided in their Story At A Glance: 


  • Your fascia, the fibrous connective tissue found throughout your body, accounts for about 20 percent of your body mass
  • Your fascia stores and moves water, and carries voltage, acting like an electrical wiring system
  • Fascia may play a significant role in pain, especially back pain. The reason for this is because the fascia is one interconnected system, and when it loses its suppleness, pain can transfer from one region to another
  • Fascia is made up of fibroblasts — cells that produce collagen and other fibers — held together by a surrounding matrix. Physical inactivity causes the fascia to tighten and become less supple
  • The fascia’s ability to slide plays a major role in back pain. Fascia in people without back pain can slide about 75 percent of its length; in people with back pain, this movement is reduced to about 50 percent

However, I found this summary to not be mentioning things I think are important key or search words.  "Substance P" was one -- I thought "How many years has it been since I heard Substance P!".  "Collagen" was another (which I was immersed in lately, it's all the rage).  

Now, you might want to know more about how to find Dr. Kessler.  Over a year ago I provided a topic on Lumigrate about Dr. Kessler, the link is: www.lumigrate.com/forum/claus-peter-kessler-md-facebook-learn-test-order-system-disrupted-his-mantra

Live and learn!  Learn and live better!! ~ Mardy

 2017 O'Rio Grande getting Ortho-Bionomy session with Travis Reed (a L.M.T. in Grand Junction, Colorado).  Influencing the tissues, in the direction they wanted to move most easily, as I understood it, was a key to the technique.  And interestingly, O'Rio's nervous system was changed; for about a month after, whenever you scratched the white area the left hand is on in this photo, both back legs would spontaneously move.  OR with a loud noise such as a smoke detector going off, similar to loud noises with those with brain injury having legs give out (experience from my occupational therapy career).  

I ask people who recognize that providing this information has been a full time endeavor, who are able, be willing to help in return.  (I utilized extensive personal funds to have Lumigrate become part of the Internet, independent, truth information, and to continue "on the path" continuing to stay abreast.  I ask anyone who can to help by giving to me, and in return, if you want, you'll get individualized information, assistance, and support from me. And if you just wish to think of it as 'giving like a donation', that's great too!)

PayPal is the primary means at this time.  

PayPal link is: paypal.me/MardyRoss (or you can use my name or phone number, above, too)

I prefer people contact me by telephone.  

My phone (and I text) is ----- 970 as area code, 462 is the prefix, and 8662 are the last four.

My address is: Mardy Ross; Call and I can provide, Grand Junction, CO 81501

I'm on Facebook (Mardy Ross) and Messenger.  I will respond. If I don't, CALL.  

If you must, my email is mardy dot poppins at yahoo dot com but I do not check that daily.

Thank you for 1) Being a YOUser at Lumigrate if you've accessed this topic.  2) Giving if you will take the time, energy and have the funds and are so inclined.  3) Letting others know of the resource for information AND a place they can give if interested in helping us to help YOU! (the overall).  ~ Gratefully, Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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