trigger point therapy

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The Why of Your Pain - A Video by Frank Gresham, CTPT, Transcribed for Readability or View Video PLUS Morton's Toe, Pyroluria

Here's a link to guide YOUsers to one of the main topics on Lumigrate that you'd likely find looking in the Forums list of this section -- but just in case, as I wanted to be certain people knew about it when looking in this forum, I'm creating a new topic to simply link you to the chronic pain forum and the topic about Frank Gresham's presentation which I've transcribed for those preferring to read. Or the video's linked to too in terms of his YouTube channel and a list of all his videos is there as well, including the one that this topic is focused on.  read more »

The Why of Your Pain - A Presentation by Certified Trigger Point Therapist Frank Gresham. My Overview

The Why of Your Pain - A Presentation by Certified Trigger Point Therapist Frank Gresham

Frank Gresham is a Certified Trigger Point Therapist (CTPT), and as such, specializes in muscle function. Frank believes, through the training in his specialty of trigger point therapy theory, that muscle dysfunction causes 92% of the pain in the United States. "I get a lot of tough stories about pain -- there are a lot of hurting people out there", he says.  read more »

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