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muscle pain
The Pressure Positive company and their 'knobber' products have long been a favorite of mine, though I admittedly have looked at their 'tools' and said 'you could make something like this out of wood for a fraction of the cost. That's the downside of having been handy in the workshop in the past. Having brought up our 'values' and 'thinking' about money by using myself as an example of how we sometimes have to get past that 'practicality', and say 'if this tool reduces my pain, is it worth $XX.00? read more »
I found a REALLY GRATE topic at today about the fascia of the muscles moving our body, which not only contributes to ongoing muscle pain for people (some think if it as 'chronic pain', it actually has a deep connection to the mind/body system. So I wanted to share it with you here. My FAVORITE part of the whole things, which I highly suggest you look at with all the great pictures they have at their website with it, not the stripped down version I have 'transported for you' below, is this: read more »
It was really enjoyable to talk to you. We have been facebooking a lot for a while now, so it was good to finally hear your voice and thoughts on how we can help others in pain. You asked about my path and how I got to where I'm at right now. Here goes: read more »
- 2235 reads
A multi-disciplinary approach to the puzzling and frustrating condition of fibromyalgia can be the best approach to take for both the patient with fibromyalgia and the treating health care providers. Many patients naturally go down a path seeing multiple health care providers that specialize in conventional medicine and more "natural healers" that offer complimentary care. In some circumstances the conventional medical approach is not helpful enough, and improved health and function starts to happen when the pa read more »
- 5532 reads