Fall Season. Thoughts and A Short Story

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.

Yesterday was the first Friday in the month of November, and it was a really beautiful fall day at mid-day when I realized it was "First Friday".  The town and city I've lived in or near since early December 2003 participate in the usual art-focused events on the "first Friday" of the month in order to get people out regularly and focusing on the arts.  

When the weather's good, I try to go once every season.  I'd not gone yet this fall season, and by next month it'll be winter! Not officially, but the weather will be, and the time it gets dark will be not like it is in summer and fall.  


I'd gotten permission to use this glorious photograph that Christian Grantham posted on Facebook too.  I just loved it, nature and art, so simply and well done.  Christian got into making natural health solutions before I met him in 2015 studying about medicinal mushrooms in a Facebook group that was "all the rage at the time" among persistent learners and do-ers reversing symptoms.  

He's gone on to expand his farm and business doings to include drinks for the gut, and has the first permit in Tennessee for something to do with hemp or cannabis. Quite a ground breaker.  No pun intended.  So maybe this photo's what got me 'going' about art yesterday.....

O'Rio Grande has gone to the last two, in summer and in spring; he mostly stays in the car, but will come out and walk around afterwards. He was having a good day yesterday. O'Rio's in the "fall season" of his life, but some days it seems he's maybe in winter.  I don't make "plans" until I see how he's doing and how my schedule is running.  I set the intention of going into the city and to the downtown art walk and taking the miniature sculpture of O'Rio around with me to show anyone who seemed 'right' for the discussion, and having O'Rio stay in the car and rest.  

I recently had seen on social media that our city's downtown area at night has become changed.  And not for the better.  The "night club" that was operating in 2003 when I arrived was called "Boomers", which I initially noticed as I drove slowly through downtown checking out the businesses for about five blocks, the holiday lights, and getting the 'vibe' of what was to become my new home town. 

Music ended early and started early; it was to appeal to boomers, and it was owned by a baby boomer.  It had a neat bartender who understood that I had complex chronic pain and was on medications sometimes if my pain was worse, and so I'd hold up 3 fingers, that meant W - water (with lime).  If I was feeling better that day and wasn't on the medications I'd hold up 2 fingers -- V -- vodka (and soda, with lime).  They'd look the same to the people around me who'd presume I was drinking alcohol.

I'd dance, have fun, laugh, and few knew my reality.  I liked it that way. Smoking was still allowed in bars at that time, so I was having to do my best with that, and my heavy metals urine challenge results would end up revealing interesting information in 2005, particularly comparing it to 2012 when I re-tested when living a different lifestyle. Cadmium from secondhand smoke just 1-2 nights a week was part of the initial test results. 

The usual, main bartender was a neat guy, and just as the economy was about to 'bust' in 2008, he and his wife bought Boomers, and then couldn't keep it in business with the changes that occurred in our Valley.  I'd just started Lumigrate in 2008.  It's been a long 10 years, but I had a very different kind of business.  I've adjusted.  We're still here.... as you see.  

Here's a photo from early 2008, below.  In the fall of 2007, the gal would have been contacting me to ask if she could do an OT assistant internship with us, which was a "commitment" through the end of February 2008.  I happened to be employing the stellar COTA you see with us, and he was up for it.  


The three of us shared the transition time where I was wrapping up being an OT in mainstream, and venturing into a pay to play clinic. I was devastated, on one hand, to have that clinic almost immediately deviate from our plans, but on the other it was alleviating me from going further in that direction, and thus, ultimately, allowing me to eventually find other cheaper and perhaps more truthful information about what people can be doing.  Simpler and cheaper, certainly.  (He, his wife, and I had a very fun night there once in the fall of 2006 when he was just starting with me very part time; he'd be full time when we wrapped and leaped on Leap Day 2008.)(Credit to all my teachers!)

Boomers, when it was Boomers, was responsible for my meeting a handful of key people who provided my social life entertainment, romantic endeavors, and a stalker even -- or two. A sexual assaulter too. Things that just never happened to me before.  Was it the times changing?  Was it that I was living in far western Colorado and not the Front Range, as I'd been from conception to age 43-1/2?  Or a mixture of both?  

Was I changing?  Inviting trouble?  Halloween weekend 2004 was a great band at Boomers on Friday, where I met a guy who took me the next night to a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity with my blues favorite from years and miles back 'home', Hazel Miller. We still are in contact, but in a very different relationship.  We weren't destined to be a couple, and he found that in 2009 and is quasi married since. I'll attend their yearly fall soup and bread fest this month.   

I and my cat found each other in 2009, at none other than my dad's house on Thanksgiving day.  I came for dinner and to see him, as it was to be his last Thanksgiving, and I foresaw that likely being the case. She needed fostering and it ended up not what I foresaw, and she was mine forever after, and she'll be in my heart forever as well.  

I, of course, was her student and she was to teach me a lot.  It turns out she had the same root cause of her life-ending problems as I have, and O'Rio's same too, according to German auricular medicine model, or paradigm, which adds up for me as connecting dots that don't add up otherwise.  

I've made it to 58, O'Rio's made it to 13.  I clearly recall a winter evening watching TV with my cat next to me and thinking how I didn't go out anymore, and was that what she was there to teach me?  It was not that simple!

I needed a LOT OF TIME on Facebook to make the connections that brought me to better providers of information and products, and I now bring that along with everything else shared on Lumigrate today! (Photo, below, in my former home, I sold most all in the photo in 2014/15 to become "Mardy PopIns".  She'd lie on the chair to get deep pressure that calmed her.  She'd also run and jump, hitting the top of the chair back which made it recline and spin!  It was giving her the sensory stimulation she needed!  She was essentially doing a form of therapy on herself, and I, the OT, created a therapy home for her in our living room.  

She was euthanized as a "dangerous cat" in April 2013 because I didn't figure out ROOT CAUSE fast enough for HER, but I have for YOU.  And for me, and for O'Rio and many other cats and dogs (and people) I've worked with teaching basics.  

I knew the poor little but strong kitty was to go through the crazy situations she went through to reach me in order to teach me something.  She ultimately started leading me to the German auricular medicine model's brilliance in how it accounts for 'root cause'.  I just didn't embrade the teacher from Germany fast enough to save her life.  But I got a second chance with O'Rio, who became my dog officially last year at this time.  

"Nothing good happens after midnight, the saying goes" one person said, who I think had been in law enforcement.  "Nothing good happens after dark, the saying goes", another said.  So maybe my 'work' yesterday, which brewed up online and kept me from going into town for the "art walk" on "First Friday" kept me from having something unwanted happen.

In summer when I attended I noticed a new gallery downtown was very much focused on sexual bondage art; they were giving a demonstration with live people. Yet when on Facebook people bring up the differences downtown, they don't mention that, they mention the new club where Boomers was.  Are they not going with an open mind to seeing more than the obvious? 

On this day a decade ago, essentially being the first Saturday in November, my plans to drive over to 'home' and visit my soon-to-be end of life father were postponed due to snow.  So I had a free weekend and no plans and saw an ad luring about a popular online match making service doing a free weekend.  I took the bait based on my gut, and would rapidly meet someone I had a very significant yet unconventional relationship with for two years.  

I'd frequently check in with my self and gut and know I was supposed to be going through the nonsense and drama that unfolded for two years in order to learn something.  And finally, on a Friday night in August 2010, that which I was supposed to learn happened; the next day my father made the decision he wanted to die, and by Labor Day he had his way. 

What I'd learned that Friday night from this brilliant savant-like "hell child", as he called his young self on one occasion, was really mind expanding for me.  In his family, in every generation since the time of the Druids, there was a male or female who could completely heal others. It passed from mother to son, father to daughter, and so on, for generations and centuries, but ended with his parents' generation.  However, a partial ability had come to him, he said.  

I had the pleasure of meeting his "Mamma" and she very rapidly pulled me aside and shared that she "did her best with him".  These poor mothers with children who were autistic by today's definitions but didn't know what was it was, even more-so than parents today.  If parents today do their due diligence online, they can reverse and in some cases cure autism in their children.  

My mother was one too, what she had to deal witih having special needs children who weren't identified as anything but 'fine' or 'normal'.  We weren't.  Our teachers, mentors, and role models had a lot they were contenting with!  I was a subdued one, not a hyperactive one, though I was noted to not ever walk anywhere until puberty, once able to run! I had insomnia, and likely would have been hyperactive if given a different home environment.  

Me being me, in 2010 with Lumigrate only a couple of years old, I thought what I'd just learned about the ability to heal was something I was supposed to just be handing off to someone else.  Eventually I'd come to realize I was using the information in my work, and my life! And now I teach from it (the basics).   He, like many guys I met online and in person loved music, food, and cooking and did not like to go out to the busy places where many others were congregated.  

It was a whole bunch of people. Sometimes I'd see them out and about at concerts or street festivals milling around, but it was rare. There was a whole segment of population out there I was unaware of -- they weren't getting occupational therapy, and they weren't out socializing.  They were like .... my father!  

The last time the genius "healer" guy and I spend time together was Thanksgiving 2011.  When I simply acknowledged that "For two people who fight like cats and dogs, it's really nice we're sharing our third Thanksgiving dinner together", he pitched a fit.  And I felt it had come to an end -- the message / teaching he had for me had been finally handed off two months before.  

Why it took that long, I don't know, but he did get me back into the routine of preparing good food at home, back into singing along with others playing music at home, and his small support for things like fuel when I needed it and the great meals and entertainment helped me through what was the hardest time of my life.  So far. 

The photo below was of me with my dad (there are few of just the two of us next to each other, he just wasn't that kind of dad with me) circa maybe 30 years ago, so I was late 20s, it was the late 1980s.  He would have been late 60s.  Notice the symptoms you might be able to find from one photograph, in either of us?  Learn to spot things, and you'll be able to help decipher baffling social, behavioral and physical issues that might affect you secondarily due to others' dyfunction spilling into your life. Or more directly.   


Last night as O'Rio and I did our usual evening routine of going for a walk, without all the fanfare of loading into the car and driving, we came upon two kids, one of them has talked and walked with us and petted O'Rio in the past.  His friend was new to us, and friendly.  When asked if they had any Halloween candy left, they shared the story of how they got back from trick or treating and a girl or girls somehow had gotten none, and so they gave theirs to the girls.  

Sometimes you don't know you're going to find a teacher in your path, nor an inspiration in an couple of elementary school kids filling their time on a Friday night, the first weekend in November.

Here's to all the great guys out there, no matter what age.  The boy visiting asked what was wrong with 'her', being O'Rio.  I said how I thought he was a girl, too ,when I first met him, and he just got really messed up before anyone figured out what caused it.  

It's hard to believe the way he was trotting along, at almost 14, he's made such overall progress in the time we've shared!  He ran the last block home after walking at least a mile.  That would not have happened had we not kept him so free of the 'element of sensitivity' that messes with his energy flow in his body.  His is very common in other dogs and cats and people.  As we saw with the cat, O'Rio and I! 

If you are interested in pursuing this information with me tutoring you on THE BASICS, and then you can decide if you want to go on and connect with the "master" (who's totally separate from me aside from I facilitate getting people started with him if they want, and he wants), please contact me.  

I have a story of O'Rio (and me) that gives the overview and gets you to understanding the GAM paradigm application in his life in just half an hour of time. I ask you transfer $25 to Pay Pal to make an appointment to receive that.  From there time beyond that, if you find things to discuss, are as easy as it gets -- $1 a minute is requested / suggested.  This is my Pay Pal link.  www.paypal.me/MardyRoss

This is the cover page of the story (there's one more page of photos similar to this but four pictures: 

 The story begins with "get a blanket and a beverage", and so, if you've enjoyed this read, I think you'll enjoy learning something very different and getting the background of a lot of basics that bring it all together AND allow us to find what's the next right thing for you to learn.  It might be about water and not something as far out as a new paradigm about energy and the body.  For now, that is.  

Live and learn.  Learn and live better! ~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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