Dancing? Really!!

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Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Frequently
Joined: Sep 30 2009
Posts: 12
User offline. Last seen 15 years 1 week ago.

Hi everybody! So why looking up new clinical studies, I came across this GREAT study that just finish about belly dancing and chronic pain therapy. I know, I questioned it to...really dancing while you are in pain...to ease your pain..what the &(&*(&$%#$?

Get your grove on and dance your pain away!

Ever imagined yourself belly dancing your pains away? Shaking your hips, flowing with the rhythm and to the beat of the drums, letting yourself dance the pain away!

Well, a recent research study done at the Federal University of São Paulo proves that by simply keeping active, you can improve your quality of life. They wanted to show that belly dancing could be an effective treatment for pain in fibromyalgia patients.....

Read more on my blog: Flourish with Fibro


Stay happy and healthy!



Twitter: fibroflr

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