Facebook and Geoengineering; A Tool for Trolls to Manipulate. Managing Groups and Friendships is Key

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.

A lot of great information is online in social media from studious, involved, caring people who want to share what they know. And then there's the other side of the coin -- shills or trolls, depending on if they're getting paid or not I suppose. Not that you know if they're paid or not, they just come across as bullies or contrary.

I saw a really interesting conversation and wanted to not let it go without notice and a topic here. For one thing, the information was seeming as though they'd done a lot of study and it appeared to have good leads for people to consider looking further into -- it was inspiring to see such great info being shared! To me, my primary concern is people are aware of geoeingeering and the effects it can have on people, and they have some ideas of what to do about it -- at least to get started. I cover a LOT of bases at Lumigrate, this is just one. And suggesting to people they use social media is one tool I do suggest if it's right for them. Some days I love FB, other days I "Ugh".

This has been a 'really big week' in the geoengineering realm, on top of a big month, really. At least being in Colorado it is. DIA had a massive super storm tornado near it again, with photos of it coming from inside the airport similar to last year, though last year's was not that large. There was a mudslide on the Grand Mesa in the county I live in, and I used my Facebook to

1) Share the mainstream media news of the event (The Denver Post and a Denver TV news channel, Forbes). 

2) Connect with the writers of two of the above, one I already knew.

3) Share a resource repeatedly, as his coverage of the event progressed, of an "Independent Internet" researcher and educator / activist.  His pseudonym is "Dutchsince", or he goes by Dutch, and has Facebook page for that, saying he's a producer. Well, that is true, he is producing a lot of information in his time when he's not at his vocation/job. He solicits for donations and also gets advertising revenue from his YouTube channel from the Google ads that run with the videos.

A year ago when I was DESPERATELY trying to learn about all this geoengineering stuff, his name just never came up in the places I was studying. So I only learned about him in the fall of 2013. And at that point in time I was just becoming aware of how many people I thought were sincere, legitimate people were 'shills' or 'trolls', some will be more specific and call them 'paid disinformation trolls' but in a way they're not just doing disinformation, they're often giving real information and seeming legitimate and then they steer you. They're like cons. It's like a slight of hand. Some will say it's simply a component of the 'psy ops' portion of the program. 

Someone recently said there was a figure of 750,000 disclosed, that were online in various forms being paid by the government directly or indirectly through contractors (and subcontractors and on down to little agencies it has been said in places I've seen when trying to study about it). Naturally, you rarely have a 'for sure' about if anyone or anything in this realm is 'true' or not, you really have to do your homework and develop your sense of 'intuition' about things. Or you have the gut/intuition but you've not trusted it and need permission to do so. That comes from you but hopefully I suggested you do it. IF that appeals to you. 

Yesterday was Sunday, and Father's Day, and I was devoting my day of work or walking or picnicing to my father, who in the last year I have thought about enormously as I studied all this covert stuff. He'd been in the USAF in programs that had him in the same areas as a lot of the groups that apparently have put on this program. I wanted to go about my entire day just doing what, in the moment, came along -- and go from there. I tuned into my favorite radio show, which is a once a week program by a local man I've known almost since the beginning of my time in the area, as I volunteered to be part of a music/culture/entertainment nonprofit and he was on the board as well. I just wanted to work shows and get to know people here, but the head guy of the organization said it would be good to have a woman on the board. It wasn't like any board I'd been on in the Front Range, and it ended up a 'shelved' nonprofit.

But I appreciate the experience now because I was adamant that they needed a website to keep people up to date on what the group was doing -- it didn't have to be a fancy website, just anything would help. (Had Facebook been a reality for us at the time, that would have worked well too -- someplace where 'everyone' can find you, although anymore increasing numbers of people are staying away from things social media due to security concerns, etc. So, ultimately, you need a website.) 

This was my intuition leading me to what I would later see was needed for people and wellness education, in the truth about what's available for information and treatment for preventing or remediating illness. By 2007, I was underway with a live education group that I knew needed a website, and when the cards fell as they did that an integrative health clinic was coming together, I took the opportunity to be part of it, initially thinking all my website would be was a collection of those providers' seminars and then conversations in the forums doing case studies from an integrative team approach.

Say someone came in with 'fibromyalgia' (or today we would maybe call it 'the overlapping conditions' and know that Lyme is likely part of it), and they saw the ND, and the acupuncturist or their massage therapist, and they took Tai Chi that was offered there.  Maybe they were still going to another MD elsewhere because they wanted to get their 'money's worth' out of their insurance. Since I'd be in the position of the navigator, as we'd planned it from before the space was purchased by the MD owner, which lends itself well to being the marketing hub person and education coordinator,  I'd then know the consumers/patients. And then that would be the foundation for what would go on the seminars videos and in the forums, what products Lumigrate would sell, etc.

But that whole thing fell totally apart, everyone involved in the first and second 'wave' of the business has come and gone, and it seems many others since. But it was rewarding to talk with someone last week who is currently being helped by the hCG program for weight loss. That was where I learned to use Facebook, from a trainer I brought in. The idea was that we'd then teach the clinic staff to do their Facebook, Constant Contact for seminar announcements. We did that but they didn't get into the Facebook component.

I went off, solo, to my little corner of the world independent of all other businesses and found the second layer of our providers for the expert information in the Forums, which were from east to west coasts of the US and one in Australia! Some were very much 'rising stars'.

And then the third layer came when that was taking a lot of time to get a little content created and there were just tons of new great stories coming out online that were relevant and I decided that I'd weave the topics together using an integrative approach still, but using experts that I was aware of online but hadn't gotten to be dedicated experts on Lumigrate. We simply don't have quite enough hits yet to get them a return on their time investment. Someday we will. It's kind of like we're baclava -- layers.  

So when it came to studying geoengineering in the summer of 2013, I turned to the Internet to find information to provide to our YOUsers, and it was the most difficult thing I've ever researched! You don't know if the sites and people/experts are legitimate fully, or partially -- in which case they're actually a 'troll' as they're telling you partial correct information to get you following their work and words and then they steer you away from areas. Why they're doing that is then left for figuring: Perhaps there is a benevolent group out there that is wanting the public to only have partial information about what's causing geoengineering and then they know that the full disclosure will come to us from the official sources involved.

Or perhaps they're not being paid and supported by do-gooders, and they're under the control of the 'hidden from view and secretive' powers that be. I've provided links on Lumigrate to a variety of sources about geoengineering and some of them appear to me to be only telling part of the story and what their agenda is, I don't profess to know. But it helped me being on Facebook to figure out that they're running online groups that are manipulative. 

So I naturally wanted to find groups that were free of that, but who had knowledgeable people who were being 'activists'. And I found that, it was a group that was intended to be about one state's geoengineering and people but they were accepting and tolerant that I was from Colorado. One of their members has written wonderful pieces at a website that is similar to Lumigrate but out of the UK, and she posted daily images from the NOAA GOES satellite, with her interpretation of what she saw, and it was very, very helpful to me.

So I keep my eye on that group every day for that image and then end up seeing what else is in there. This weekend there was a very interesting conversation and I wanted to share it here. People discuss the health effects/ symptoms they are having and what to do about it. I would have LOVED to have seen this a year ago, I was still thrilled to see it this year.  "L" is a NON medical person, totally different industry is her source of income. I don't know about "T", but you can see the 'conversation' and lack of agreement.  

It kind of ended in an abrupt way, which caught my attention as there's usually not any kind of non-nicetey spoken, though in this particular group the administrators don't make nice with every comment and really keep things 'flowing' they're minimalists. Which is fine/good. It ran through my mind to put on my 'intution glasses' and read it over again. Is this nice little group getting some trolls? Shills (those paid to be trolls, basically. Some , such as Kristen Meghan, the phenom Air Force whistleblower, make it clearer for the novice and calls them "paid disinformation trolls". However, they're not always doing disinformation or else they'd never seem followable or believable or relevant and sincere. So you'll have to flex with the lingo. Dunno for sure about what's up with the group people, but this is what it looked like so that you can perhaps see the benefits to being on Facebook to learn if you're so inclined, and how to spot when something might not be going quite 'right': 

W: Folks, some stuff to combat the flu-like and allergy symptoms. 1) Anti-inflammatory diet including garlic and oats (look it up for more details) 2) Anti-oxidant supplements: Vitamins: E, C and B to help metabolize the C; Minerals, Selenium, Zinc, Iodine naturally sourced from Kelp powder (get the stuff from France, no Fukushima) protects against radiation, Tumeric: mitigates the effect of aluminum on the brain (Cilantro/coriander is supposed to do the same). 3) Drink filtered water. Get a gravity filter that filters out heavy metals in addition to chlorine. 4) Avoid fluoride, minimize processed food and eat organic. 5) Wear a mask when jogging or biking. 5) Wear a crystal for grounding and/or orgonite pendant. Plus, Herb Pharm has a great extract that really kicks this crap out of the lungs .http://www.herb-pharm.com/store/product_info.php...POLLEN DEFENSE™ www.herb-pharm.com The herbs used to prepare Herb Pharm's Pollen Defense Tonic are Certified Organi...See More

W:  Also, a negative ion generator is good to have in the house because it precipitates particulates out of the air.

M: Oats are grains. With the exception of ancient grains, they all have anti-nutrients. Humans do not have the enzymes to break down anti-nutrients, so nutrients are sucked from the body to buffer it.

Sprayed nano-metals are too small for any mechanical filter to capture. The smallest filter size is 1 micron, which is 1000 nanometers. Nano-metals are typically 10-50 nanometers. What's needed is an electrical filter coupled with a mechanical filter.

Crystals push or pull energy, but they don't ground - that is, provide you with negatively charged ions. See Marcel Vogel - the Godfather of crystal tech. Being in contact with the Earth or touching a wire connected to a rod pushed in the ground will ground you, however. You're right about the Neg-Ions though - they provide flow. In the body, it unstickifies blood, eases congestion.

(Enters the original poster of the 'complaint' about health effects,  A, who says): W -- am doing ALL of that, even the negative ionizers which really work well. But what is happening is overwhelming, at least here (in this area).

W:  M, the ion generator is not a filter it acts with an electrical charge. I first saw it used in a photo lab to prevent minute particles of dust from sticking to 35 mm negatives..ancient, I know.  It definitely clears the air in my room. I ground with crystals because they amplify what energy is around them so when I walk around and connect with the earth they help me maintain the energy of my peak states*. They also give me energy and mitigate any interference from EMFs. They may not help if you already have trouble grounding. I ground using the electrical energy of my own body, most likely an advanced technique. There are other stones that can help. I have some good resources if anyone is interested. Everything I shared is purely experiential, not from book or internet reading, so people need to experiment to see what works best for them. * http://www.peakstates.com/

M: (Responded with something like 'it's good to see you're one of the awakened' and otherwise it was kind of a brush off.)  

Was this a 'normal conversation?' with two sincerely intentioned people trying to learn and teach and contribute to the process? Was "M" just not into the discussion or was there an attempt to make "W" look incorrect. If W went away from that feeling snubbed, would that prevent future comments with such detail and time/energy put in? 

It's hard to tell, but I wanted to create a topic here that would be able to underscore how important it is to find groups that are well managed to minimize or eliminate, if possible, the trolls/shills. Even who you have as Facebook friends is important, because if they're not good at managing their FB friends to keep the trolls out, they can cause you to get FB friend requests from trolls that you might think are good people because your good FB friend is a mutual friend with them. 

Naturally, some of the fake profiles are clearly fake and not real people behind them, but others are very hard to tell. I even had several local people treat me so aggressively on FB for my beliefs that everyone presumed they were paid trolls. I didn't know most of them to be likely paid to act the way they did towards me on Facebook, one of them acted like that to me in person in the past when out listening to music. Unhappy with the new law which made it illegal to smoke in bars and restaurants, etc., smoke was blown in my face (by a person who knew I was extremely sensitive/ allergic) with these words said: "F (bomb) liberal, what are you going to do about it?"  And this was a man, to a woman (he is about a decade older)!  

That's the Wild Western Colorado Way, and so it was interesting that people from around the United State and world saw this and would think that these 'bullies' / thugs were paid trolls when in one case they lived in my neighborhood. Unfriended, blocked, they all have now been unfriended and 2 of the 3 have been blocked.

But then you can never see what they write on Facebook and they can be damaging to your name and reputation and credibility IF people see it who do not KNOW WELL how the 'game works' on social media. Hence this topic. Did I expose my FB friends to vile people? Yes. To paid trolls/shills? Yes, several of the people I interact with routinely I have suspected were possibly or probably paid trolls/shills. Or they're part of an organization that has a plan and it's volunteer, in which case are they a troll or a shill? 

They've made themselves scarce on my page as they know I talk about trolls a lot, LOL.  But they're important to know what they're 'doing' as they're being ordered and set up to post things and are paid to do it, so you can essentially look at it as 'the tea leaves of Facebook'.  And these things apply to websites and commenters on websites, etc.  What topics get shared when, in conjunction with the news stories going on in the world and comparing what mainstream and nonmainstream provide as information is also part of that 'reading' of things.  

But someone yesterday saw the amazing photos I posted from two of us in Colorado on the western side, and said they were so discouraged sometimes, they feel they're trying to keep talking about it in hopes someday they talk to someone who has some capacity to 'do comething about it'.  Really, we all do, call your elected representatives. Say you're concerned and you want disclosure, if that's what you believe, naturally. And little by little people will hear about it. Some will put in the time to learn a bit or more about it, particularly if they see how it affects their work or their health or that of their family or pets, garden, etc.  

At about 30 to 50 minutes in an interview of Laura M. Eisenhower on the YouTube channel of Alfred L ______ , from April 10-15, 2014, she very well expressed where my 'head is at' with it at this point in time. It comes down to this becoming a mind/mental and spiritual 'game', you have to digest the reality of the information and continue to look at the bright side. It struck me long ago that those who had chronic illness and pain challenges in the past have an advantage over people who are simultaneously having physical issues while learning all this information about geoengineering. When you have the months or years with a chronic condition, most people hopefully find the way to changing their relationship with the condition so that they're feeling that they're not a victim of it and without any capacity to affect their outcome and reality. 

The woman I saw yesterday saying she gets so frustrated about this topic and not having people get concerned about it is a bit newer to learning about this than I was even, but she's an avid student of it as I was and she's really on top of the issues. She said sometimes she wishes she'd never woken up about it, and EVERYONE says that sometimes I think.

In watching this interview with Laura M. Eisenhower, I realized that the preceeding hardships and struggles I'd had, one after the other for the past several years, had really laid the groundwork in deepening my spiritual 'place' so that I can perhaps relatively rapidly (within a year) be at this place with the geoengineering situation. Now, this is more 'outside the box' than I normally put on Lumigrate, the resource of Ms Eisenhower, but I am always trying to find outside the box resources that I think are the more valid ones to be looked into. And I think she is one to be sure to check into in case she is a 'fit' for you.  Same as finding a group on Facebook. 

Naturally, each person has to find what resonates with them, where they are right now, in reality. Which varies SO MUCH, as we're all in so many places today, more than ever. In the old days people were less free to have their own drummer they marched to and very few were outside the box of convention. Today it's just a growing number EVERY moment.

And somewhere in there "W", above, become one, as did "M", despite that they are not on the same page nor seeming to both be in the sandbox to play nicely, one's maybe slinging sand for whatever reason. W clearly is wanting to help others and  had a lot to offer the groupmates in the closed, well managed Facebook group in the state she resides. I hope this encourages YOUsers to utilize social media in an INFORMED way about the trolls/shills (whatever you wish to call them) and how things work, if looking for support and information exchange.  

So here's to ALL the people on social media who are sincerely working using the tool of Facebook or other sites to 1) learn and 2) teach. It's a 360! And I'm in it with you, doing my part every day to the best of my abilities. This topic is dedicated to YOU. ~ Mardy

Some adjunct information that's maybe beyond the basics, IF you're interested: 

From Wikipedia: (which has good links out at the bottom for more information on various aspects):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shill

This is whittled down from what another geoengineering educated and activist had to say: 

The shills often use Alinsky's rules for radicals when they are slamming us. Example:
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.) 


When we are attacked by "professional" shills we can win the debate if we know the tactics they are using against us. 

...when the shill realizes that you know what you are talking about and aren't going to back down, the shill will suddenly change the subject to HAARP or some topic you're less familiar with. This can put an end to the debate. Or you can say "I'm not done talking about ________ yet. One topic at a time here, Buddy." They will back down because they don't expect you to regain and maintain control of the debate.

The 13 Main Alinsky Tactics

1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

2. Never go outside the experience of your people.

3. Whenever possible go outside the experience of the enemy.

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics, and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your

9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant 
pressure upon the opposition.

11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.

12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.



Someone suggested this book about Alinsky (at Barnes and Noble which has great comments, overview, etc... if you take the link) as a resource: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rules-for-radicals-saul-alinsky/1114590185?ean=9780679721130




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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