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drug abuse
St. Patrick's Day was yesterday and I had to chuckle at the information I was watching on television from the author of the current bestselling book Grain Brain, David Perlmutter, MD. His message strongly reinforces everything we've had for the five years since Lumigrate launched in March of 2009, and carries it orders of magnitude further in terms of focusing on things related to the brain and grains that have gluten in them. AND things that drive the blood sugar up and down and around. Ever heard of 'glycemic index'? read more »
I happened to catch this interventionist, Brad Lamm, on a daytime wellness show and 'tuned in' because of the simplistic way he was speaking and demonstrating eating addictions and changes. Then he talked about when someone eats out of boredom, and said 'break down what boredom is though'......... his
. So.... read more »
Whitney Houston's funeral is on my television as I write this today. I hope my words, the distillations of my thoughts and feelings, will help someone who reads them. Many of the areas of the forums 'speak to' this seeming tsunami we have have experienced recently of musicians dying from misuse of prescription drugs and/or alcohol and other drugs. I have never attended a service like her funeral, but have always enjoyed gospel music; I've been a long-time fan of soulful and bluesy music. read more »