BEST Enema Recipe Ever!

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Rhonda Maddux
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
Joined: Jan 29 2010
Posts: 1
User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago.

Having suffered with IC, CFS, IBS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain for over a decade, and having to take increasing amounts of narcotic pain medications, antispasmotics and other medications that interefere with normal bowel functioning, a very simple, albeit messy, recipe for an enema was introduced to me during a hospital stay this last year. As you may know, a bowel full of feces can likely increase pain and cause other symptoms such as urinary retention. I posted this recipe used in a teaching hospital in Houston some months back, and it stands tried and true if you are dealing with intractable constipation or fecal impaction. Here is the post, originally put up on Facebook:

During my stay at the hospital for severe pain and anuria over the weekend, it was decided that the reason for the increased pain over four weeks, as well as the inability to void could be from having frequent instances of constipation and fecal impactions (try doing a disimpaction yourself!) There was a thought that there was too much pressure on the bladder and the nerves, so my wonderful, wonderful nurse, Saly, prepared in front of me the BEST enema ever! I wrote it down carefully, and it is very simple. It is also completely natural. It is guaranteed to clean EVERYTHING out. I had two enemas in one day, but only the first one was necessary. Here it is:

BEST ENEMA EVER! The Milk and Molasses Cleansing Enema

240 mls (cc's) of milk any kind, the size of a cafeteria carton of milk, warmed in the microwave for exactly one minute

240 mls of molasses (Grandma's, Blackstrap, or generic)

Mix the warmed milk and molasses together right in the enema bag. The heated milk maked the molasses a little easier to mix. Be SURE you have access to the toilet or bedside commode! Let as much of the enema in, letting it all in over about 3-5 minutes as tolerated. It may be best if you are able to lie down while you get it. Hold as long as possible, at least five minutes. You will not stop going all day, and things will come out that have been in your colon forever. Not a pleasant sight or smell, but boy howdy it beats all! Be prepared to shower. The molasses is sticky. And the great thing is you could probably drink some of this and get similar results!

Pass it on or use it! It REALLY works! It does increase the effects of the enema to take some senna or even colace the day before you try this, but you will probably never leave your house the day of the enema! If you take the senna or colace, which is not a necessary part of this, only and adjunct, you will lose a lot of fuid, so be sure and stay hydrated.


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