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MardyRita? MardyTini? ORGANIC too?

I spent the first part of my adulthood in Fort Collins, Colorado, famous for three things: Colorado State University, Fat Tire (and other craft) beer (New Belgium Brewery is in Fort Collins, they were working out of their home once upon a time as I do now!.. and now look at 'em!) AND being the home of the #1 user of Cuervo Gold Tequila in the United States, at the local watering hole named "The Rio Grande".    read more »

Dr. Paula King Using a Lemon to Show Power of Mind

The power of the mind was brilliantly and quickly shown to me with 'the lemon exercise' in the late 1990s when going to work for an innovative driving rehabilitation program. The owner had been a top-rated/ winning race car driver who had gotten into some 'outside the box stuff' to increase his performance and he attributed it whole-heartedly to his successes in racing. He then, tragically, had a daughter die in a car crash when 16 when a passenger with a peer, when on on a date.  read more »

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