Biofilm - A Slimy Matrix Coating Our Interlopers Rope Us Into

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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I'm being compelled to learn more about biofilm and what is frequently called "rope worm" because of O'Rio's recent revelations through his poop.  O'Rio Grande -- O'Rio for short, as he looks like one of the famous cookies, looked like a double stuffed version in 2015 when I began working with him. So let's kick this "yik" topic off with a fun photo ----


Me, O'Rio, Santa via Chow Down Pet Supply, December 2016  ©Mardy Ross 2016                                                   

I understand the cookie company is coming out with a version with a thin layer of white stuff in the middle, and maybe in another two years he'll have lost more weight and will look like that version -- right now he looks like the average version. 

His father was a border collie and when he got super fat that big white area was --- big.  We're not 'focused on the scale', but I do stop by the veterinary offices to see about weights periodically.  He's just focused on living his life and enjoying things -- and watching.  Sleeping, and of course eating and drinking.  Eat, drink, and be merry -- and in there pee, poop, and scritch.  That's about how simple he makes life and it's wonderful. 

I'm focusing on other things -- symptoms.  And how to reverse them.  And I'm liking what I'm seeing! I have been for two years now, but recently I was seeing what people who have been at this with sick kids and selves call 'rope worm', or 'rope organism'. 

"Mardy, you've got to write about rope worms" I was told by an up and coming "rock star" in this field, Crystal Tripp.  Please take the link if you want, Crystal was working towards a website when I created this topic. And editing in the link almost two years later is a big moment for me on 23 April 2019 as I will get a percent of sales that originate coming from my website! Thank you if you support any truth telling provider out there. We rely on the wise consumers to sustain us so we continue giving as we do!

But I'm not agreeing with calling them by the term that evolved in 'autismland', now that I see it 'live'.  It doesn't mean it doesn't have worm and other parasites or 'interlopers' in it, it doesn't mean I think it isn't going to move and writhe, as the afore-mentioned requestor of this topic has related to me privately about her experience, in the past, when in a horrendous health dilemma.... suspected to have in part been due to an unwell dog coming into the family system.

It was compared by Crystal from her personal experience a few years ago to how it feels with a baby kicking when you're pregnant.  Wow, right?  AND she (and her other family members being treated successfully) reported feeling pretty much the way O'Rio shows he felt after eliminating some, too.  (See photo below paired with the poo pic.) 

Please also follow this link at some point and go see the wealth of CUTTING EDGE information Crystal Tripp is providing via the topic I have created about her and her Facebook group.  Here's the link, and I'll put it at the end of this topic before the first comment area begins also. < What you see with her FB profile pic

I find it ironic that 50 years after I started my first 'job' working in my parents' kennel, scooping poop, I'm taking great interest in O'Rio's poop, photographing it with my cell phone, and sharing it with people who have an interest in complex chronic illness reversal and healing. 

Me, mid 1960s with one of the kennel's male golden retrievers


I'd find it particularly ironic that I would find Lumigrate the source cited at a rope worm dot com's topic, because I'd covered a conference put on my Dr. Klinghard's Academy several years ago, which was covered by The Better Health Guy.  So, credit where credit is due.  At that time I was focusing on information about Lyme, hence creating the topic I'm referring to, and rope worm and biofilm were addressed in the conference.  

This is an excerpt of what was said and the link to the topic at Lumigrate: 

Dr. Klinghardt MD PhD spoke on Friday evening and shared many of his thoughts late into the evening. These included:

Treating parasites in many different ways leads to the rope parasite coming out. He calls it the rope parasite rather than the rope worm as it is still not clear exactly what "the creature" is. When these start coming out, Lyme patients improve and feel better. Some people need to do enemas several times per week for 18 months and then they see parasites.  Most of the rope parasite is in the small intestine. Clinical symptoms with Lyme is much closer linked to rope parasites than anything else.

Most recovered, asymptomatic Lyme patients still test highly positive for Lyme on the Western Blot, LTT, and culture test. Lyme may be the underlying cause of the illness, but it is not the cause of the symptoms. The symptoms are caused by other issues. 

The rope parasite is likely a biofilm community of different organisms that live together in a meaningful way. Biofilm communities determine how many members are allowed into them. The "rope worm" is not falling into the classic definition of a parasite but more of a biofilm. Every patient sees something come out when they do the treatments long enough.

There is no reliable lab for parasites. Dr. Klinghardt stated he has never had a patient with a positive Western Blot for Lyme that did not have parasites.

Raw food diets are a major reason people have parasites. A study of salad bars in New York was cited.

Cats are an infestation and generally not conducive to healing (toxoplasmosis and bartonella).

We feed parasites and they extract toxins from us. Lead levels in the host and a parasite were compared and found to be 106 times higher in the parasite; cadmium 119 times higher. The rope parasite may be an adaptive mechanism to survive the time we are in. The rope parasite may be an adaptation in how the body responds to heavy metals.

Aluminum fosters the growth of microbial pathogens and parasites. Aluminum is probably the main cause of parasites and Lyme disease. Aluminum is necessary for the Lyme bugs to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. We need to look at sources of aluminum but also need to work a detoxification program. Getting worms out whole via rectal anti-parasitic treatments is an excellent way to detoxify. 

"Treatment includes: 1) Stopping foods, behaviors, and supplements such as B vitamins that feed the parasites, 2) Heavy metal detoxification and mineral replacement, 3) Enema and/or Suppository protocols regularly for 18 months, and 4) Repeated oral anti-helminthics. Some of the oral options include ....." (go to the source to see the details). 

Lyme, co-infections, mold, auto-immunity, food allergies, CFIDS, MCS, colon/liver/pancreatic cancers are all CONSEQUENCES of parasites; not the cause of the illness. Initially assume that every illness you see is caused by parasites. 

At the start of day two, there was some discussion with Dr. Klinghardt followed by some additional comments from Alex Volinsky. And NEWS about chocolate (and more about raw milk) was included: 

GO TO  to see more ....... AND look for conference highlights from other years, in particular if The Better Health Guy attended and did a wonderful synopsis. 


Below, you'll see how the slimey mucous biofilm "rope organism", some would call it (aka "rope worm") appeared with O'Rio's poop.  It stands to reason to me that dogs' shorter intestines allowed the coating to be showing over the feces, different than it will look when it comes out of a human when doing an enema, in particular.  In short, he's had gradually overall improved food quality for over two years at this point in time, with a big step up in April and since, to as close to 'ideal' for organic and clean as we could get it. 

I'd recently had obtained raw goat milk to offer him.  In the past, he refused it entirely. But that was before he was 'eating clean', so I figured I'd try it again.  I'm glad I did -- this time he enthusiastically consumed it. Could that have contributed?  Read on.... (yes, it could have....).

However, about two weeks before or more, he'd had an unexpected week-long and baffling round of the runs, and it dried to be like dark tar.  It just seemed that 'we were getting somewhere' with the length of time doing the clean diet. His pain and agility and happiness seeemed to improve.  And after he would poop these things out, I took a picture of him joyously rolling, in a 'liberated' way. 


^ Animals, O'Rio in this case, showing us the way! ^  All photos ©Mardy Ross 2017


SATURDAY, 19 August 2017


© 2017 Mardy Ross, Lumigrate (2017Aug19 afternoon poop walk results, 4:40 pm). O'Rio had some of my baked sweet potato from dinner on the evening of August 18, which I don't bake as long as I bake 'his', which he normally has as a bedtime snack.  So that's what the orange is.  He had chicken (as did I) for dinner, some kibble perhaps, though he only resorts to that occasionally.

The link to the topic at Lumigrate about O'Rio 'n' Me --- for more (and overall not focused on poop)

I wanted to provide more information and sought out one topic to get people going on this thread, and liked what I found at 

Seeing the following, I'm sharing it here: *If you learned something from this post share it so others can do the same.

To support the efforts of this blog shop the affiliate links above like this one. You pay the same shopping through Amazon while the author receives a small referral fee from Amazon. This offsets the costs of this site.

*Nourishing Plot is written by Becky Plotner, ND, traditional naturopath, GAPS who sees clients in Rossville, Georgia.

Since her son was delivered from the effects of autism (Asperger’s syndrome), ADHD, bipolar disorder/manic depression, hypoglycemia and dyslexia through food she continued her education specializing in Leaky Gut and parasitology through Duke University, finishing with distinction.

This is not a news article published by a paper trying to make money. This blog is put out by a mom who sees first hand the effects of nourishing food vs food-ish items. No company pays her for writing these blogs, she considers this a form of missionary work. It is her desire to scream it from the rooftops so that others don’t suffer from the damaging effect of today’s “food”.

And below is the article, however, I make bolding and small edits such as more paragraphs to make it easier for readers who have brain dysfunction or other difficulties with reading and comprehending information they seek here at Lumigrate. 

Internal Biofilms May Be Making You Sick


A lot of bacteria can form biofilm, which is an extracellular matrix where they share nutrients and even DNA. The biofilm protects the bacteria inside it from our innate immune defenses. It’s much more difficult for us to get rid of biofilm than it is bacteria in other states,” says Chris Kresser, acupuncturist and columnist for the Huffington Post in an interview with Steve Wright from SCD Lifestyle.

Killing off biofilms internally is always accompanied with die off symptoms. Eliminated biofilms look like rubbery well formed mucus often times with visible pathogens at the center. defines a biofilm as, “A slimy matrix of extracellular polymeric substances produced by bacteria which protects them when aggregated, as in dental plaque, the ear, intestine, skin, etc. (It contains) biologically active agents, which coats the surface of structures such as teeth or the inner surfaces of catheter, tube, or other implanted or indwelling device. It contains viable and nonviable microorganisms that adhere to the surface and are trapped within a matrix of organic matter (for example, proteins, glycoproteins, and carbohydrates).”

Biofilms are most commonly found encasing gastrointestinal pathogens, parasites or worms. People struggling with intestinal pathogens see the most biofilm colonies when they proactively pursue colon elimination routines combined with foods or supplements that disrupt the biofilm. They are most visible to the eye after cleansing enemas, as the fecal matter is not present. Biofilms look like a thick gel like substance which could be encasing a darker form, yeast colonies, a long worm-like form, parasite form, or similar pathogens. Biofilms live in many places, colonizing where”needed” to protect pathogens.

The NIH says biofilms develop when “(The) host’s immune system becomes suppressed, facilitating colonization and infection of (weak spots or  wounds) with micro-organisms. Within the wound, bacteria often develop biofilms, which protect the bacteria from the immune response and enhance their resistance to antibiotics.”

Biomed Research International says  “This form of growth poses a threat to chronically infected or immunocompromised patients. Biofilm-forming microbes are held together by a self-produced matrix that consists of polysaccharides, proteins and extracellular DNA. It is now well known that infections are mainly associated with biofilm formation.”

The Genome News Network says, “Biofilms are the squatters of chronic infection. They congregate, slime, and linger on surfaces in the human body—places like hip replacements, contact lenses, catheters and wounds. Biofilms are resistant to even the most aggressive antibiotics.”

They go on to say, “The biofilm can consist of one or more microbial (bacterial or fungal) species. Biofilm-growing microorganisms cause chronic infections which share clinical characteristics, like persistent inflammation and tissue damage. A large number of chronic bacterial infections involve bacterial biofilms, making these infections very difficult to be eradicated.”

Professor Alex Volinsky is considered one of the pioneers with studying, testing and uncovering findings on parasitic activity, biofilms and ropeworms specifically determining what they are, what is their function and what is the source of their structure. Click here to read more.

Beneficial bacteria sources that disturb biofilms include:

Lactoferrin (apolactoferrin) which is found in whey made from goat’s milk or cow’s milk. In fact over the counter lactoferrin supplements like this one are made from bovine whey. Dr. Bernard Jensen says in one of the most nutritionally comprehensive books of all time, Chemistry Of Man, whey is also very high in chlorine. Just like when you santize your clothes in chlorine to bleach them, chlorine in foods will sanitize your cells, including biofilms. When you combine chlorine foods with flushing of the colon, biofilms will be eliminated.

The Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition says, “Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein and is the second most abundant protein in human milk. Bovine LF (bLF) inhibits the growth of a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.”

The British Journal of Nutrition found, “Bioactive milk proteins may be important in protecting preterm infants from developing inflammation and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and inflammation.”

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid, a precursor to glutathione which disrupts biofilms. BMS Microbiology says, “Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common pathogen in chronic respiratory tract infections. It typically makes a biofilm, which makes treatment of these infections difficult. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on biofilms produced by P. aeruginosa.” (Click the BMS Microbiology link above to see the study).

Stirring NAC into some homemade yogurt is a good way to introduce it to your system without fillers, binders or capsules that contain pathogen feeding ingredients. Click here for an NAC with no pathogen feeding ingredients.

The NIH says, “NAC has anti-bacterial properties against P. aeruginosa and may detach P. aeruginosa biofilms. Use of NAC may be a new strategy for the treatment of biofilm-associated chronic respiratory infections due to P. aeruginosa.”

Garlic is particularly powerful containing antistaphylococcal activity. The NIH studied garlic in 2012 concluding it effective in disrupting established staphylococcal biofilms. They used a garlic based ointment, “to examine the antibiofilm activity of garlic (Allium sativum). Wound pathogens were inoculated on sterile cellulose discs, exposed to formulated garlic ointment (GarO) or ointment base, and incubated to allow biofilm development.

Biofilms were quantified and visualized microscopically. GarO prevented biofilm development by Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and caused a 2-5 log reduction of the bioburden within Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. Additionally, GarO disrupted partially developed biofilms produced by S. aureus, S. epidermidis and A. baumannii.”

Enzymes exist on raw foods, meats and milks. Enzymes eradicate biofilms. When we have a diet deficient in enzymes, while we eat processed packaged foods we are feeding pathogens and promoting biofilm growth. Lumbrokinase, nattokinase, Glucoamylase, Chitosanase, Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Pectinase, Beta-Glucanase, Protease, Peptidase, Endopeptidase, Exopeptidase and Lysozyme all break the biofilm barrier. Lysozyme is found in raw egg whites.


Looking Back On the Path to Today's Current Thinking

Volinsky becomes part of the vernacular. provided us in 2013 with great step forward in the "fund of knowledge": (Naturally, take the link, look at the PDF, and the photographs of course, you'll see the #s indicated in the text, below where there are photographs present.)


Development stages of the “rope” human intestinal parasite

Originally submitted to on Jan. 14, 2013,
Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D. a*, Nikolai V. Gubarev, Ph.D. b, Galina M. Orlovskaya, RN-C c, Elena V.

Marchenko, M.D., Ph.D. a

a Independent researcher
b Occupational Safety Ltd. (OOO “Bezopasnost Truda”), 32 ul. Koli Tomchaka, suite 14, St. Petersburg 196084, Russia
c Department of Surgery, St. Petersburg City Hospital No. 15, 4 Avangard St., St. Petersburg 198205, Russia

* Corresponding author. Phone: +1 813 974 5658, Fax: +1 813 974 3539 Email:


This paper describes the five development stages of the rope worm, which could be human parasite. Rope worms have been discovered as a result of cleansing enemas. Thousands or people have passed the rope worms from all over the World. Adult stages live in human gastro-intestinal tract and are anaerobic. They move inside the body by releasing gas bubbles utilizing jet propulsion. These worms look like a rope, and can be over a meter long. The development stages were identified based on their morphology. The fifth stage looks like a tough string of mucus about a meter long. The fourth stage looks similar, but the rope worm is shorter and has softer slimier body. The third stage looks like branched jellyfish. The second stage is viscous snot, or mucus with visible gas bubbles that act as suction cups. The first stage is slimier mucus with fewer bubbles, which can reside almost anywhere in the body. Rope worms have cellular structure, based on optical microscopy, DAPI staining and DNA analysis, however, the data collected is not sufficient to identify the specie. Removal methods are also mentioned in the paper.

Keywords: New taxa; rope parasite; funis vermis; helminths; human intestinal parasite; development stages.


This research paper has not been peer reviewed. At the time of publication the authors have a hypothesis that the features described in this paper are of parasitic nature. Current DNA analysis results are inconclusive, however, only small percentage of the sequenced DNA has a match in GenBank. This paper was written for information purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. If you are experiencing any symptoms, including those described in this paper, contact a licensed medical professional in your country.


Human parasitic worms are classified as nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), trematodes (flukes) and monogeneans (Grove, 1990). It is estimated that every fourth human is hosting intestinal parasites (Watkins and Pollitt, 1997, World Development Report, 1993), meaning that even more people carry parasite intermediate stages. Humans can also carry intermediate stages of animal parasites, such as cat ascaris worms. Parasitic worms have different life cycles, sometimes using humans as permanent or temporary hosts. What if there is a parasite that does not have

intermediate stages outside the human body, lives and dies with the human? Such specie, called rope worm, or funis vermis in Latin, has been recently discovered and described (Gubarev, 2009, Volinsky et. al. 2013). It does not fall under a single known parasite category. Based on its attributes, this pre-nematode may be older than other parasites. It could be a community of simple organisms forming a macroscopic organism, similar to biofilms and slime molds.

Rope parasite adult 5th stage

Figures 1 shows fully developed human rope worm passed with enemas from a 45 years old adult. These anaerobic parasites resemble human feces, and dry out outside the human body in air. They are called rope worms (funis vermis in Latin) because they look like twisted fibers of a rope (Figure 1). Rope worms color depends on the food a person eats, and varies from white to black. When a person is fasting, white worm leave the human body with enemas, so their original color may be white. Rope worms can be located almost anywhere in the human body, but prefer digestive tract, small and large intestines specifically. They twist like a corkscrew, increasing their cross- section, blocking the lumen of the intestine. This is also how rope worms squeeze the juice out of the fecal matter, and feed on it osmotically. To achieve this, the rope worm has multiple channels running along its length. The parasites emit gas bubbles inside these channels utilizing jet propulsion (Volinsky et. al. 2013). They are most active at night, between 1 and 6 am. High parasitic activity and toxins release can alter human attention and reaction.

2 cm

Figure 1. Adult stages of the rope parasite (5th stage).

Here are the reasons why the rope parasites can stay inside the human body without being carried out by peristaltic movements:

  1. 1)  Rope parasites attach to the intestines with suction cups/heads;

  2. 2)  Adult rope parasites reach over a meter in length, exceeding a typical length of the fecal


  3. 3)  Rope parasites move by emitting bubbles utilizing jet propulsion;

  4. 4)  Rope parasites twist like a corkscrew and can completely block the lumen of the


  5. 5)  Rope parasites form larger gas bubbles, which develop into suction cups.

The fifth adult stage can be driven away by enemas with eucalyptus decoction with several

drops of eucalyptus oil, followed by the freshly squeezed lemon juice enema (Gubarev et. al. 2007).

Rope parasite 4th stage

The fourth stage looks similar to the 5th adult stage, but has softer slimier body (Figure 2). Both 5th and 4th stages can possibly feed on blood. They can emit bubbles to form future attachment heads, as seen in Figure 2. Similar to the 5th stage, the same eucalyptus/lemon juice enemas get rid of the 4th parasite stage (Gubarev et. al. 2007). Special care should be taken during the dehilminthation procedure, as open wounds are left on the inner side of the intestines, causing internal bleeding (see Figure 2). Bleeding can be stopped by using “dead” water made by water electrolysis.

Worm head Bubbles with blood

Figure 2. Rope worm head covered with blood with multiple bubbles on the worm body.

Branched jellyfish 3rd stage

The third stage looks like branched jellyfish, shown in Figure 3. Dehilminthation method includes enemas with baking soda (Gubarev et. al. 2006).

Viscous mucus with bubbles 2nd stage

The second stage resembles slimy viscous mucus, and emits bubbles, which are later used as attachment points (Volinsky et. al. 2013). This stage leaves the human body with salt milk enemas (Gubarev et. al. 2007).

2 cm

Figure 3. Branched jellyfish 3rd stage of the rope parasite development.

a) b)

3 cm

Figure 4. Viscous mucus with bubbles 2nd development stage: a) side view; b) top view.

Viscous mucus 1st development stage

The first stage of the rope parasites is mucus. It can be hosted almost anywhere in the human body. Similar to the second stage, salted milk enemas aid their release (Gubarev et. al. 2009).

5 cm

Figure 5. Viscous mucus, the first development stage of the rope parasites, hanging from the colander holes.

Toxic slime and fecal stones

Rope worms (stage 5) are also capable of producing toxic slime seen in Figure 6a. This happens when they are irritated by spicy food, heat or cold, etc. Adult rope worms also produce fecal stones, seen in Figure 6a and b. Fecal stones clearly have bright spots, which resemble sesame seeds, seen in Figure 6b. All fecal stoned from different people had these features. Fecal stones leave intestines with water enemas with small amounts of vinegar. Figure 6c shows an adult rope worm with the fecal stone attached to it. At this point it’s not clear what the function of the fecal stones is, which could be reproductive or simply future food source storage.


The first attempts to describe the structure of the adult rope worms, based on optical microcopy, revealed that they have multiple micochannels filled with gas bubbles (Volinsky et. al. 2013). The worm body is formed of the cells that resemble scales. The authors obtained scanning electron microcopy (SEM) images to better understand the rope parasite structure. Microchannels terminating on the worm surface were observed in SEM. Initially DNA analysis using primers was performed. COI gene sequences from the rope worms (stages 3 and 5) were obtained using Folmer primers. Stage 3 showed 99% match to human pseudogene, chromosomes 8 and 17. Stage 5 had 99% match to human mitochondria DNA. There is 82.6% match between the COI sequences obtained from the rope worm’s stages 3 and 5. 18s gene sequences of stages 3 and 5 showed 99% human rRNA. There is 99.3% match between the two sequences. Illumina shotgun sequencing was also performed. Out of 15 Mbp sequenced less than 10% match bacterial and human DNA, while the rest currently has no match. Thus, the obtained DNA analysis results are inconclusive at this point.

Since the original publication in January 2013 over 200 people have contacted the authors, claiming that they are suffering from the rope worms and show pictures, similar to Figure 1. Others are Lyme disease patients and parents of autistic children, who pass these rope worms. Five people claim they have Morgellons disease, and also pass the rope worms. There are also videos of the rope worms moving in water, passed by an autistic child without any medications or procedures. Videos related the rope worms have been placed on the channel ( There are also support groups on and several online forums.

The rope parasites have not been discovered previously for the following reasons:

  1. 1)  Rope worms rarely come out as whole fully developed adult species;

  2. 2)  Rope worms resemble human excrements;

  3. 3)  Rope worms don’t move outside the human body in air;

  4. 4)  Rope worms are often mistaken for lining of the intestines.

Bright “sesame seed” spots

1 cm

Fecal Stone

Figure 6. a) Toxic slime produced by the rope worms; b) fecal stones produced by the rope worms; c) adult rope worm with a fecal stone attached.

5 cm


1 cm


The five stages of the human anaerobic parasite, called the rope worm (Funis Vermis in Latin) have been described, based on the morphology. The currently known dehimnimthation methods include enemas with milk and salt, soda, eucalyptus, followed by the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Rope worms can possibly feed on human blood, thus special care should be taken upon dehilminthation to avoid internal bleeding. DNA analysis results are inconclusive at this point. Further research is required to identify what the rope worms are.


The authors acknowledge professionals support with microscopy and DNA data collection and analysis.


Grove D.I., 1990. A history of human helminthology. Oxford University Press, Wallingford, pp. 1- 33.

Gubarev N.V., Gubarev A.V., Orlovskaya L.P., Orlovskaya G.M., Pakulina O.N., 2006. Method of human dehilminthation/Sposob izgnaniya gelmintov iz organizma cheloveka, Russian Federation Patent RU (11) 228110.

Gubarev N.V., Gubarev A.V., Lebedev S.A., Orlovskaya L.P., Orlovskaya G.M., Pakulina O.N. 2007. Method of human dehilminthation/Sposob izgnaniya gelmintov iz organizma cheloveka, Russian Federation Patent RU2270688.

Gubarev N.V., Lebedev S.A., Orlovskaya L.P., Pakulina O.N., 2007. Method of human dehilminthation/Sposob izgnaniya gelmintov iz organizma cheloveka, Russian Federation Patent RU2250111.

Gubarev N.V., 2009. Helminthes: known and....unknown, Special Literature, First Class Publishing, St. Petersburg, ISBN 978-5-903984-08-4.

Volinsky A.A., Gubarev N.V., Orlovskaya G.M., Marchenko E.V., 2013, Human anaerobic intestinal “rope” parasites, arXiv:1301.0953,, Submitted January 5th, 2013.

Watkins W.E., Pollitt E., 1997. 'Stupidity or worms': Do intestinal worms impair mental performance?. Psychological Bull. 121(2), 171-91.

World development report 1993: Investing in health, 1993. Published for the World Bank, Oxford University Press, p. 79.

World wide web: Last accessed 10/4/2014

AGAIN, the link I HIGHLY SUGGEST you take from here to the topic about Crystal Tripp and her cutting edge products, information and support --- along with a good group of people as members in her Facebook group about Dis-Ease Solutions products and purposes is:

Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better~~ Mardy .... and as a PS on that, in cutting edge areas about health or anything where the people are working together and not within The System, the information evolves very rapidly so don't get to thinking something from a few years ago is current the way that mainstream process is where it takes 10 to 20 years to make a step forward! 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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