5 Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain; Toni Bernhard, JD's One of Psychology Today's More Read Authors

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Mardy Ross
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I was pleased to see on Facebook today that Toni Berhard's "5 Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain" has already become on of Psychology Today's top-read topics after being posted on Monday of this week. I am not surprised; Toni is an award-winning author, has a fascinating background in terms of having been an accomplished legal professional, and then ended up with a new 'occupation' of writing about having chronic illness, and as her book's title indicated "turning straw into gold". 

I am also not surprised because one half of all Americans are currently diagnosed and realize they have one chronic illness at least, many have multiple illnesses that are chronic. And chronic pain is something a great deal of people experience as well. Naturally, Lumigrate's intention is to provide a host of complementary information from quality sources about chronic illness and pain, as well as how to maintain or have chronic wellness resumed. We use a functional medicine approach, finding the underlying reasons for someone to go from the natural state of wellness to illness, and integrating the conventional and alternative medical strategies which have validity to them, thereby progressing health education for many people who are coming here to learn, increasingly. I hope that we are at an all-time high for illness and pain in the US, and we see it turning around, at least for those who subscribe to the type of strategies we provide at Lumigrate.com. 

As you will see in her article, Toni's been very proactive in the past about trying various alternative medicine approaches, and she points out how diluted things have become on the Internet witih the ease of establishing websites to 'sell things'. That was one of the issues Lumigrate faced when we launched in 2009 which I was ill-prepared for, as in the 'live world' everyone knew who I was if I was working with them, they knew where I worked, they knew the 'validity' of my background and those surrounding me as cross-referring providers. Fortunately, time does tell, and Facebook has been a wonderful place for networking with others, such as Toni, who are valid and solid and are 'worth' your time and energy to read. Perhaps also worth $ to ask for a book for a gift or to treat yourself if it's something you believe will be to the benefit of your body, mind, and spirit that is YOU!                                   

I'm going to encourage you to access PsychologyToday.com generally, and specifically to read Toni's work there. You will see, below, her information to connect with her outside of the platform of PsychologyToday.com, and please make note of a NEW book, scheduled to come out in the fall of 2013. (And the article will appear much more interesting there as they have well-chose photos and Toni's beautiful self smiling at you, etc., but in order to show people what the article 'is about' overall, I've included the full article, below, to encourage you to say 'wow, I should go there'. And "there" is at this link: www.psychologytoday.com/blog/turning-straw-gold/201301/5-tough-choices-you-face-when-chronically-ill-or-in-pain 

Five Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain

Being chronically ill or in pain can feel like a full-time job.


Suffering from chronic pain or illness—or, as is often the case,both—can feel like a full-time job. One reason for this is that we must constantly assess and evaluate if we’re managing our health and our relationships as skillfully as possible. This ongoing decision making makes up a major part of the workload in this full-time job—a position we certainly never applied for!

Here are five tough choices we continually face. There aren’t easy answers to the issues they raise: that’s why they’re tough choices.

1. Do we talk openly about our health problems or do we keep them private?

This is an ongoing tough choice we face whenever we communicate with friends and family, whether it be in person, by phone, by email or even text. If we talk about our health problems, some of them may respond judgmentally or even turn away from us. And even those who don’t turn away may change the way they relate to us. We want to be treated as whole people and as adults, but if we share our health struggles with others, we risk being treated like a shadow of our former self or, even worse, as dependent children.

On the other hand, if we keep quiet about our health issues—perhaps even acting “fake healthy” as I’ve been known to do— we risk leading others to misunderstand what we can and cannot do. In addition, by keeping quiet, we’re passing up the possibility of receiving much needed support—both emotional and practical.

If you’re like me, it can be exhausting, both physically and mentally, to continually assess and decide what you will and what you will not share with others about your health.

2. Do we ignore a new symptom or have it checked out by a doctor?

On the one hand, it’s not good for us emotionally to be overly focused on every little ache and pain in our body. In addition, we may be concerned that if we raise a new symptom, our doctor will think we’re being oversensitive or even a hypochondriac—either of which could affect the quality of care we receive.

But consider this. I read in one of my chronic illness books about a woman who ignored a new symptom because she decided it was best to assume it was related to her chronic illness. She also said that she waited so long to see her doctor because she “didn’t want to bother him.” The new symptom turned out to be stomach cancer.

What to do when a new symptom appears necessitates making another tough choice: wait or act immediately? We have to listen carefully to our body and decide for ourselves. It isn’t easy, that’s for sure.

3. Do we follow our doctor’s treatment plan or do we try alternative and unconventional therapies?

There’s no right or wrong course of action here, but it’s a choice that, for me, has been costly, both to my pocketbook and, at times, to my health. I used to spend hours and hours, utterly exhausting myself, combing the Internet for cures. As I wrote about in my piece “Finding the Health Information You Need on the Internet,” anyone can create a website, set up a payment plan, and ask for your credit card number. Anyone. Treatments-for-sale can be packaged to sound very seductive. People spend thousands of dollars on false cures. I know because I've done it.

On the other hand, I’ve also read about people who’ve been helped by alternative or unconventional treatments, so it may not be wise to decide to disregard them entirely. These tough choices—what to take, what not to take, how to assess the monetary costs, what to tell our doctor about what we’re taking or not taking—also make up a major part of the workload for those of us with chronic health problems.

4. Do we push our body to the limit or do we always play it safe?

Sometimes, the desire to be like healthy people is so strong that we can talk ourselves into pushing our body to do what it cannot reasonably do. About two years ago, my granddaughter Camden was visiting. I was so frustrated by always feeling sick when she was here that I decided to “act healthy.” We have a park next door to our house. I took her there for over an hour, helping her with the slides, pushing her on the swings. I was in a defiant mood: “I’m tired of being sick. I’m just going to act as if I’m healthy.” What I got for my effort was a week of payback with exacerbated symptoms.

On the other hand, I find that if I always play it safe, my body gets so used to the strict regime I put it on that I lose my ability to be flexible at all. For example, if I always nap at noon sharp, then if I’m fifteen minutes late one day, I feel like I’m going to collapse on the spot. So I purposefully mix up the exact time I nap so that my body doesn’t become conditioned to following a rigid schedule. That said, my ability to be flexible has its limits: I don’t have the luxury to just skip the nap.

If it’s possible for you, I recommend a middle path of gently challenging your body now and then so that you don’t fall into a fixed pattern of behavior that underestimates what you might be able to do. But, as with the other tough choices, I find this constant assessing and adjusting, assessing and adjusting to be exhausting in itself, both mentally and physically.

5. Should we aggressively fight to regain our health or should we accept our fate?

Constantly fighting to regain our health is also exhausting, physically and mentally. But the alternative of passively accepting that this is the way we’re going to be for the rest of our lives doesn’t feel like a wise choice either. Again, I recommend a middle path. It took me a while to realize that I could acknowledge and accept my health as it is right now, while at the same time continuing to try to regain the health I had before I got sick. These two courses of action aren’t contradictory.

It wasn’t until I began to accept—without aversion—however I happened to feel on any given day, that I was able to begin looking for ways to enjoy my life again. But an integral part of that life is keeping an eye out for new treatments. And, working to gracefully accept how I feel at the moment, while at the same time continuing to be proactive about my health is…you guessed it—exhausting.

I see that I’ve used the word “exhausting” five times in this piece (not counting its presence in this very sentence!). It’s no surprise that mental and physical exhaustion are the consequences of having to continually assess, evaluate, and choose a course of action while already sick or in pain. My wish for you is that you be as kind to yourself as you possibly can as you struggle with these tough choices.

© 2013 Toni Bernhard

I'm the author of the award-winning How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and their Caregivers. My new book, How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow, will be published in September 2013.

Please join me on FacebookTwitterPinterest. You can also subscribe to my blog—see the choices above my picture on this page.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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