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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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I wanted to set a link up to this blog from early 2010, which has a good response from a Lumigrate customer/follower, which had good reader #s and also has good links out to other sources of information.


Here I am, March 25, 2014 'parking' this information within this topic from long ago while I work on it so I can create one NEW good topic once I have it all together. You'll see Dr Klinghardt says, below, how it was a long process to get so something so simple as what he's now educating and promoting and distributing products about for him in his 30+ year career spanning Europe and the US. Well, I've had the same thing and appreciate the commiseration. went 'life' at a kind of random time and a week after we had the launch party almost due to delays. It was when I started realizing how much creating a website business is like creating a baby. Expensive, takes about 9 months on average but you're not sure exactly when it's going to be 'born' (go live).

When I got a text from Linda, the amazing assistant who had worked for just over a year at that point in time, as I was lucky to grab her up to work as soon as they arrived for five years from Seattle, excitedly saying Lumigrate was live, I was listening to information being presented by Dr Chris Young about ACE.

He had blocked out extra time after the scheduled end of the presentation in case he had anyone fired up to talk with him, so he invited me up to their offices, where he was SO excited about this knowledge that he had just presented to the core mental health experts and administrators in our city (it was the second time I'd seen the talk, he gave it for the education group he and I started together the year before as I had been the sole OT provider contractor in the building from 2005 until I left in 2008 to start Lumigrate within the walls and under the roof steeping in what was a promising integrative/ functional medicine center that got off the ground but crashed. So I've been out poking around on my own since, finding other experts to provide content and then finding a way to weave experts that fit with our foundation in more recently. Hence I struck out and found, inadvertently in a way, what I'd been seeking since that day with Dr Young when he basically challenged me by saying "It will take a good, creative OT perhaps to figure out what to do about the health effects caused by the childhood trauma and it's getting into the 'tissues'." I knew the system that was involved, and it was the energy system of the body that alternative strategies get into -- they were wanting to address it with things like activities that would synche up and help unleash the hold-up, such as dribbling a basketball at the rate of the pregnant mother's heart rate if the trauma occurred in utero. To me, what I knew to do with patients as an OT, no matter how 'creative' I was, wasn't going to be 'it', there would be things I would do as an adjunct but there was a missing link it seems. I think THIS is that missing link! So ART for ACE.


And here we are with Dr Klinghardt's presentation: This is the YouTube Link and then my cursory keyboarding out for your ease of reading over and determining if it's something you want to invest in watching or reading more closely, or both.

Arizona 2013 

Pleo Sanum Biological Medicine Conference
Terra Medica
The information provided by the speaker or speakers in this conference are not intended as specific medical advise or an endorsement. This information exchange is intended for broadening of awareness of peer experiences around the world and is no meant to diagnose, treat, cure, prevet a patient's disease or replace treatment defined by any international or local jurisdictional scope of practice guideline. The information disseminated here has not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. 
Autonomic Response Testing vs. Classic Kinesiology
KlinghardtAcademy YouTube Channel Published on September 15, 2013.
Demo & Biological Medicine Tips w/ Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Klinghardt Academy
Applications for ART in a Biological 
I've been in medicine 38 years now
Grew up in German, came to US in 1982. 
Grew up in field of biological medicine, his family friend was a well known provider in his community. 
He was the first physician to do energetic testing who realized that by using electric currents you're missing half the story. Half the story of what you actually need to diagnose somebody has to do with lights, so I want to introduce you to that and give you some options. 
He's aware when he learned some remedies in the 70s, there were 5 major remedies and now there are 500 and it's gotten so complicated. It's very easy to give up in the beginning because it looks so damn complicated and it isn't, actually. 
Learn some form of energetic testing so you can nail it down to one remedy that will help the patient down in a few minutes.
He can present the material and then do a demonstration because they gave me the time here. 
All my instruments are sitting at the FDA on the east coast and 
I am a Christian and I took it as a sign from God 
You've got a good brain, you've got good hands. So I went on and learned Nogier's pulse test ... 
I took courses from a brilliant chiropractor, Mark _______ and took his
100 hour course in applied kinesiology
Combined it all into one tool from what he learned.
There is a threshold with the FDA that they allow you to keep using, so 
he went from using an instrument and current to just using the hands ... .
Biofeedback Tools Used in Biological Medicine
To find a remedy in the US -- 
Applied Kinesiology: 
Dr Omura, MD - was an engineer before coming to the US who in the 70s who introduced acupuncture anaesthesia in New York and used fields of the hands, he called it bidigital ometer (???) - 
it's the only patented energetic technique in all of energetic testing. 
Dr Omura was a very big teacher to him. 
Nogier developed a pulse reflex, change in the maximum peak of the pulse depending upon what you put in the field of the patient.
In Europe there was an independent development  of development of pulse rate test, and arm and leg plate length testing
Dowsing has very deep American roots - there's been a society in the US since the 1700s, they meet every year in the fall in Vermont and was one of the most influential meetings he's ever attended. 
put a remedy in the patient's field and the tissues hardens or softens. 
We tested all these techniques and looked at different things for a simple issue like diabetes. Do they have it, do they need insulin?
Dr Omura's test and my technique, ART, were the only two that had good reproducability. They reproduced in very small increments. 
It's an instrument, assisted biofeedback
Heart Rate Variability 
Alex Riftin  -- he was a genius from Russia who brought this technology over here. He could get a result in 8 minutes from his test and it was from the submarine program in Russia, but it has limitations in how much information. The college of medicine for the specialty was fighting it and doing these tests that took forever to get results..... 
wonderful equipment. Dan Bemon (sp?) has update the e quipment, he's here today -- We have it in our office, which can show us immediately if the patient has a problem and document if what you did has worked. It doesn't predict the thing you need to provide as treatment but it shows how what you did had effects. 
As a student in psychology after medical school,  he volunteered for things to get paid and for two years he was in a program where they looked in the lie detector program. It is cheaper than biofeedback equipment by about 1/10th for the same technology, if budget is a factor. Go to EBay where the ex CIA agents are selling things they don't need anymore (he jokes). It's a do-able technology that gives good information.
Autonomic response testing (ART) -- demo will be at the end.  
The 5 Levels of Healing - A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
The physical body is surrounded and penetrated by the forces of physics.
The energy field and the energy body is also the level where we have feelings
The more esoteric concepts -- auras - chakras - nabis (sp?) are surrounding our body.
All the energetic testing techniques are at this level. 
If it has a battery in it by definition it assess, heals, diagnosis at this level. 
The mental body -- invisible ... it's the the storage container for everything we've ever learned plus all the trauma we've ever suffered. 
The intuitive body -- OOB experiences, past lives, 
Beyond that is another level I simply refer to as the spirit.
When we get ill, it is always assumed that they can go from the symptom to the cause of the symptom but there is this downward causation. 
Downward Causation
Adverse events or energies can enter the system on any level. 
Symptoms can always be explained by structural or biochemical changes, including those perceived as mental, psychiatric, psychological, emotional or energetic. 
So with the energetic testing it is possible to go one level up from that and look for causes, at the electromagnetic level, not at the physical level. 
Such as 
EMFs from the Earth
EMFs from the 
Our electric system can become deranged and change our biochemistry and create illnesses further down.
So the energetic testing can make deductions for dosing (within 5 units) and what is going on at the psychological levels, wander off into the intrauterine time period.  
The Baker hypothesis: ... Many of the illnesses we have are set in motion in the womb. 
Epigentics shows a 20, 30, 40 year delay and people attribute it to lifestyle but  you can track it down to trauma of the mother in pregnancy. We have wonderful results and ask the body with energetic testing.. the subconscious memory goes back to before conception even. 
Conventional testing (labs, xray, imaging) won't help with this, so with a different tool we can get deeper into the causes of illness. We've done that and we do it every day at my wonderful practice, Sophia Health Institute and we have six providers who do this work every day. 
The Basics of using Muscle Biofeedback Testing (Autonomic Response Testing) as an extension of the physical exam. 
Muscles become tight when stressed, and relaxed when not
By measuring skin wetness we can find if the system is stressed or not. This affects the current. So by measuring, if you put a piece of bread in their head and they react, then you know they're 'allergic'. (He jokes that he calls a frog a frog and it's an allergy but recognizes the IgE might not be what reacts so it gets confusing with terms to use... 'incompatible', but he calls it 'allergy'.)
Whether you use a pendulum or any of these other things, you can see if the patients system goes into or out of stress. 
The tools are an extension of our own system, I don't judge anyone for what tool they use -- it's just our extension of us. I like IBMs it's more German than Macs, I don't like that creative stuff.... 
How a substance is recognized by its mere presence in the field is still a matter of discussion, but can be understood without violating one's common sense, by applying our current understanding of the ANS
Teaching experience
Patient with severe asthma
Had been declared dead 3x before coming to him by having dental intervention and the local anaesthetics. The dentist thought he had new techniques that would never cause reactions so she had amalgams that needed to come out ... so my job was to find out what local anaesthetic to use with her. 
I sent the assistant out to get the tray of all the things to test. When she got 6 feet from the door the asthma started. To the inch we could mark where the patient got the asthma attack if she crossed the line with the tray of all the items for testing. She was just a normal run of the mill patient. So he figured out at the time which turned out to be correct that: 
We have sensory elements far away from our bodies and palpate if it's safe or not and give a stress reaction or not. That was early on in his career. Then along came George Goodheart --- teacher/chiropractor that insisted on putting things in the mouth to test and his followers kept it from him that they'd use putting things in the hand. (because he knew the pathway from the mouth to the brain to the body). So using outside the body -- in the hand, works.
Example: Shark can detect EMF of prey 30 feet away and around rocks around corner. This is well known.
We all have the same thing, the fibers in the autonomic nervous system, it's just that our lives don't depend on that anymore so we've not as developed with it typically. 
What can we test? What are we Testing?
Klassical kinesiology: a dysfunctional organ is touched and the IM (indicator muscle weakens). The center of our attention ,the thalamus, scans the entire brain with electrical fields several times per second. (slide goes on for a while, go watch.) 
ART - Testing in the field
30 cm off the body, 70-80 cm off the body and in ever greater distances following the Fibonaci mathematics, the entire system is represented in a 2-dimensional plane, similar to the picture of organs and joints in an 
All the organs are represented in a plane around the body about a foot away. Almost like a 3D atlas that's represented in a 2D plane. We can actually test away from the body. I's like a 2D anatomy diagram, the same size of the body, but we can test it out a ways.  
There's another area, about 80 cm away from the body, where the cell wall is represented. We mapped this out carefully using good science.
Then things go out further testing, the further in the body you're getting to -- the mitochondria, the DNA 
We can identify bugs, toxins,  chemical disregulation -- it's very simple, it just took us a while to get there. 
Direct resonance -- Dr Omura's "resonance phenomenon between 2 identical substances". This simple and brilliant test was introduced into Medicine in the 1970s and is based on observations reported by Stanford Univeristy during early research into nuclear physics. 
We modified this and relate to it as "Direct Resonance".
This has allowed us to find where in the body, say, mercury is stored.
It's a far more effective test than any other energetic testing methods. 
We can find where in the body mercury is stored. If you hold something that's in an organ, like part of liver, over an organ/liver the body has a pleasure response, if you hold it over another area, say the kidney, then it will not react with pleasure response. So you can identify what is where, say using a little bit of mercury. 
The 7 Factors of chronic illness
Physical level
1 Toxicity
2 Nutritional/biochemical
3 structural problems
Energetic level
4. geopathic and biophysical
5. scars
6. allergies
Mental/psychological level
7. Unresolved psycho-emotional or spiritual conflicts and trauma. 
The one we're finding now in people is RoundUp. There's not one person that doesn't have cells with RoundUp and it is a carcingen and a neurotoxin. It has taken over mercury in it's significance. In the old days we focused on mercury, now it's RoundUp ... everyone is filled with it and it's just depending upon your genetics and other things that determines how are you doing / dealing with that. .. 'containing that'.
One of the reasons people can't lose weight is that it's the best thing your system knows to do. .. If it lets go of what's in the fat, that flushes out the Roundup and to bioactivate this can kill you, so the body won't allow it even when they do diets, that's always a tip off. One thing that removes that is liposuction. (laughter) but the better way is sauna therapy and detox modalities to get the toxins out and support the body while doing it. 
At the next level up, the Energetic Level
Biophysical stress -- the other conundrum of our time is the stupid cell phone radiation. It's been shown to be carcinogenic/ bad for health, yet the government got $25B for selling the 3G network to the public. 
The 3G network was proven bad, 4G is even more destructive. Some more sensitive than others and it's taking the joy out of life, that's one of the symptoms is a low-grade depression is one of the first symptoms, that everybody has now from the low-grade exposure.
Tomorrow to get into some of the simple solutions to fortify your body and protect from it. Not based on bullshit, but on core hard science and things that we know. 
He used to be famous for neurotherapy, which is based on that the physical trauma area and scars leaves the tissues in an electrochemically different state. 
By injecting the area with cocaine it normalize that. So we do a lot of that. 
Michael Gerber here (in audience) is known for it in the pelvic area and is one of the gurus. I know there are others in the room. Injecting remedies is quantum leaps, so I teach them at the Klinghardt Academy for off label use of the remedies. 
Allergies - if all you do is allergies in your practice, that's good  but it's usually the allergic tendency caused by toxins and stresses and the other 'things' and if you correct those things, the allergy tolerance goes up. 
Often it is gluten intolerance that won't go away, it's not treatable with NAT or any other techniques you may know. Latest studies on gluten is 80% of Americans are gluten intolerant. This means no more beer, no more grains. Other allergies are separate --  Gluten is another animal that isn't treatable with the techniques like ART or others you might know. 
Unresolved trauma in the family or your personal life, it sets the stage for the way your genes are transcribed. Epigenetic changes occur.
Functional medicine people and those of you guys that do the vitamin pushing thing for epigenetics, you do that and then you can treat, then that's good business.  But it's bad business if you don't do /offer the treatment for these traumas. Try to be practical, it's not possible with every patient to do the deep interventions as they aren't open to it.  Sometimes it's like going into Fort Knox and the patient resists. But offer it, early on and it saves a lot of money for the patient overall. 
The Light Body
The cells give off bio-photons - light. The light emissions combine to a unified field and eventually leave the body, generally known as the aura. 
He is taking out a lot of the biophysics here for the presentation.
Each healthy tissue polarizes light in billions of adjacent lines.
Light comes out in saggital, vertical planes from the body, billions of them, if the body is healthy. So they're polarized/all parallel to each other. 
Strugging and unhealthy cells lose the ability to polarize light long before the the client becomes clinically ill. 
So it's dead simple to do and I'll show you that. 
36:10 Slide
It's been a 30 year process that has resulted in a $60 tool that's not driven by a battery, to see where the body has lost it's ability to polarize light. If things are disorganized in the body then it will show. 
36:50 Picture from Alex Grey, images of how he perceives it, the energy around the body. It's a 2D picture trying to show in 3D. This is from someone distorted by LSD, so it's close to the true picture, not exact. 
37:25 Slide/ Graph 
Dr Nach's research. He took some grains and it's the amount of light the grain gives off. The grain being alive gives off light. Here it's poisoned with a gas, and you see it emitting light and it slowly dies, and then there is light that goes until it's completely dead, then there's no more light. 
Another graph: This is a reversible poisoning, mildly poisoned. It immediately gives off a lot of light and then comes back to normal. 
39:05 Thermography from 10 years ago, showing lighting up on the stomach meridian on the contralateral side from where the acupuncture is done. This is infrared light given off by the body. 
The body gives off UV light and we can't photograph it. We can photograph phenomena in the infrared range. 
39:45 Example of cold temperature  / light coming out of a patient with huge thyroid dysfunction. Lack of light emissions, there's cold temperature, no light from the upper jaw down to thyroid, from root canal (2nd molar/upper he thought).
40:18 Acupuncture in the lower back and seeing how it affects the meridians of the legs and torso.
40:40  Airline pilot in WW2, was shot down by the Germans. Broke his neck but the Germans treated him and handed him over to the Americans when they came and he had lifelong severe pain in the neck.  You can see the abnormal light emission that the body gives off as a response to the chronic ...  
I treated him and he did well and I photographed him but he lost the photograph after a while
Light and Polarized light
Light can go all over the place, the photons.
Polarized light means all the photons that go through the polarizing filter have to be going up and down or they won't go through....  And polarization filter is the main tool.  You know it from camera, these are not available anymore. It has about a million invisible ion rods in it in between glass layers marked which way those are going. 
If I put this on a healthy body part and the body part is healthy, the muscle testing will show a pleasure response.  If not healthy it will not respond healthy.
It's as simple as that, and I can measure the degree 
The Polfilter allows to detect body areas that have lost 
He mentions/ indicates "Debbie back there, has the academy" where she sells these.
Then the second tool used is the  Signal Enhancer (SE) - a plastic that has a perfect molecular structure. What we found is when we put this next to the body, the body acts as if it's eaten the substance.
It is a 1 to 1 relationship, we had to figure out the mathematical relationship. 
Example. If I put a cherry on there, the body will react as if it ate a cherry. If I put a dose of medication on there, the body will act for about 15 minutes like it has received it in the body -- say I put on 10 insulin units, the body will act for about 15 minutes like there was insulin administered.
It's different than putting something in someone's hand as you can't figure the dose. 
44:44 Slide
Testing and mitigating issues in the 4 layers of our system
the ectoderm - by using gentle skin contact
the mesoderm and/or matrix layer - testing is done approximately
the endoderm (and the deeper tissues)- starts out about here (arms length he indicates) 
all deep - 
The holy grail of alternative medicine is the matrix.
45:30 patient dying - the moment after the death you see this huge amount of activity /light emission and then nothing. I was there when it happened, he was one of my patients and he was willing to do the experiment. We know that before from some of the other esoteric researchers. 
A professor of parapsychology in Germany with much more primitive equipment did experiments that showed that a ball of light comes out and hovers in the room sometimes 2 or 3 days even. He photographed that and died in the late 70s.  All his documentation disappeared within a year of his death. We don't know who, what....
Christine is the office manager and another doctor, one of the very powerful doctors that work with me. We will show how the testing goes on someone who volunteers from the audience

First draft, just in case:
Arizona 2013 
Pleo Sanum Biological Medicine Conference
Slides shown were for Sanum plus Terra Medica, and Biomet
The information provided by the speaker or speakers in this conference are not intended as specific medical advise or an endorsement. This information exchange is intended for broadening of awareness of peer experiences around the world and is no meant to diagnose, treat, cure, prevet a patient's disease or replace treatment defined by any international or local jurisdictional scope of practice guideline. The information disseminated here has not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. 
Autonomic Response Testing vs. Classic Kinesiology
KlinghardtAcademy YouTube Channel Published on September 15, 2013.
Demo & Biological Medicine Tips w/ Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Klinghardt Academy
Applications for ART in a Biological 
I've been in medicine 38 years now
Grew up in German, came to US in 1982. 
Grew up in field of biological medicine, his family friend was a well known provider in his community. 
He was the first physician to do energetic testing who realized that by using electric currents you're missing half the story. Half the story of what you actually need to diagnose somebody has to do with lights, so I want to introduce you to that and give you some options. 
He's aware when he learned some remedies in the 70s, there were 5 major remedies and now there are 500 and it's gotten so complicated. It's very easy to give up in the beginning because it looks so damn complicated and it isn't, actually. 
Learn some form of energetic testing so you can nail it down to one remedy that will help the patient down in a few minutes.
He can present the material and then do a demonstration because they gave me the time here. 
All my instruments are sitting at the FDA on the east coast and 
I am a Christian and I took it as a sign from God 
You've got a good brain, you've got good hands. So I went on and learned Nogier's pulse test ... 
I took courses from a brilliant chiropractor, Mark _______ and took his
100 hour course in applied kinesiology
Combined it all into one tool from what he learned.
There is a threshold with the FDA that they allow you to keep using, so 
he went from using an instrument and current to just using the hands ... .
Biofeedback Tools Used in Biological Medicine
To find a remedy in the US -- 
Applied Kinesiology: 
Dr Omura, MD - was an engineer before coming to the US who in the 70s who introduced acupuncture anaesthesia in New York and used fields of the hands, he called it bidigital ometer (???) - 
it's the only patented energetic technique in all of energetic testing. 
Dr Omura was a very big teacher to him. 
Nogier developed a pulse reflex, change in the maximum peak of the pulse depending upon what you put in the field of the patient.
In Europe there was an independent development  of development of pulse rate test, and arm and leg plate length testing
Dowsing has very deep American roots - there's been a society in the US since the 1700s, they meet every year in the fall in Vermont and was one of the most influential meetings he's ever attended. 
put a remedy in the patient's field and the tissues hardens or softens. 
We tested all these techniques and looked at different things for a simple issue like diabetes. Do they have it, do they need insulin?
Dr Omura's test and my technique, ART, were the only two that had good reproducability. They reproduced in very small increments. 
It's an instrument, assisted biofeedback
Heart Rate Variability 
Alex Riftin  -- he was a genius from Russia who brought this technology over here. He could get a result in 8 minutes from his test and it was from the submarine program in Russia, but it has limitations in how much information. The college of medicine for the specialty was fighting it and doing these tests that took forever to get results..... 
wonderful equipment. Dan Bemon (sp?) has update the e quipment, he's here today -- We have it in our office, which can show us immediately if the patient has a problem and document if what you did has worked. It doesn't predict the thing you need to provide as treatment but it shows how what you did had effects. 
As a student in psychology after medical school,  he volunteered for things to get paid and for two years he was in a program where they looked in the lie detector program. It is cheaper than biofeedback equipment by about 1/10th for the same technology, if budget is a factor. Go to EBay where the ex CIA agents are selling things they don't need anymore (he jokes). It's a do-able technology that gives good information.
Autonomic response testing (ART) -- demo will be at the end.  
The 5 Levels of Healing - A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
The physical body is surrounded and penetrated by the forces of physics.
The energy field and the energy body is also the level where we have feelings
The more esoteric concepts -- auras - chakras - nabis (sp?) are surrounding our body.
All the energetic testing techniques are at this level. 
If it has a battery in it by definition it assess, heals, diagnosis at this level. 
The mental body -- invisible ... it's the the storage container for everything we've ever learned plus all the trauma we've ever suffered. 
The intuitive body -- OOB experiences, past lives, 
Beyond that is another level I simply refer to as the spirit.
When we get ill, it is always assumed that they can go from the symptom to the cause of the symptom but there is this downward causation. 
Downward Causation
Adverse events or energies can enter the system on any level. 
Symptoms can always be explained by structural or biochemical changes, including those perceived as mental, psychiatric, psychological, emotional or energetic. 
So with the energetic testing it is possible to go one level up from that and look for causes, at the electromagnetic level, not at the physical level. 
Such as 
EMFs from the Earth
EMFs from the 
Our electric system can become deranged and change our biochemistry and create illnesses further down.
So the energetic testing can make deductions for dosing (within 5 units) and what is going on at the psychological levels, wander off into the intrauterine time period.  
The Baker hypothesis: ... Many of the illnesses we have are set in motion in the womb. 
Epigentics shows a 20, 30, 40 year delay and people attribute it to lifestyle but  you can track it down to trauma of the mother in pregnancy. We have wonderful results and ask the body with energetic testing.. the subconscious memory goes back to before conception even. 
Conventional testing (labs, xray, imaging) won't help with this, so with a different tool we can get deeper into the causes of illness. We've done that and we do it every day at my wonderful practice, Sophia Health Institute and we have six providers who do this work every day. 
The Basics of using Muscle Biofeedback Testing (Autonomic Response Testing) as an extension of the physical exam. 
Muscles become tight when stressed, and relaxed when not
By measuring skin wetness we can find if the system is stressed or not. This affects the current. So by measuring, if you put a piece of bread in their head and they react, then you know they're 'allergic'. (He jokes that he calls a frog a frog and it's an allergy but recognizes the IgE might not be what reacts so it gets confusing with terms to use... 'incompatible', but he calls it 'allergy'.)
Whether you use a pendulum or any of these other things, you can see if the patients system goes into or out of stress. 
The tools are an extension of our own system, I don't judge anyone for what they use. I like IBMs it's more german than Macs, I don't like that creative stuff.... 
How a substance is recognized by its mere presence in the field is still a matter of discussion, but can be understood without violating one's common sense, by applying our current understanding of the ANS
Teaching experience
Patient with severe asthma
Had been declared dead 3x before coming to him by having dental intervention and the local anaesthetics. The dentist thought he had new techniques that would never cause reactions so she had amalgams that needed to come out ... so my job was to find out what local anaesthetic to use with her. 
I sent the assistant out to get the tray of all the things to test. When she got 6 feet from the door the asthma started. To the inch we could mark where the patient got the asthma attack if she crossed the line with the tray of all the items for testing. She was just a normal run of the mill patient. So he figured out at the time which turned out to be correct that: 
We have sensory elements far away from our bodies and palpate if it's safe or not and give a stress reaction or not. That was early on
George Goodheart --- teacher/chiropractor that insisted on putting things in the mouth to test and his followers kept it from him that they'd use putting things in the hand. (because he knew the pathway from the mouth to the brain). So using the hand works.
Example: Shark can detect EMF of prey 30 feet away and around rocks around corner. 
We all have the same thing, it's just that our lives don't depend on that anymore so we've not as developed with it typically. 
What can we test? What are we Testing?
Klassical kinesiology: a dysfunctional organ is touched and the IM (indicator muscle weakens). 
ART - Testing in the field
30 cm off the body, 70-80 cm off the body and in ever greater distances following the Fibonaci mathematics, the entire system is represented in a 2-dimensional plane, similar to the picture of organs and joints in an 
All the organs are represented in a plane around the body about a foot away. We can actually test away from the body. I's like a 2D anatomy diagram, the same size of the body, but we can test it out a ways.  
80 cm away from the body
Then things go out further testing, the further in the body you're getting to -- the mitochondria, the DNA 
We can identify bugs, toxins,  chemical disregulation -- it's very simple, it just took us a while to get there. 
Direct resonance -- Dr Omura's "resonance phenomenon between 2 identical substances". This simple and brilliant test was introduced into Medicine in the 1970s and is based on observations reported by Standford
"Direct Resonance"
It's a far more effective test than any other energetic testing method. 
We can find where in the body mercury is stored. If you hold something that's in an organ over an organ the body has a pleasure response, if you hold it over another area then it will react with stress, so you can identify what is where. 
The 7 Factors of chronic illness
Physical level
Energetic level
Mental/psychological level
7. Unresolved psycho-emotional or spiritual conflicts and trauma (including
The one we're finding now in people is RoundUp. There's not one person that doesn't have cells with RoundUp and has taken over mercury in it's significance. In the old days we focused on mercury, now it's RoundUp ... everyone is filled with it and it's just depending upon your genetics and other things that determines how are you doing / dealing with that. 
One of the reasons people can't lose weight is that flushes out the Roundup so the body won't allow it. One thing that removes that is liposuction. (laughter) but the better way is sauna therapy and detox modalities to get the toxins out. 
Biophysical stress -- the other conundrum of our time is the stupid cell phone radiation. It's been shown to be bad for health, yet the government got $ for selling it to the public. 
The 3G network was proven bad, 4G is even more destructive. Some more sensitive than others and it's taking the joy out of life, that's one of the symptoms is a low-grade depression. 
Tomorrow to get into some of the simple solutions to fortify your body and protect from it. 
I used to be famous for neurotherapy, which is based on that the trauma / scars leaves the electrochemically different state. 
By injecting the area with cocaine it normalize that. 
Michael Gerber here is known for it in the pelvic area and is one of the gurus. I know there are others in the room. Injecting remedies is quantum leaps, so I teach them at the Klinghardt Academy for off label use of the remedies. 
Allergies - if all you do 
It's usually the allergic tendency caused by toxins and stresses and the other 'things' and if you correct those things, the allergy tolerance goes up. Often it is gluten intolerance.
Latest studies on gluten is 80% of Americans are gluten intolerant. This means no more beer, no more grains. Gluten is another animal that isn't treatable with the techniques like ART or others you might know. 
Unresolved trauma in the family, it sets the stage for the way your genes are transcribed. 
functional medicine people that do the vitamin pushing thing, you do that and then you can treat that in good business to make money. Bad business is to solve that problem. "business" in terms of making money he is implying, sarcastically.
Try to be practical, it's not possible with every patient as they 
sometimes it's like going into Fort Knox and the patient resists. But offer it, early on and it saves a lot of money for the patient overall. 
The Light Body
The cells give off bio-photons - light. The light emissions combine to a unified field - the aura. 
He is taking out a lot of the biophysics here for the presentation.
Each healthy tissue polarizes light.
Light comes out in sagital planes from the body, billions of them. 
Strugging and unhealthy cells lose the ability
36:10 Slide
A 30 year process that has resulted in a $60 tool that 
36:50 Alex Grey images
This is from someone distorted by LSD so it's close to the true picture, not exact. 
37:25 Slide/ Graph



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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