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The Cutee-cle Lady
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Frequently
Joined: Jan 15 2010
Posts: 13
User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago.


Hello Fellow Chronic Illness Sufferers...Please allow me to introduce myself...I am The 'Cutee'-cle Lady.
I am going to be helping out our wonderful Mardy when it comes to taking care of your Hands and Feet...specifically those little hard, or sometimes soft, things on the end of them called 'NAILS'.  NO, they are not tools, especially screwdrivers.  I know we all have done that at least I implore you to not do it again.  It can hurt and you still won't get that screw in place tight enough...that's what we have butter knives for.
I am a Licensed Manicurist in the State of Michigan...I have been for over 10 years.  I went to what I consider to be the BEST Cosmotology School in the county. (It shall remain nameless to avoid any unwanted hurt by the other schools that think THEY are the best.)  And I try to keep up with all the latest and greatest lotions, potions, and lacquars out there.
I also have Fibromyalgia, along with several other illness' and that list is long, so I like to intergrate as many natural items as I can into the health of my nails...for example...if you run out of your cuticle oil...olive oil or coconut oil will do in a might go to bed smelling like an olive or a macaroon...but as long as you don't try to eat your fingers in your sleep...You shall be okay.  And speaking of eating...GET THOSE FINGERS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!  NAILS ARE NOT FOOD!!  They are at the end of your fingers to help protect that delicate skin that grows under them.
So, if you have any questions about your nails...either finger or toe...I am the lady you can ask.  If I don't know the answer...I WILL find it for you.
Next week I will start talking about basic nail care.  Please keep checking in on the website, Lumigrate the fan page on Facebook, and Lumigrate-Fibromyalgia fan page also on Facebook.  (Personally, I think that Yenta is da BOMB!  She writes some pretty funny, but pertinate stuff) Oh, and Mardy ain't bad a matter of fact...I think she has a pretty good team of people assembled that can cover just about any topic that comes up.  So keep hitting the website and the fan pages!  Knowledge is POWER!

The Cutee-cle Lady

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