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Lady Gaga
Celebrities help more than almost anything I know in helping people to "connect" with a condition. "My father died of Lewy bodies disease, that's what Robin Williams was found to have on autopsy but was, like so many, mis-diagnosed with Parkinsons, which perhaps had a lot to do with how his life ended as it did" I will say to people and see them 'connect' when I mention someone they "know" who they heard about having something, in this case Lewy bodies. Or, "My mother, I believe, was missed diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the vascular read more »
On Friday I ran into a friendly colleague at the health food store (Vitamin Cottage/ Natural Grocers which has a link from the "Products" tab here at and we both had time to go get nourishment via food, drink, and conversation, and since she hadn't seen me for a while she said 'I notice you're needing your hair colored .... read more »