Thank you for visiting this topic. Please enjoy the show as you get to see drafty work being pulled together. Once completed, the credit will be in a box like this to acknowledge who supported the time involved to provide the information at Lumigrate. Thanks to YOUsers who come read, as it's due to read numbers that allow me to pitch ideas to sponsors -- which are consumers as well as providers of products and services. ~ Mardy
ProudMama (a consumer and personal friend of mine for a long, long time)
ProudMerry (a consumer and new friend of mine)
Crystal Tripp of Dis~Ease Solutions
I ask people who recognize that providing this information has been a full time endeavor, who are able, be willing to help in return. (I utilized extensive personal funds to have Lumigrate become part of the Internet, independent, truth information, and to continue "on the path" continuing to stay abreast. I ask anyone who can to help by giving to me, and in return, if you want, you'll get individualized information, assistance, and support from me. And if you just wish to think of it as 'giving like a donation', that's great too!)
PayPal is the primary means at this time.
PayPal link is: [1] (or you can use my name or phone number, above, too)
I prefer people contact me by telephone.
My phone (and I text) is ----- 970 as area code, 462 is the prefix, and 8662 are the last four.
My address is: Mardy Ross; Call and I can provide, Grand Junction, CO 81501
I'm on Facebook (Mardy Ross) and Messenger. I will respond. If I don't, CALL.
If you must, my email is mardy dot poppins at yahoo dot com but I do not check that daily.
Thank you for 1) Being a YOUser at Lumigrate if you've accessed this topic. 2) Giving if you will take the time, energy and have the funds and are so inclined. 3) Letting others know of the resource for information AND a place they can give if interested in helping us to help YOU! (the overall). ~ Gratefully, Mardy
Got nanotechology in that milk? Your supplements?
Saying "nano" fast with another nano reminds me of Mork and Mindy, the hit show that I fondly remember watching at college, gathering into a totally packed recreation lounge in my 2,000 resident dormitory at Colorado State University. I was in the first of my eighteen years until I finally graduated with a college degree -- a bachelors of science in occupational therapy. Thankfully that one was the only on-campus living I experienced.
I did not matriculate for all of those years, as ten of them I was working full time as the administrative liaison / assistant for an air quality research project, or being the reception area "central person" for those seeking the health education department at the student health center. That included the nutritionists, a counselor dealing with eating disorders, and the drug and alcohol education program.
And I'm admitting here and now that I've been challenged since creating Lumigrate, and using Facebook from 2008 until present, to keep up with some of the information about things affecting our well-being. I'm inspired by many people who have great minds for learning and detective work, and who are motivated to solve the problems, out the lies, and bring solutions to people. Those contributing to bring this NEW topic to Lumigrate, I tip my hat and thank you!
I believe the combination of having a home schooling type of mother before that was something people typically did (thought I went to public school and she began teaching there) and a scientist type of father, who was "on the spectrum" quite far towards "autism", contributed to why Lumigrate is here. And therefore you are as well. He had and instilled OCD-type standards of conduct with a focus on academics which was a "meant to be" foundation for my work today.
Then 13 years of public school to graduate high school on time (and in the top quarter of my class if you went by GPA, due to underdiagnosed and untreated learning disabilities, really staggeringly negligent on everyone's part) -- also a learning experience. The show South Park is loosely based on the schools I attended if that helps you envision what I endured.
Then my attendance at a major US public education institution, during the years they were promoting alcohol and other drug consumption. The 2,000 person dorm had, every Friday afternoon, scheduled floors having kegs of 3.2 beer. One of my dorm friends, an average sized woman, was first to turn 21 and attempt the idea my hangout social group had come up with to celebrate 21st birthdays -- doing 21 shots of whatever alcohol they wished.
She got to 15, peppermint syrupy drink was her choice. And this was not an "unusual" party that week, really. Though she got a little more disinhibited than I'd seen her before. The only one of us who ever got into any trouble for ETOH (alcohol) was me, believe it or not.... for carrying a pitcher of beer we'd gotten from a nearby, off-campus party and being spotted with it going from the gang leader's vehicle to the dorm. "Hey blondie -- with the yellow jacket....." All I had to do was pour it out, and we were off the hook. With no beer to continue on in the dorm.
The next year, or two I'd turn 21 and go out for a drink with my coworker and her older friends, to an upscale restaurant with a lovely patio. My almost-22 year old pal's mother sent me flowers that day to my home. Our formative years and connections formed can last a lifetime. I was studying at the kitchen table, the door open to the warm spring air and sunshine, my 8x35 foot travel trailer soon to be replaced when I saw a 10x50 foot mobile home go for sale by a graduating engineering student. Who was marrying an occupational therapist, which is how I learned of "my future degree and profession" within the mainstream, allopathic medical system.
That friend had a gift for people and right brained things, and not so much sciences. We're still in fairly close contact. To this day, learning the kind of information presented in this topic is not her forte, and she is not alone in that! She recently said to me her mind is not open to something I'd suggested, but she knows the door is there to open someday if she feels differently. Many are really very content in mainstream information and life, and get unnerved by going outside those boundaries.
As our brains are afflicted and affected by what I just generally call "the stuff", until you get more into the details, our ability to focus and attend diminishes, and our ability to learn and retain goes down the same negative trajectory. So glean what you can, take your time, realizing you'll need more time to study than you would otherwise and you'll still only feel like you kinda get it.
Also, I want those of you reading this, Lumigrate YOUsers I call you, to be familiar with what are called "citizen journalists" and "citizen scientists". Citizen historians, and so on.
Essentially, since the military - medical - industrial - etcetera "complex" has hold of all the mainstream media businesses (and their employees), the Internet has fostered many citizens who are doing their work to "do good" and present information to seekers. I unwittingly became one of them with Lumigrate, getting an idea in 2007 that turned into a reality by spring of 2009.
I began with bona fide, credentialed experts on, some of the very top people in my city, all with a "D" in the initials after their names. I live in a little known medical hub of health reform in the United States, I believe, Grand Junction, Colorado. As time went on, I connected to experts around the US and world by focusing on using Facebook when it was booming and strong -- waxing; Facebook is now waning.
In 2014 I would recognize that I was connecting with citizen researchers who were motivated to get to the bottom of their family's health issues and solve the problems, in many cases saving their lives. And Crystal Tripp was one; we connected in early 2015. She gets the credit for this topic being initially created on Lumigrate, as she provided to me in order for me to provide to YOU, the Lumigrate Yousers reading.
Crystal grew up on a farm on the East Coast of the United States and went to college to study plant science type stuff. She became a park ranger at a state park. She also worked as a bartender to make additional money, and was to find that it was a more honest living than what eventually was asked of her in her uniformed, system-funded job. She also made more money. Some of that time she was a single parent.
I think that was a good thing she tended bar, because she got very good at mixing up things, and as she was working to save her life and her very ill or somewhat ill family members, including a dog, she was underway mixing up concoctions of natural and man-made things that worked!
Her son, who had been as ill as Crystal was, had just said that with all the thousands of dollars of things she had bought to use, many of which worked, she should help others via a business, and then shortly thereafter died in a tragic, unexpected way. Seemingly it was what his life with her was to be about, as she was inspired and fueled by what happened those last years of their time together and the life-changing "solutions" she created for dis-ease. Now, 2-1/2 years later, here we are, and her company's name is official and everything: "Dis-Ease Solutions".
Crystal was sending me links one evening and wanting my opinion about what she'd just found or been sent -- about nanotechnology; you'll see the excerpts of the conversation, below. And now, within a few days, here is the topic I suggested I could create if she'd sponsor it. So thank you, Crystal Tripp and Dis-Ease Solutions, for supporting a fellow citizen educator in working to provide truth to people, I consider you a rising star in citizen health science circles.
This may be the kind of information that seems ridiculous to you. It may be old hat to some. It is almost five years since I became aware. And intrigued. And started learning....and talking with others interested in being less baffled, as well as better prepared to adapt to realities. Our intention is to simply provide YOU with some options to learn from that we think are some of the better ones out there, and YOU decide what you make of it. But in the mean time, I created a lot of setup as an introduction.
I wanted to share what I was very excited to learn of from the astute rising star in disease solutions circles. Figuring this complex stuff out as we are doing online, one connection at a time and in groups, is similar to putting a puzzle together.
Legendary truth journalist and prolific author and speaker educator Jim Marrs uses mosaic art as the analogy in the video I suggest, below when interviewed almost a decade ago by Project Camelot.
I suggest our subtle sponsor of this topic go to just before an hour and nine minutes for the flower example he uses and watch to the very end, as the camera rolled and caught the aftertalk from "that's a wrap". I find helpful to see behind the scenes, as I work to do similarly here at Lumigrate with how I create the topics.
This is what Crystal Tripp said, initially referring to my previous message about whatever I'd written to her about last. She has so many messages, and getting orders taken and getting things out to people is her priority of course, and then she comes back to things like I message her about to learn together more.
I was likely passing along the raves about her products being used now by some people I was able to share with. So here's the conversation:
"ok thank you, Mardy. Want to go on a little trip with me here? May or may not have found an explanation to the fibers.
got a series of links here that kinda link candida to the fibers, what the fibers do, and how they get into us, not sure if I am right but makes sense.
I need ya to stay with me for a sec.
ok, dont go diving into the websites until I finish the short explanation, then I will leave you to read.
What caught my attention was that the candida is used in carbon nanofibers, so, I go down to the reference #20, to see more about nanofibers made from carbon.
If you look up carbon nanofibers alone you can relate it to Morgellons; so these carbon nanotubes are said to be sprayed by chemtrails, when you go into the carbon nanofibers ....Wikipedia, it shows that the nanofibers are made with candida when combined with gold, which may be the mysterious gold specks, deteriorating fibers would leave nothing but the gold and candida inside, to conduct electricity.
Now here are two more links that show the nanotubes studied on pigs, put in through the lungs, to penetrate the lung tissue to encode its DNA used for their ability to penetrate inside the cells, have been used to deliver peptides, proteins, and drugs.
Then she also noted how applying candida to produce grown at ground level could account for what would be found in testing and provide a cover for the massive spraying from aircraft that is a big part of this previously secretive program to do with spraying nanoparticles massively in the air.
I suggested doing this topic with her sponsoring my time to create and enhance what Lumigrate provides online. And she agreed. So with that support I got a new topic underway, and will ask others -- consumers too, of course -- to do the same. Thank you for helping by reading or supporting my efforts.
Let us start with basics -- nanotechnology.
From wikipedia: [2]
And excerpt: Not to be confused with Carbon fibers [3].
Part of a series of articles on |
![]() |
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes of carbon [19] with a cylindrical [43] nanostructure [44]. These cylindrical carbon [45] molecules [46] have unusual properties, which are valuable for nanotechnology [47], electronics [48], optics [49] and other fields of materials science [50] and technology. Owing to the material's exceptional strength and stiffness, nanotubes have been constructed with length-to-diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1,[1] [51] significantly larger than for any other material.
In addition, owing to their extraordinary thermal conductivity [52], mechanical, and electrical [53] properties, carbon nanotubes find applications as additives to various structural materials. For instance, nanotubes form a tiny portion of the material(s) in some (primarily carbon fiber [54]) baseball bats, golf clubs, car parts or damascus steel [55].[2] [56][3] [57]
Nanotubes are members of the fullerene [12] structural family. Their name is derived from their long, hollow structure with the walls formed by one-atom-thick sheets of carbon, called graphene [58]. These sheets are rolled at specific and discrete ("chiral [59]") angles, and the combination of the rolling angle and radius decides the nanotube properties; for example, whether the individual nanotube shell is a metal [60] or semiconductor [61]. Nanotubes are categorized as single-walled nanotubes [62] (SWNTs) and multi-walled nanotubes [63] (MWNTs). Individual nanotubes naturally align themselves into "ropes" held together by van der Waals forces [64], more specifically, pi-stacking [65].
Applied quantum chemistry [66], specifically, orbital hybridization [67] best describes chemical bonding in nanotubes. The chemical bonding [68] of nanotubes involves entirely sp2 [69]-hybrid carbon atoms. These bonds, which are similar to those of graphite [70] and stronger than those found in alkanes [71] and diamond [72](which employ sp3 [73]-hybrid carbon atoms), provide nanotubes with their unique strength.
This is not a link that Crystal sent me, I found it while editing this topic to make it a very good starting place if someone was unfamiliar with nanotechnology in general.
More Dangerous than GMO's! ~ BioEngineered NanoFoods ~ but Shhh
by channel
Published on August 31, 2015
For over 15 years dangerous and deadly bioengineered NanoFood has been taken (sic) over our commercial and corporate food supplies. Unregualted (sic), untested, Nanotechnology was a$One Trillion dollar market in 2014 while Engineered NanoFoods was said to be at $5.8 Billion in 2012.
The nanotechnology in foods has been found in studies to cause entry into the tissue, blood and brains due to its subatomic particle size.
In rats it was found to enter lungs, liver, kidney and spleen as reactions at the nano size cause unknown reactions due to their incredibly small size.
Shelf life extension on beer, milk, etc., taste bud alterators that trick taste buds, biochips in the food and soil with rfid antennas to track food inside your body as well as many sensory in biosolids (waste) used as fertilizer are just some of the applications. .....
There's more at the information at the video, please read it there, as I wanted to provide the starter information here so you can see why I'm suggesting you go. This citizen scientist has many errors in grammar, spelling, punctiation and has difficulty pronouncing some words as you'll hear, as he's not 'fluid' as you'd be due to overlearning this information he's presenting with more time with it, but I found it a very good overview and worthy of putting here on this topic.
This can be a "deal breaker" to some people seeking information, as well as a hindrance to those bright bulbs who are investigating and wanting to teach, but weren't educated with a "silver spoon in their mouth", so to speak. Just be aware, please, of biases you might have. And then proceed with people you feel are right for you as information providers.
Just think about that, and recognized why I'm elaborating on this, as it is important to consider when picking sources to utilize -- know how YOU scrutinize and decide if that's been programmed into you wittingly or unwittingly, and if you want to continue with that or not.
With more time, Crystal might end up having people take her work and her words and 'her' even, and repackage, that's what public relations and marketing is all about. Bigger organizations have that built in and so what you're comparing to is often a big group effort to make a product and it's labels and packaging and "message".
I had someone helping me in 2009 prepare for a presentation in California, and I was very relieved when we couldn't "rehearse" my presentation due to illness on their part. I never got to see the video of the presentation, but I felt it went well; I suspect it was hushed up by "Big". I'll of course never "know" for sure, the agreements on that come with gags on those they slow and stop.
The current POTUS, Donald Trump, changed how he speaks and acts on camera enormously from the furthest back videos I could find. I suggest people study these things and think about WHY they see changes, if there are changes. And do you want someone who's been coached to be a certain way, or a person who is being their genuine self?
Now, onto links to Natural News and Intelihub as well as Youtube. The basics of strands.
And the afore-mentioned about the use of nanotechnology in pigs. [75]
YouTube about Strands by Cori Gunnels:
Intellihub: [76]
Lisa Haven's interview from 2015 (which I viewed almost at the time it was first on the Internet)(and was so appreciative of as it helped me to open my eyes and look, and my mind and think!
Link to -- Candida (fungus)... and a small excerpt [78]
![]() |
Candida albicans at 200× magnification | |
Kingdom: | Fungi [82] |
Division: | Ascomycota [83] |
Class: | Saccharomycetes [84] |
Order: | Saccharomycetales [85] |
Family: | Saccharomycetaceae [86] |
Genus: | Candida Berkh. [87] (1923) |
Candida vulgaris Berkh. (1923) |
Candida is a genus [89] of yeasts [90] and is the most common cause of fungal infections worldwide.[1] [91] Many species are harmless commensals [92] or endosymbionts [93] of hosts including humans; however, when mucosal barriers are disrupted or the immune system is compromised they can invade and cause disease.[2] [94] Candida albicans [95] is the most commonly isolated species, and can cause infections (candidiasis [96] or thrush) in humans [97] and other animals. In winemaking [98], some species of Candida can potentially spoil wines [99].[3] [100]
Many species are found in gut flora [101], including C. albicans in mammalian hosts, whereas others live as endosymbionts in insect hosts.[4] [102][5] [103][6] [104]Systemic infections [105] of the bloodstream and major organs (candidemia [106] or invasive candidiasis [107]), particularly in immunocompromised patients, affect over 90,000 people a year in the U.S.[7] [108]
The genome of several Candida species has been sequenced.[7] [108]
Antibiotics promote yeast infections, including gastrointestinal Candida overgrowth, and penetration of the GI mucosa.[8] [109] While women are more susceptible to genital yeast infections, men can also be infected. Certain factors, such as prolonged antibiotic use, increase the risk for both men and women. People with diabetes or impaired immune systems, such as those with HIV, are more susceptible to yeast infections.[9] [110][10] [111]
Candida antarctica is a source of industrially important lipases [112], while Candida krusei [113] is prominently utilised to ferment cacao [114] during chocolate production.
And the aforementioned link to Youtube via Project Camelot interviewing Jim Marrs. [115]
Jim Marrs: The Rise of the Fourth Reich In America Laughlin, Nevada, February 2009 [116] Jim Marrs - an amiable Texan with twinkling eyes and a mind like a steel trap - is a veteran researcher and speaker on all topics connected with the agenda of the New World Order. Project Camelot is proud to add him to our strong cadre of witnesses. The books that Jim has authored represent his range of interests clearly: Crossfire (about JFK), Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, The Terror Conspiracy, PSI Spies, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, and Above Top Secret. Jim's broad span of research encompasses Egyptian and Sumerian mythology, Nazi technology, the ET presence, modern geopolitical analysis, the power of the military-industrial complex, the Illuminati, and what one might call the real history of the twentieth century. Jim sees the big picture clearly, has great command of detail, and is one of the strongest speakers on the lecture circuit today. The title of this video - The Rise of the Fourth Reich in America - tells its own story, and in this 75 minute interview Jim lays out the compelling and disturbing evidence that while most people thought the Second World War ended in 1945, the Nazis were never stopped in their agenda - which can only be understood when one considers how they were assisted in coming to power by those Controllers who plan in terms of generations... not terms of government office. To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at
(Note from Mardy, they split long ago and Project Camelot remained with Kerry Cassidy, she's said in a recent interview he's quite off the grid in another country and they correspond via email sparsely).
For those who like stories and knowing what's behind the scene ......
The cornerstone of Lumigrate is our YOU! Model. It has been from day one, and still is!
I encourage YOU reading to stop and think about who you have on your team for health information and products and such. Who would make it better? Who is not helping so much, or harming and may be best to no longer be included?
I've been working with people and this model since 2007 when it came about out of a collaboration with the neurologically focused psychologist in the building I was "practicing in" as a registered occupational therapist (OTR). I was a complex patient at that time, and my providers all were local and had D of some sort after their names, or so I'd originally think. They I'd realize the massage therapist, and the facial esthetician were really helping me find symptoms which I'd then talk to the people with Ds after their names about. The massage therapist was actually instrumental in my thyroid condition being concerning enough to make a "whole deal about", and finally, I was underway with supplementing and then reversing the reason for it to be deficient.
So, as you see, I found there were some very helpful and knowledgeable people out there who have helped me as much as anyone, and they were with less formal education. The Internet has created a massive shift in how seekers get help AND become part of helping. It brings me back to my last year as an OT.
Our first complex patient with pain, fatigue, and an injured brain other than from 'concussion' had excelled due to our getting three of us in the building helping her (psychology, PT, and me/OT, and really because of my unique background and not being "the usual OT"). Weekly, I'd meet with her ,and we'd talk about what we were doing collaboratively to help her improve and reach her goals for functioning and having a decent life.
This was all insurance-based, and she was fortunate to be able to afford the copays, as she had also been able to afford many things outside of mainstream which had helped her get to the point where she was -- having a massage and the therapist knowing of me.
She'd taken action to get a referral from her MD -- one you have to pay for out of pocket. Ironically, he was my first MD in the area, and had continued to be helpful at times to me.
From this patient's successes, the psychologist had renewed interest in the baffling condition called "fibromyalgia" and talked me into taking the risk of stepping on BigMedicine's toes by starting an education group in the building with him to help us as providers to better figure out what we could do to help the patients in the community we serve. It was a unique concept to have a group that was for providers and the consumers, both.
The YOU! model was to come from one of our planning meetings -- once a week we used one of our hours and met to put this together. In mainstream medicine using an hour for something 'unbillable' has to be really important. Some offices won't allow it. We worked for ourselves so, we did it.
On summer solstice 2017 we had our first meeting. He and I invited select patients who were doing well from having worked with us so far -- and it was very successful to bring these experienced consumers to the mix and suggest they could contribute in teaching us something, as well as the other way around.
Dr. Psychology (Christ Young) had a patient who owned a used book store. One day she came in with a book and placed it in front of me -- "I'd like your opinion on this book", she said. I would take it with me and place it on my desk in my office, and opened it the next time I was on the phone, on hold with a doctor's office, as I recall. I REALLY liked the book. Looking to see who wrote it, I was blown away to see MY OLD DOCTOR from Denver from 1997 was the author! How far he'd gone!
I remember when he learned of IV nutrition, called Myers Cocktails, and tried them on me. Now, a decade later, I was seeing a long-ago published book with the "recipe"information printed right there for anyone to read and perhaps do. And I learned from this! I learned of this from a consumer! A very, very smart, savvy consumer who owned a used book store and lived on not much money, using Medicaid, and unable to attend after that due to husband's end of life and passing.
I would loan that book to the new compounding pharmacist and the MD opening up an innovative medical center across from each other in a shopping area, and they would go on to serve the consumers in our area their specialty mixed liquid nutrition learned about from that book, and my passing it on!
IV procedures "outside the box" such as IV nutrition, ozone therapy, and so on are, can be great if you can afford them and have access. I am pleased i was part of bringing something that helped me save my career and wellness a decade before to others. But are there less expensive and more natural way to reverse symptoms? And what really is going on to cause so much chronic illness?
I kept trying to find solutions and information. And smart, insightful, sincere people to learn with and improve my understanding, and then the content at Lumigrate. Gradually, the mix went from 99% professionals to 50/50%.
I wanted to include this important aspect of my history within this topic and give credit to the very important group that lead to my creating and your being here today. And that first patient that inspired the group, who has, I sadly learned, passed. To say the ending of the story of Helen was sad for me would be an understatement, but I worked to understand what happened in the end (and throughout), and anyone in the future using me or Lumigrate for information will benefit from it.
Today I am not a medical provider as I was on that early January day in 2007 -- I leaped from mainstream to being an education provider on Leap Day 2008. Lumigrate launched almost on this day in 2009! So it is with extreme pleasure I announce that this thread is being supported by consumers and providers contributing to fund my time and efforts.
I had found many of the best, most helpful people to me in recent years with the cutting edge information I was trying to figure out had come from my studying "Morgellons Disease" in 2014 and 2015 (and I created topics on Lumigrate). "Mold" too. "Lyme disease" also.
I'd had many baffling things occur with my skin -- but it was from long strands that wafted in the air, if they got on my skin. Particularly if they were rubbed in. I'm a Colorado native, and was living near the Utah border since 2003, and this was new.
The year was 2013. The grass in my neighborhood was not greening up that summer and they were watering it excessively -- to the extend my feet would literally splash when I walked on the night of July 31. I was taking photographs of the sky because we'd been absolutely inundated with chemtrail spraying aircraft -- notice I say aircraft and not airplanes.
I'd had a health relapse. I had a red eye for months (it began in May), and I saw the chemtrailing start on June 1, flying in a zig out, zig back (converging / diverging) pattern. It was a Saturday evening when I saw them. I recall that as I grabbed my camera "those conspiracy theorists aren't crazy, I was for not looking into this before now".
My topic from back then is on Lumigrate. Here's the link:
It was the beginning of my going into the proverbial rabbit hole. I'd exit in the summer of 2014, having exhausted my funds and having the inclination to not give up on getting to the bottom of things. I would have connected with a lot of people focusing on information about chemtrails and geoengineering, and one was Cori Gunnells, who lived in Arizona.
I recall we were talking via messages initially before I knew she had been a social worker in hospitals, and I offered to help in any way I could when finding out she was with her mother passing at the time, with hospice's involvement. It seemed like a blessed thing to be able to fill someone's time by chatting. I understood; my father had passed similarly in 2010.
I started selling my things and downsizing, and eventually became 'Mardy PopIns', which I continue to do today. It allows me to work with those I feel are right to help, and to have the time to continue to provide information on Lumigrate which is right for Lumigrate. Truth, or as close as we can get to it.
By Christmas Eve 2014 my computer had moved to the first house I was to be at as Mardy PopIns, and on Christmas Day, in a very high level learner group focused about Morgellons and other overlapping chronic conditions (MS, autism) I would see a patent trail, as I call it, that convinced me that I was seeing something major going on. It was basically about patents for chemicals and the documentation to sufficiently support the use of the chemicals for an array of our most common health issues.
The chemicals were for things similar to a chemical in a very popular and obtainable veterinary medicine for parasites. There's a version for tropical fish, too. Fenbendazole is the chemical.
The group was a rabbit hole unto itself. And in the spring, along came the sponsor of this topic, who was simply seeking solutions to dis-ease for herself and her family.
We were Facebook friends, and then we just didn't keep in touch. 2014 went by. 2015. And then in 2016 I saw her in a group making a comment. We reconnected, and she had a group about products she was working on refining to help solve the dis-ease of people. Morgellons disease was part of what she was working on because the people are in such torment, but she saw the "overlapping conditions". Parkinsons. Dystonia. Movement disorders in general. Cognitive impairment. Vision problems. Weight gain. Weight loss. Hair loss. Gum / tooth loss, oral health. It went on....
She asked me to participate, but I had to travel to care for dogs and a house for the summer -- being Mardy PopIns to dogs was as much a part of things as people. O'Rio was the dog, but his former owner would just be going into a health collapse, come out and realize dogs were a contributor to symptoms. So he became my dog in the fall of 2017.
I would plug back in with Crystal when I returned, and got caught up at the primary house I was helping at that time (O'Rio's former house). That house was a "meant to be" living laboratory for me, and I would communicate regularly with Crystal Tripp, the up and coming "provider of disease solutions".
I'd take photos of the strands that I saw around, and discuss her experiences on the East Coast and with her illness symptoms, and those of her family members. She was a wildcrafter, and was out seeing her lovely and beloved plants in a different way than I would view plants.
We'd put our heads together a lot! But I was seeing things out west that were like nothing she was seeing there. I fortunately caught the video that Cori put out about strands being seen en masse in Arizona. Stories circulated about spiders falling from the sky and people were lead to believe these things were spider webs. I didn't buy it. But then I'd talk with someone in person where I lived who had felt the strands landing on their arms. They would look and see tiny spiders on their arms, too, or what they presumed were spiders. So do some have something attached to them? Others do not?
One of my Facebook friends, who was from the New Jersey area, had said he was a child in the early 1960s in the Phillippines with the US military presence there. One day the weblike stuff was all over the foliage and they were told it was to do with a fuel additive the military was experimenting with. It would do no harm, no worries, he recalled they said. Kids being kids, he said they put it in their mouths -- and nothing harmful seemed to happen.
So the issue of the long, wafting strands, and what they were, and how it fits in with what has been occurring with some people's well-being, increasingly more recently, was something our thought-full sponsor of this thread had kept thinking about.
And yesterday, as I settled in to read a book at the recreation center -- where, in 2013 I'd met up with that first patient who inspired the education group in 2007, and had her pose for pictures, as she lived in the community, my phone told me I had a message via Facebook. It was Crystal. And here we are....
So I hope you have appreciated this backstory, because some might look at us as two long haired women of average age 50-ish, who have some undergraduate education and what do we know!? And that's fine if you're going to discount this information because of credentials such as mainstream provides.
But if you are truly seeking solutions to health issues, I suggest YOU surround yourself with providers who are doing their best and sincerely working on behalf of helping YOU and all who can be helped by our collaborations, products, education and support. And thank those of us who are providing by lending support, buying products, and of course, telling others!
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: [117] and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!