I think since it's the first days back for people after a 3 day weekend with holiday and all the eating and enjoyment that came with, it's best we all just ease into the week and realize it's the last week of 2009 and maybe not expect too much from ourselves. What do you think? I know I thoroughly enjoyed the food for the last four days and having the opportunity to spend time with family. I've just been reviewing what few entries we've had in the Forum area at Lumigrate.com over the holiday -- was glad to see people were occupied! I'm really inspired by what I see going on in the Forum area at Lumigrate.com -- people contributing such wonderul insights and feedback and interaction, it just is something that makes me very proud and then also reach a bit deeper and check to be sure I'm sharing as is most helpful to myself and others. So to all who have written there, here's to YOU!
I saw some people this holiday season who hadn't seen me in over a year and it's kind of like watching a kid growing -- if you don't see them for a while you REALLY notice the growth. Many people following Lumigrate know that I've been getting better for the last half of a decade, after five years or so of really being quite in a bad way. I saw in one of the Forum areas a woman had written that she had seen family who frustrated her by saying 'you don't look sick' -- she figured they maybe were trying to be encouraging and it sounded as though it was frustrating to her because it is so clear to her how she feels unwell (pain/ low energy fibromyalgia). In retrospect with my family I would guess they talked a lot to each other about how I looked, maybe didn't want to make me aware of how concerned they were or that they noticed --- but then once it was 'in the rear view mirror' it was okay to say it. I realize that I needed to do a better job than I did in the past having the conversation and leading it perhaps, but on the other hand I didn't know all I do now, and my head was pretty fuzzy --- I recall really feeling like I just was drugged and not able to put thoughts together too well -- it just took too much energy.
So it was REALLY nice on Christmas: I felt the best gift was just that my Dad was here this year, as he is older and has had some very significant health issues surface in the last year or ten. He told my brother in law on Christmas that the best present he had was seeing me just BE so much better -- that he felt I was back to my old self. I had just seen my family at Thanksgiving as well and since then had a session with a 'cranial osteopath' who I want to write more about once I have the schedule back together for writing properly, as I want to be sure that I get her information correct. I hope that in future years there are many families talking about how much better their family member is as well, and that Lumigrate can continue to be part of that process and solution.
Everyone is aware I have a new business and asks about it, which is nice. It was very nice to have had such interesting and big news such as an invitation and funding for a segment in the Chronic Pain Educational Documentary Series, and then to return to nice conversation in the room about people's lives and then hear one of the older relatives say that he made a list to take to his surgeon of questions about his back surgery -- things like 'does snowblowing count as the kind of exercise such as walking you're telling me to do .. it has an electronic starter?' (which we all thought was funny!)(we're Coloradoans after all!). And then he said the list was messy so he typed it up on the computer, printed TWO COPIES and took one to the doctor, who asked if he could keep it. "Now, why would he want to keep that, do you suppose Mardy" his wife asked me -- and in the mean time I had felt like I'd had the best confirmation of the day that what Lumigrate.com is doing with patient education and asking patients to start taking initiatives for helping their doctors learn how to 'do health care better' was 'right on'.
If you haven't, recently, please look at the You model on the Lumigrate.com home page. And I was waiting for the dust (or snow) to settle in order to pass along the compliment to the artist, my friend from the real world long ago here in Colorado, Greg Mann.... One of our followers took the time to write on facebook about how perfect the drawing is -- I'd hoped Greg would see that when it was on facebook but he has a busy season with the holidays and arting up with world around him. So, Greg -- may that be a Holiday Greeting from Lumigrate and from me, just as it was for my dad to see me like my old self again (as about 10 years ago we both thought I might not outlive him!), for me to enjoy him this year for a Colorado Christmas, and for me to hear of a family member 'doing' what I truly thought the public was ready to embrace with their health care, as evidenced by a savvy family member.
I might add those particular people have suffered more loss than anyone else I know, and when I returned home to review the website and figure out where to start things for this last work/week of 2009, I saw one of the grandest women along for our ride since back to summer and what she revealed in the Crying Closet of the Fibromyalgia Forum --- about all the things that have happened to her yet why was it that NOW she is crying? I don't know that I or we adequately have the answers yet on Lumigrate.com but I do hope that she and others read what I wrote in the Psychology Forum about letting go of blame/shame and to getting to 'okay'. I was so very pleased to see someone commenting 'I'm sorry that has happened to you'... which is, if you read my piece in the psychology area, exactly what the expert I heard speak had said a person needs to hear at such a time. So isn't that nice -- I got to be enjoying some family time and regrouping a bit and people who had time were able to come in so wonderfully and write and comment and move the discussion along for themselves and others.
I'd like to mention that in the week before this Food Fest, I had spoken with a couple of really neat and wise women who have written books related to fibromyalgia and food/nutrition and am VERY MUCH looking forward to getting more discussions going when I review the books. Angela Barakat and Deirdra /Dee Rawlings, ND (etc.. lots of initials after her name) -- please go to the forum area for Angela's links and I would guess Dee will get hers deposited soon as well. Right now, I'm having to say I enjoyed the 4 day food fest and am looking forward to getting back to my normal eating ... and learning more from them. And from Ilene Spector, DO, who provided my Dad with the best part of his Christmas.
To ALL who study, think , write and communicate (and treat patients), THANK YOU.... and I look forward to a year from now and seeing what is here at Lumigrate.com and where I am. zoom zoom
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate [1] and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
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[2] http://www.lumigrate.com/blog/you-dont-look-sick-eye-roll-you-look-good#comment-315
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Mardy dawlink,
Funny you should bring this up. On the days I feel like drekk (Yiddish for garbage) I'll put on make up and dress in bright clothing. These things change my outward appearance, yes, so no one knows how I maybe feeling inside and it can also change my demeanor. There are times maintaining a positive attitude is too much work. Thanks be to G-d, that doesn't happen to often.
So I was in the supermarket here and ran into someone from Temple and we were talking and the typical things come about in conversation... How's the family... Have you heard about so and so... vistaych? Then she starts telling me about her doctor visits. In one week she went to four doctors! FOUR! And there it is... It's 57 degrees outside, she's wearing her fur coat in the supermarket (we were in frozen foods so I understand), she's in full make up, hair is perfect, nails are manicured (I need that phone number), her teeth were perfectly white and YET...
My husband just said, "Yenta, even trains come to stop!" So here's where I'll stop. You never know who you're talking to, what they maybe going through, how they maybe feeling, what they may want to tell you but can't.
"All aboard?"
Your Yenta
Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with Lumigrate.com through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at http://www.lumigrate.com/forums/health-issuesdis-eases/fibro... [3] and can also be found on facebook.
Hi Mardy...wonderful blog as usual...and as usual...I am just now getting caught up...I am always a few days behind...
I am constantly getting the 'You don't look sick' routine...especially when I am at church...When I am going to church...I always try to look my best...nice clothes...full make-up...hair done just so...nails perfect...because my thinking is...I may be sick but I don't want to look sick...but people can always tell...you want to know how? My eyes...I may have a smile on my face...my makeup just so...but my eyes...they always rat me out. And what is surprising to me is, my friends really, REALLY, want to know how I am doing. And sometimes they even ask if they can help me out by cooking a meal or taking the kids for a couple of hours. I love my friends...sometimes they are more perceptive than my family...maybe it is because they don't see me everyday. My darling hubby didn't even notice the 20lb weight loss...I had to bring his attention to it...but that is okay...he still loves me.
Anyway...here's hoping that 2010 brings GRATE things to our lives...healing...and whatever else we can think of.
Thank You Mardy for putting this site together...I am constantly going back to find things that people have posted or written cause, as you know, Fibro Fog can get the best of us.
Tammy Cedo