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Fish Oil
Sadly, I once again heard and read in the mainstream media about new medical research findings being reported on about nutrition and it's supplementation, this time fish oil increasing the risk of prostate cancer, that made me say " Wha'? -- 'they' are at it again, I bet! read more »
- 1490 reads
I post this today, Memorial Day, in honor of all the veterans who have served our military, in this moment or in all of history. I also know from my work in recent years which has focused on chronic illness and chronic wellness, and why increasing numbers of people have slipped from our natural state of "chronic wellness" into "chronic illness", that those who serve/served in our military in 'modern times' have high rates of chronic illness. read more »
I've been following with interest what I can see at Lumigrate about what people are tuning in to hear and read about, plus talking with Mardy related to what information we can provide that is of most help to people. It seems there are two tracks of people when it comes to supplements -- those who are in overall good health and wanting to maintain that, and those who have specific health concerns who then benefit from additional items.
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- 2219 reads
Unless you have about $500,000 worth of testing equipment in your kitchen, you are not ever going to be able to determine how purified an EPA/DHA concentrate is. The term “pharmaceutical grade” may be on a label but there is no standard definition of that term. The supplement industry can put anything on a label as long as they don’t promise to cure or prevent a particular disease. The key watch words are “buyer beware”. read more »