sleep apnea

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Quality of Health Information in Emerging Media for Diet Information Concerning to More Educated, Informed Experts

As Lumigrate YOUsers know, you're likely to find "GRATE" websites here that I've found in my traversing the frontiers I traverse in my work bringing progressive, valid information to Lumigrate, in order to STREAMLINE YOUsers' efforts and increase their odds of getting the best health-changing information. I've had to put on my detective hat AND take out my magnifying glass on this one, though, it ended up being a bit perplexing and a really GRATE example to take YOUsers through.   read more »

Sleepiness Questionnaire: Do YOU Have Sleep Apnea (or Your Patients/Clients for Providers to Use)

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Do YOU Have Sleep Apnea?

How Sleepy Are You?

How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations?

You should rate your chances of dozing off, not just feeling tired.  read more »

TMJ Questionniare: For Patients/Consumers AND Their Providers

Questionnaire to Identify if TMJ Dysfunction is Contributing to Health Problems:

For YOU, the Patient/Consumer AND for Providers to Use with Consumers/Patients/Clients

Make a mark next to, highlight, or if you did not print this, make a list of which of the following apply:

PAIN SYMPTOMS  read more »

Toes Tell a Lot About YOU; Morton's and Hammer Toe, to Plantar Fasciitis, Joint Hypermobility .... TMJ Even!(?

Do YOU remember the ditty we learned to sing as children about the this bone connected to the .. that bone, and the that bone connected to the ...  read more »

The Mouth's a Key to Health -- ADD to Apnea and MORE per Weston A Price --GRATE Resource

This is an excellent website, organization and outstanding overview piece by an ND who is on the board of the Westin A Price Foundation.  Where did I learn about this organization?  At my holistic dentist's office -- Jim Kennedy, DDS, who has contributed some pieces in this forum as well.  I don't believe in 'reinventing the wheel' but in linking/connecting valid, progressive providers and content together at Lumigrate, thereby streamlining everyone's ability to find a really nice complement of information.  And we also throw in some FUN about it, too.  read more »

"Inspiration" difficulties? Breathing as we're 'Used to' MIGHT not be 'Right'!

I'm going to write a little bit about breathing --- from the obvious such as what we see in ads called "Breathe Right Strips" and the products for mucus, advertised by name brand "Mucinex" (which are available by companies in a house/generic that is much cheaper) to things I only learned of the last couple of years and are relatively obscure: Ever hear of osteopaths and dentists that go to The Cranial Academy? They study the huge area that was distilled down and marketed as "Cranial Sacral Therapy", which many people have now heard of.  read more »

Inspiratory Airflow Limitation Common in Women with Fibromyalgia (27 of 28 Studied)

I got up today after having enjoyed a particularly good sleep -- probably because I had a GI 'bug' yesterday and was really wiped out. I took the day off yesterday and watched movies and ended the night with Saturday Night Live.  I woke up today feeling like it was going to take a while to shake off the dreaming and delicious sleep, but within a half an hour I was up and around, feeling rested and restored and grateful for sleeping much better and without medications now read more »

Sleep Apnea from a Good Allopathic Perspective - My Overview from Local Seminar

I attended the local hospital's medical CEU (continuing education unit) this week titled "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Across the Specialties", presented by local physician David Patz.  I learned a lot from it and wanted to do a writeup about it and at least start the conversation and hopefully invite others who know about sleep and sleep apnea specifically to register as users and write here on Lumigrate.  As with anything lately, new research is stretching what the experts previously believed, and it appe  read more »

ZZZZZ, Sleep and Insomnia


Sleep is one of the key components for repairing Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  It is so important to address this issue or the patient will never really recover.

I have a questionnaire that I use to cover the topics with my patients at the clinic, but I'll   read more »

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