Discerning and Concerning: Studying Two Similar and Popular Internet Topics About NEW Fibromyalgia Findings

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.

NEW information about fibromyalgia just went around the Internet like wildfire, once again. I've observed many waves of this in the five years since I've transitioned from a 100% in-person, face to face, 'brick and mortar' business format for educating people about fibromyalgia, which was a part of my business as an occupational therapist in an outpatient clinic by the end of that phase of my career in medicine, to 100% Internet-based as I did for a couple of years and then worked to doing a bit of both.

I provide more of that history for those who aren't aware of it or want a refresher, below. 

Today I want to do a bit of 'comparison/contrast' on the same basic information that's gone around social media on two well-known Internet platforms: The Guardian Express and Yahoo News. 
I happened to see the one from The Guardian Express first, which links as a source to Yahoo News. I provide links and condensed examples of what they presented here for your information, below, for your reference. I have since looked to compare what "The Guardian" website looks like and believe that "The Guardian Express" is perhaps a 'leech', my term I give to something that is trying to look like something that was established originally. I cannot see that there is any connection to 'The' Guardian.
So in the future I'll take it as a compliment if there's a "Lumigrate Express" spring up somewhere. But obviously that would not be a good thing for the readers because --- it's not the established, tried and true original they're 'leeaching off of'. I provide the link to The Guardian, below, with the links to both articles I am comparing and contrasting. I do not see evidence at "the Guardian" of a story on this topic. Let me know if I've overlooked something however, and I'll update this information here.
I shared the link to the topic at The Guardian Express (which I was thinking was from The Guardian) on the Lumigrate: Fibromyalgia Facebook page and it had over 600 it 'reached', so I knew it was a topic of interest by those who follow my page on fibromyalgia. I shared it with my concerns about the information being presented. Many shared it on, but did they click Share and not also pass on their concerns, thereby infusing increasing numbers of people with potentially ill-conceived information?
So early the next week, which was last night, I shared it again, saying basically "I wanted to be sure everyone saw this one", and I again added my opinion about being discerning about what you read because something didn't seem quite right with the title and the information presented. It overnight reached close to another 200 or so people, and this time had some thought-provoking and thought-giving commenters participating in the 'discussion'. 
What is on the Internet about fibromyalgia is no exception to the #1 thing I say over and over about 'everything': "Follow the money". Look into who, what, where, when, and why the research was done, and also the reporting of it. Think critically. Analyze it from the angle you initially perceive it and then take a 'devils advocate' approach. If you prefer the analogy of rose versus grey colored glasses, use that one. Just look at it from different angles and discuss it with others, it will make you a better student of the information, even if it's someone in your family or friendship nework, not necessarily medical professionals. Children often ask the most thought-provoking questions as you know if you've ever had a serious conversation with anyone between the age of three and five.
As I said, above, on the Share I did on FB last night, several people gave good comments but it appeared to me that none had gone to the link provided as the writer's source, and then gone to that source cited, which was Yahoo. Had they done those two steps, and not just one step and read what I'd set up as a suggestion to be sure everyone saw what was going 'round the Internet on Facebook, they would have hopefully commented that the article appeared biased and that the source that was cited was a good step for people to spend a bit more time and energy doing. Remember, our resources are time, energy, and money. All of us, those are the three resources that are 'the mix' we have to deal with as individuals seeking out medical information or medical treatment (or anything, for that matter.)
Hence, I initiated this new topic on Lumigrate, which sets up a need for me to give the aforementioned overall history of my career in doing education and outreach to those with an interest in fibromyalgia, whether that be provider or consumer. There are increasing numbers of NEW users coming to Lumigrate who weren't along for the ride in the past and aren't aware of what my and the website's history is/are.
Which is 'grate' as we say around here -- LumiGRATE grate! Many on Facebook anymore aren't even aware, and the number of reads of some of our more popular topics is far beyond the combined total of followers on Facebook and Twitter of the experts involved, so it means we're simply, as always, 'getting up in the Organic Search'.
But that means that people often come to Lumigrate without having been 'massaged' or 'fluffed' if you know the porn industry term, by our friendly Facebook 'doorway'. If you think of it as a hotel, I'm trying to greet people as a desk clerk would and give simple guidance and then I'm also serving as the 'concierge' if someone has more in-depth needs for guidance to accomplish what they want with medical information. Since this was new, what I was doing, and 'suspect' because of so many robbers on the Internet, people without sincere motives related to the information or products they have related to chronic illness, it was initially working better for us to have people route through Facebook first and get their 'massaging' to soften them up as to who I am, who the other experts are who collaborate and provide content at Lumigrate for no charge and no payment.
Only those who have proven their sincerity and their 'chops' of validity have stayed in the mix of who is adding new information. Our bar of expectation started out high and initially it was difficult to find experts interested in a little-known website, but now it's established, time-tested, and we've had a solid group of providers for the past two years.
Rarely do I add a new provider anymore, our PT and pelvic expert Amy Hill Fife this month was the first new expert we added in 2013. A homeopathic educator and vaccine rights attorney were added the end of 2012 and really the main news for the year in terms of new providers. We simply have a pretty full plate or there are offers being considered by those we've invited who were considering offers and not yet committing.  We had a couple of new providers related to veterinary medicine also, in a minor way. I find it is easier for people to see concepts when we're discussing animals than people sometimes.
I want everyone who is learning medical information to be able to do what I do at Lumigrate, to some extent, which is sort out the myriad of medical maze information and concentrate on the best, the 'grate' things are what we share here, or that is our intention. So this is my offering to help as many as find this topic, with that in a self-serve way. If you'd like me to help you on something specific, please inquire, that's what concierges are for. 
What is set up at the Yahoo source cited is, in my mind, something which presents the information in a much better way. The topic's titles are glaringly different as you can see, and I hope I've presented them immediately below in a way that makes this easy to compare and contrast.
If you've been following Lumigrate's own expert about chronic illness of this type, you know that our belief is that there are MANY different things which 'load' and burden a person, and those things come from the body, mind, and spirit; there is not ONE THING causing ANOTHER. There are many things contributing to cause many things which 'overlap'. If you've not been following that or Lumigrate, now you know, and I hope you'll go exploring more about that in our forums (and videos, podcasts, which you can get to from the forum titled podcasts). 
We very much value that there is new research and evidence that points to what ONE of those thingS would be, that hasn't been in the mix and discovered already! But it can be presented in leading or MISleading ways.
Since we're all limited by time and energy, and most of us by money resources, I would suggest people learn how to look at something quickly and then dismiss things that are not 'up to your standards'. Make a mental note of what that source was and keep that in mind in the future. That means you need to define your standards, and everyone will have their own way of doing that. I offer mine here, and specifically some details about fibromyalgia information as it's such a 'lucrative' 'buzz word' and gets taken advantage of increasingly. I want to acknowledge that in my having to go to Plan B, C, D, etc., I didn't always get to have Lumigrate's information be at the level and be presented by the kind of provider that was my 'ideal', so stay 'present' with the sources. Some will improve, and some will go downhill too, as time goes on. I've known people who won't watch SNF because of how the show was for a while, long ago, and currently there will be a big change after they once again regained the masses watching. "The shifting sands of time."
While this is specific to fibromyalgia, what at I looked at when evaluating these two similar appearing but ultimately VERY different articles is perhaps of value to anyone, provider or consumer, who looks at information on the Internet related to medical conditions and interests, beyond fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is simply an ideal case example because of all the hype and buzz and the sheer numbers of people affected, so it therefore draws a lot of 'charlatains'. It baffles me how valid and big, credible sources like Dr Oz, Oprah and Dr Phil have seemingly glanced over it all these years also.
Since, by nature, fibromyalgia "messes with" your ability to think sometimes, to sleep oftentimes,  people are often reading online when they're really not in a good 'state of mind' with clarity. They might not take the time and energy to go look around at something and decide if that was a REALLY good thing to Share and further contribute to the stream of information flowing from their fingertips. They push 'share' and perhaps promote not the best of information to then be, in turn, read and potentially shared by someone else or many others.
So in this case, please look at both these articles for: 
  • Date of the article.
  • Who wrote it, what are their qualifications and history as a writer.
  • What the title of the article/topic is.
  • What is the lead-in, as that is what gets seen along with the topic.
  • What has the response been on social media, if they have the 'counters' for that to show people and engage them in furthering the social media 'frenzy' and hopefully making something go 'viral', more or less. 
  • Do they cite the original research and publication, presentation source? How many sources are cited? How credible are those sources, in your opinion. Is there, at the end of the 'trail of crumbs' a source that is the foundation to the article, topic, story? Is it the same in both articles you're comparing? (Then clearly, studying that source is going to be 'seeing it with your own eyes', but often you're looking for a source/expert to interpret that for you, tell you want you want to know, break it down for you in a way that appeals to you. Hence the sheer number and variety of re-sources on the Internet. Hence this topic today from me, here at Lumigrate, one of many experts and sources on the Internet.
  • Do they appear to be knowledgeable about the terms and spellings, punctuations, capitalizations? 
I'm going to share here for you, what these two 'apparently similar' articles from the two sources. Again, "The Guardian Express" is first, as I saw it first, then went to their cited source, Yahoo. (And the #s reflected are for mid day on the 26th of June, obviously that changes as time marches on.)

Yahoo! Contributor Network, Wed. June 19, 2013 
Title: Researchers Find Possible Biological Basis for Fibromyalgia
By Vonda J. Sines. (There is information on this page about who Vonda J. Sines is and her career writing)
Facebook Shares: 1,269
in Shares: 1
g+1 (Google): 10
First paragraph: Researchers have discovered a potential biological basis for fibromyalgia in patients' skin. Current treatment uses medications that act solely within the brain. It brings varying degrees of relief.

Scientists at Integrated Tissue Dynamics LLD (Intidyn) reported their findings in the journal Pain Medicine. Their work was part of an Albany Medical College study on fibromyalgia. The researchers found a unique pathology in the skin of female patients, one they believe could be the biological basis of the mysterious condition, says Medical News Today.

Overall: They're not capitalizing 'fibromyalgia', which is correct. They cite the journal, Pain Medicine, and the company (Integrated Tissue Dynamics LLD) whose scientists reported the findings. If you're going to 'follow the money' to see what vested interests there would be, then that is helpful to the person reading this article. This also sites Medical News Today. (So that would be the NEXT place I'd go look. Do they set that up for us with a link and 'encourage that' or simply offer it as source? Not that it's the biggest factor I look at, I just find it interesting what is encouraged with links and what is not, when looking at people's presentations of information on the Internet. 

The Guardian Express (guardianlv.com) - notice that lv before .com -- hmmm, suspicious detail.

Added by Rebecca Savastio on June 20, 2013 (Saved under health, Rebecca Savastio, US). (there is no information easily seen on the topic about who Rebecca Savastio is.)

Title:  Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved! Researchers Find Main Source of Pain in Blood Vessels

There is a really great graphic, which I'd include here, but it's a plug-in that didn't copy plus it was a copyrighted image from 2010 and that gets into I.P. terrain that gets time consuming). But please follow the link and go look at the original source of BOTH of these documents I'm setting up to compare and contrast. 

The first paragraph: 

Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients, and contrary to what many believe, it does not stem from the brain. The findings mark the end of a decades-old mystery about the disease, which many doctors believed was conjured in patients’ imaginations. The mystery of Fibromyalgia has left millions of sufferers searching for hope in pain medications. Up until recently, many physicians thought that the disease was “imaginary” or psychological, but scientists have now revealed that the main source of pain stems from a most unlikely place- excess blood vessels in the hand.

My assessment overview:
Gadzooks, there are so many things in this first paragraph that had me just scratching my head. 
  •  "The" source.... as I said already, that goes against our standpoint from day one at Lumigrate.com.
  •  This 'ends' the mystery? Just like that? That just doesn't make sense. Why would anyone read that and not say 'WT_?'
  •  At least they mention the brain as where many believe fibromyalgia stems from. But why does something to do with the hand not connect to the brain? What if there's a connection, why are they putting a hand under the microscope and not thinking holistically and about the whole person. The elbows connected to the .... and the this is connected to the that, we all learned that in the song we sang as children. Why would research being reported in 2013 be segregating something out like this? Fishy if you ask me. Very fishy. 
  • Few physicians in recent years and decade(s) have thought that fibromyalgia was due to 'being in your head', certainly in the timeframe since the masses got onto Facebook and started spreading information around 'en mass'.  They recognize and are often baffled by the complex and diverse systems of the body which are affected. They don't really know what to do, which is an awful feeling for a provider being sought for advise, so they tend to shun those types of patients more than others, which is unfortunate as that affects a LOT of patients/consumers.                                                                                                 --They are aware that symptoms typically have to do with the neurological system, the immune system, and the endocrine system, and they ALSO see that there is an emotional/behavioral/mental health component and are sometimes confused as to which came first, the chicken or the egg; the mental and cognitive sluggishness -- is it cause or effect, or a bit of both. But it's rare today that I hear of any providers who think it's "made up/in your head", and I interact with a lot of providers and consumers who go to providers both inside the US and beyond. (I deal primarily with those who speak English so it's mostly the US, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and a bit in European countries of Germany and France).  
  • HOWEVER, there are many in the US (and beyond) who were outraged with the new version of the 'bible' of psychiatric/mental health providers, the DSM-V, which has reclassified a lot of things and added many new things and changed a lot of other things, and could potentially cause some unwitting providers to go backwards in their assessing of people who present to them with symptoms that are included in those diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. 
  • Blood vessels in the hand -- look at the graphic, is the hand even one of the places that has the dots where pain typically is found in people with FM? "Fibromyalgia" is capitalized throughout when it's not starting a sentence. They use the 'sufferer' word, which I will say is generally something that is both a shortcut for saying 'who have the condition', but if you're a believer and promoter of integrative medicine, as I and Lumigrate's providers are, 'suffering' is not a word we use unless we are using it in the context to describe someone's current state of mind as a symptom. 

The Brief History of My Doing Outreach and Education from Brick and Mortar Person-to-Person to Internet Person-to-Person

It was the summer solstice and first day of Country Jam 2008 when my collaborating PhD psychologist building-mate and I held our first get together with invited patients to start what became known as 'The Fibro Forum'.

I rapidly discovered the limitations of having people who wanted educating having to travel to a location every week in order to advance what they knew about fibromyalgia by either listening and watching and learning (aka receiving) or speaking, writing and teaching (aka transmitting). 

We'd been allowed to use the building's conference room 'guaranteed' every week all year long from 4 to 6 on Thursday afternoons. It seemed that would be a good time for providers, they could knock off from patient care two hours early if they wanted to attend, and for patients with chronic illness, they preferred the afternoon timeslots when I was their occupational therapist in the outpatient clinic in the building. 

There was a growing number of school-aged "girls", young women, being diagnosed and finding their way to us as well, and so this was that prime 'after school' time that their parents liked to have for getting them to appointments. Often the young girls were being schooled at home or unable to matriculate with schoolwork at that time due to the limitations from their medical problems, but there were siblings who needed to be picked up or run here or there, and so I thought 4-6 was a fine time for our yet-to-be-named group to meet. 

You see, Dr Young and I met weekly for an hour from spring to summer to talk about the need for the group, figuring out how to get a group going that would ultimately, in the LONG RUN, be for the patients and by the patients with our oversight and input. So they were going to name the group and we'd 'seed' the startup of it with our patients who we'd worked with, if they would want to participate. I believe all asked did. 

My background began in environmental research program administration at Colorado State University on a Federal contract, health education and peer health education at Colorado State University, occupational therapy (skilled nursing/home health/'eldercare', driving rehabilitiation, hospital inpatient/outpatient, and then private outpatient clinic contract for general adaptive equipment expertise, functional assessment, occupation of health care advisement, hand therapy, neuro/brain therapy.

Dr Young's career included military medicine early on, and I'd done internship at the VA, in psyche and physical disabilities and so we both had seen the benefits of meeting and collaborating over common cases, and he specialized in neuro/brain and pain. Hence our professional 'overlap' and collaborations that just 'happened' it seemed, effortlessly, as long as we were in the same building and referring to each other as needed and appropriate.

So the education group (NOT a 'support group') also 'got off the ground' well. Once we were underway, I designed and printed 50 copies of an attractive flyer and gave them to various medical offices in our building, and the providers didn't at all think of coming themselves, which we very much wanted as THEY needed the EDUCATION as much as anyone, but they handed the flyers off or mailed them to the patients who stood out in their minds as having EXTREME problems with fibromyalgia. 

So that was a problem we'd nor forseen, it tipped our group when these providers' patients started coming, a new one every week, tearful that 'someone finally understands'. Tears of frustration and relief, and we understood that and why, etc., but the others in the group weren't so up for 'processing that' every week, the first week or two it was okay, but after that it was like we were going back to the Intro to FM 101 class every week, when they were ready to learn 301 or 401 or even graduate level information, relatively speaking. 

I would have really loved to have had their providers who sent them in the room, obviously, because if we could educate one provider who would then treat their patients differently, then we'd not have this frustrated, crying/emotional consumers starting with us every week and our group could get back to what we'd intended, which was learning something new every week, providers and consumers alike.  

So we regrouped and figured it was okay -- we'll start with the patients and then get the providers coming by them asking their providers to make it a priority to attend. But again, that meant the providers taking two hours of patient care time off their schedule out of a 40 hour workweek, and that seemed reasonable for FREE education, and education that would increase their efficiency with all patients with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and the other 'overlapping conditions'. 

We proceeded, the medical consumers and the two of us providers who started the group, to talk every week at 'the forum' meeting about what we knew about fibromyalgia, and where we learned it. Some brought in books or just told people the titles. Many of Dr Young's and my patients had gone to the same providers in town, known for their abilities for working with environmental illness and these types of conditions. I had also gone to, or knew professionally, all the providers that the 'successful, satisfied' patient/consumers had found to be helpful.

From the suggestions in the discussions in forom time, I wrote out a list on our big whiteboard of who we'd like to invite to come and present, and we hoped those providers would also start coming on a regular basis, not just to 'present'. But that was not to happen, in reality it was just asking too much to have the providers losing 2 hours of revenue a week. However, every provider asked did make time to come present once. Which was great, we had a nice 'series lineup' week after week for many weeks going up to the holidays. Unfortunately, the building's management decided just after this point in time they were going to need the area we were using for the whole month of December, and computers would be set up in the room so we couldn't use the space. That was quite a monkey wrench if you know how difficult it is to find free space and herd a bunch of people when you don't have a website yet, and nobody was on Facebook (I'd not heard of it even, at that point, I barely learned of YouTube in 2008!) -- how to change locations after you've released a 'lineup'.

Ugh. Considering a good % of my revenues as an OT went to the building, I wasn't happy they pulled the rug out from under me/us on that. I had the opportunity to move to a new clinic that was being formed and ultimately started Lumigrate there, but there were unfortunately the same and more difficulties there, and so I was off to "Plan C" within two years of when the Forum concept was first laid out by Dr Young and I. 

And ironically, the 4 on Thursday time slot actually became a limitation for Dr Young as well when his only other male therapist at the time suddenly retired due to medical/family issues which were his priority at that time. I also sometimes was torn leaving the clinic at 4 pm for up to a couple of hours because we had grown, with my assistant's talents, to have a robust hand therapy component on top of my brain/neuro/functional medicine component, and he only worked 32 hours a week (his choice). I arrived late after Dr April Schulte had started speaking (she wasn't yet a Dr, actually, she is now) about traditional Chinese/oriental medicine, because my new hair stylist had been very slow compared to my old one. And it was okay because those in the group rose to the occasion as we'd been giving them equality in the forum group, so that was really cool to see. Ultimately, though, nobody with fibromyalgia much wants to take on any kind of responsibilities due to their awareness of fluctuating abilities as their wellness/illness teeters and totters.

That first meeting and month when we started 'the forum', It was the HEAT of summer, and at 4 pm it was too hot for some with chronic illness, they reported. Later when it got to be wintertime, it was dark at 5:30 or 6 when the guest presenter would be finished up and some people had issues with darkness because of what had occurred to them in the past related to psychological trauma. Or it was too cold. I joked that it was like everyone with fibromyalgia is like Goldilocks, and I understand that: I've been dealing with working around the symptoms of fibromyalgia since I was in occupational therapy school in the mid 1990s, which is when I had my onset, while attending the esteemed program at Colorado State University. 

But we proceeded, with my knowing the providers would like to learn more but they would need a way to do it in their sleep or something. Kidding/joking, I am, but they are famished and fatigued as much as anyone at the end of a workday, so the only way you can get them doing something right after work is to have food and drinks for them, and that was a whole undertaking financially that we weren't up for doing, although I did have one dinner I provided to simply get those who were coming to speak at the Forum together so they'd all get to know each other and have one hour-long conversation about what fibromyalgia was from their vantage point. In reality what happened was some were on time, some were late, some had to leave early and they all only overlapped for 10 minutes at the most. So I was learning and changing my approach each time. That was in the fall of 2008.

In the fall of 2012, about six months ago or more now, I invited the same number of providers and others interested in a particular health topic (fluoride in water) on a Thursday at 6 pm ... same basic night of the year, same time, and only about a mile away. Not only was everyone on time, half arrived anxiously and eagerly five minutes early! Some said they'd have to leave at 8 pm because of family responsibilities or other tasks, and you saw the cell phones and texting going on quickly that was letting others know that THIS was where they were staying. We were thoroughly talked out at 9 pm when the 'party' broke up.

Dinner was not 'provided' everyone had been given instructions on how to order their meals and pay for them from a local deli, which delivered. We legally had wine via our city's and state's liquor laws related to events that are private parties. And so, that is where I am currently, looking for my next move in 'getting the word out', 'bringing people to the table', providers and consumers alike, in the challenging and exciting field of medicine in the United States, Colorado, Grand Junction and 'beyond'. I hope what I present here helps YOU! Whether YOU are a provider or a consumer. I hope YOU find success in your pursuits -- it took me four years to have success in getting a lively group of experts around a table to converse and have a good time, stay for hours AND pay their own way. And they all asked to be invited back the next time. What an honor. 

The link to the topic from Yahoo: (which on this one, won 'hands down' compared to the other)


The link to the topic from Guardianlv.com: (which on this one, lost 'two hands down' compared to the other)

guardianlv.com/2013/06/fibromyalgia-mystery-finally-solved/ (Notice the suspect lv after guardian)

BUT WHAT DID YOU THINK?  THAT is the ultimate question to answer. 

Link to "The" Guardian (guardiannews.com as you'll see here). NOT to be confused with The Guardian Express.


And last but not least, what the source at the end of the bread crumbs cited as how to cite the material properly: APA format is: Dynamics, I. (2013, June 19). "Rational Biological Source Of Pain Found In The Skin Of Patients With Fibromyalgia." Medical News Today. Retrieved from



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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